Tell us what game(s) you are currently playing at the moment. I'm playing through Pokemon Crystal version, it's been years since I played through this game. Unfortunately it's on a emulator, but my girlfriend owns the game in real life. I just need to replace the save battery in the cart though... :V
Not really much of anything at the moment. I occasionally go back to Mega Man 2, but that's about it for now.
I'm currently working my way through Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Tales of Xillia and playing a little Final Fantasy XIV on the side since I'm a legacy member (don't think I'll sub).
I have a few games I'm playing through and no time to really play any of them. I'm playing through Pokemon Black in preparation for X/Y, Mega Man 7 and X3 as part of a run through of the entire Mega Man series, and on the PC end of things I'm all over the place with League, Blacklight, Tomb Raider and Skyrim. OH AND PAY DAY2! Man I'm loving that game.
League of Legends, Xenogears, a little bit of Oddworld: Abe's Odyssey. I was doing a
Let's Play on twitter for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker but got distracted. I'll probably start it back up again now that school is in session along with a few others once I finish that.
I've been playing a Sonic 1 Hack that's been ported to the Sega Cd. It's pretty interesting and difficult at the same time, and very impressive from a technical standpoint. :)
Ratchet and Clank: A crack in time. This isn't as easy as Tools of Destruction was :?
I'm in a WayForward mood today so I've been playing through Mighty Switch Force. I love their development style. :D
Quote from: MechaGSI'm in a WayForward mood today so I've been playing through Mighty Switch Force. I love their development style. :D
I played through MSF (Wii U version) a while back and loved it. I hope MSF's idea of familiar 2D platforming mixed with original gameplay mechanics is something that is exemplified throughout their portfolio.
As for games I'm playing, there's Mega Man 9, Pok?mon Black 2, Crash Bandicoot 1, Fire Emblem Awakening, and Zelda: Skyward Sword.
Finished Half-Life 2: Episode One today, also playing Megaman 9, and occasionally Shining in the Darkness (lol) and Touhou 14.
Quote from: Nubobot42Touhou 14
Sorry, I'm unclear on what Touhou 14 is at this point. I looked it up and it looks like a shump? If so, how can I get it cause I love shumps. :P
Quote from: MechaGSQuote from: Nubobot42Touhou 14
Sorry, I'm unclear on what Touhou 14 is at this point. I looked it up and it looks like a shump? If so, how can I get it cause I love shumps. :P
The canon (1, 2, [...], 14) Touhous are all bullet hell shmups, only the spinoffs fits other genres. I kinda love Touhou a lot, it's my favorite shmup series, you should give it a try. :D
Quote from: Nubobot42Quote from: MechaGSQuote from: Nubobot42Touhou 14
Sorry, I'm unclear on what Touhou 14 is at this point. I looked it up and it looks like a shump? If so, how can I get it cause I love shumps. :P
The canon (1, 2, [...], 14) Touhous are all bullet hell shmups, only the spinoffs fits other genres. I kinda love Touhou a lot, it's my favorite shmup series, you should give it a try. :D
Do you have a link? I'm having trouble finding them? :D
Is it no problem posting links here? Cause they only sell in Japan Comikets, but you really can't find it legally here, just by searching in torrent sites or things like this... :s
Quote from: Nubobot42Is it no problem posting links here? Cause they only sell in Japan Comikets, but you really can't find it legally here, just by searching in torrent sites or things like this... :s
Ahh I see, better not too link it then. :)
I'll keep my eyes open for them though!
Katawa Shoujo; because I'm weird, and my laptop doesn't run rome 2 =(
While i'm still playing Crystal version I'm also playing Teen Titans for the GBA. I love that game, I've finished it in the past but I feel like playing through it again. xD
Elsword, Heroes Go.Blast Breaker and Closers when it comes out. Sonic Colors cuz i really want to get super sonic.
Currently playing Resident Evil: Revelations and Monster Hunter 3U.
Is Revelations any good? I haven't had a chance to grab it yet. I love MH3U though, I just need to play it more. :D
I just started it a few days ago, and kept dying to the first boss haha.... Plus its my first RE game ^^; I heard its about a 8-10 hour campaign, but I'll probably beat it at around 10+ hours XD. But so far, I'm liking it a lot. MH3 is pretty awesome, I picked it up mid August and trying to finish up the village quests.
Sounds good, I'll pick Revelations up when I've got some extra time and money. :D
I am currently playing forums games. Hmm, forums games is better than some others games.
My friend Dave and I are playing through Kingdom Hearts 1.5, it's so nostalgic!
Quote from: Jay CXenogears,
Have you played that before?
I've gone back to playing tales of Xillia. It's been a few weeks but really enjoying myself again. :D
Quote from: D-structmanMy friend Dave and I are playing through Kingdom Hearts 1.5, it's so nostalgic!
I want to play the KH 1.5 remake. Doesn't come out here until Friday though and I don't think I'll be able to get it for a few weeks. :(
I really want KH 1.5 (even though I beat KH1 only a few months ago, I REALLY hope they added the ability to skip cutscenes in KH1 HD as having to watch the same cutscene over and over after being killed by the last few bosses over and over drove me insane, then again I gave the game a standing ovation during the credits so maaaaaaaybe it wasn't so bad) but I'm saving up for Mighty No. 9 and Pok?mon X, so I'll likely have to get it for Christmas.
Quote from: WeejusI REALLY hope they added the ability to skip cutscenes in KH1 HD as having to watch the same cutscene over and over after being killed by the last few bosses over and over drove me insane.
They did :lol:
A week ago I started playing Ape Escape 2 and 3, (After waiting over a decade my brother finally let me play aka buy his PS2 (To which I also had to find and buy the games as he hates all games except sports games, bluh)) but I beat them both 100% within a few days so... that's not exactly current. I'm still checking up on Animal Crossing: New Leaf a few times a day, and just today started Megaman Zero Collection again.
I still need to beat Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance and Kid Icarus: Uprising. I also got the Bioshock Infinite DLC season pass like a month ago so I still have that to do. Sometimes I need to calm down over the excitement of games coming out in the upcoming years and finish games I already have!
I've had KH3D for a long time and I guess I'll leave it until I've beaten all the games preceding it. Besides, my save file's glitched anyway (it thinks Riku's beaten La Cite des Cloches when he hasn't).
Quote from: D-structmanQuote from: Jay CXenogears,
Have you played that before?
I rented it a LONG time ago from Blockbuster and loved the combat system. Glad to finally be playing it again though school and other things are getting in the way.
I'm currently making my way through the first Kingdom Hearts HD game and I'm loving it all over again. :D
Quote from: Jay CXenogears,
I always wanted to play Xenogears but it never happened. I'll have to look into it eventually.
Started playing Rogue Legacy, and this game has insane difficulty. I've managed to get up to the third boss though.
I am playing 2 games at the moment they are from Xbox Live they are arcade games and they are called State of Decay and The Hand Of Kul
I'm playing Disgaea D2, Mugen Souls and Agarest: Generations of War 2. More Disgaea than the other two at the moment though. :)
Been playing through Black 2 again, I'm going to try and get all the badges and finish off the elite four before Pokemon Y comes out. Wish me luck though, the game comes out in 8 days. :V
Quote from: TheRavenBeen playing through Black 2 again, I'm going to try and get all the badges and finish off the elite four before Pokemon Y comes out. Wish me luck though, the game comes out in 8 days. :V
You can do it Raven! :D
I've basically put all other games aside since my Mega Man Anniversary Collection arrived. Damn you Cutman! :beckveryhappy
So I recently just finished playing through Chrono Cross. Took me two damn hours just to use the Song of Life on the damn final boss. My success was so satisfying. 3 years ago, I started that game. But lots of distractions came about. Lots of them. Also, the devs of that game are all full of crap. That game is a direct sequel to CT. I don't care how many times they say it isn't. Everything in that damn game screams "I'M A SEQUEL!!"
Now, I was gonna get back on Grandia, which I started 5 years ago and never finished because of distractions, but I put 10 hours into that game, and now I have absolutely no idea where in it I was up to, or how to even so much as play the game. So instead, I'm gonna get on Vagrant Story while I try to decide whether to struggle to catch up in Grandia, or just bite the pillow and start a new game.
Quote from: NinjablazerZeroNow, I was gonna get back on Grandia, which I started 5 years ago and never finished because of distractions, but I put 10 hours into that game, and now I have absolutely no idea where in it I was up to, or how to even so much as play the game.
I'm recommending you restart Grandia. It'll be worth it in the long-run as you'll get to see the story through instead of trying to remember everything you've already done. :)
I am currently playing Skyrim on my Xbox.
Just got this bad boy today!
I got y version today so I've been playing that. ^_^
Quote from: TheRavenI got y version today so I've been playing that. ^_^
When I either save up the money to buy it or get it for Christmas (whichever happens first), I'll get X.
Quote from: TheRavenI got y version today so I've been playing that. ^_^
I'm playing Pokemon X. I prefer the Pokemon on the box so that was my main choice hammered in. :P
See i don't like that pokemon so i went with y. :P My gf is getting X and a 3ds since she doesn't have one. I'm buying it for her. ^_^
I got Y, because I pre-ordered it. Mega Charizard-Y being in Y only cemented my purchase.
I've been playing Sonic Lost World for around 2 hours now. The Wii U versions controls are dodgy, so for those getting the 3DS version; I hope it fairs better in that respect.
The game looks awesome it just doesn't play awesome. It's not by any means a bad game... it just feels horrible at times. What should have been Sonic's "Mario Galaxy", feels more like Sonic's "Dodgy Camera-athon".
I'm going to keep playing, but this isn't the revival Sonic fans wanted. Generations may have been a step forward, but Lost World has taken that step back. :(
*this post if my personal opinion*
PXZ(Japanese 3DS)
Warframe(same handle)
Kantai Collection(still only a level 26 Admiral)
Summon Night 4(Japanese PS2 FTW)
Beyond Oasis, I just completed the game the other day but now I want to replay it and try not to collect any hearts. I also want to get the infinite omega sword this time around since I want to challenge myself and take on the 100 levels challenge that can be access via a pit in the dark forest I believe.
I'm playing Mugen Souls at the moment. I've been meaning to get into it but I just didn't for some reason so now I'm sitting back with a coffee and enjoying the craziness! :D
Mark of the Ninja. Pretty good game, except for the checkpoint abuse.
A friend bought me Assassins Creed: Black Flag for PC so now I'm getting into that.
I love pirate games and the fact that it's an AssCreed game makes it all the better.
I've been playing Ocarina of Time 3DS and it's my first Zelda game with a 3D overworld.
And frankly? I don't know if I'm just not used to exploring that kind of overworld, but it's the worst Zelda game I've ever played.
Quote from: Shiroyamibut it's the worst Zelda game I've ever played.
Then you're going to
love the Wii ones.
Quote from: ShiroyamiI've been playing Ocarina of Time 3DS and it's my first Zelda game with a 3D overworld.
And frankly? I don't know if I'm just not used to exploring that kind of overworld, but it's the worst Zelda game I've ever played.
Never play the CDI trilogy?
The game of Life.
Been playing Phantasy Star, decided to start from the beginning of this series before playing any other games from the series. It's pretty fun, I've also been playing Shining Force a tiny bit but I'm not a big fan of Tactical RPGs so I might play it here and there but not as much as Phantasy Star... :V
Today i played Gears of War 2 and Resident Evil 6 co-op with a friend. Also Shantae for the 3DS.
Quote from: RyuseiAlso Shantae for the 3DS.
Aww man, I want to play Shantae. :D
I'm still just going through Assassins Creed: Black Flag. Actually really enjoying it at the moment.
Quote from: tailszeroQuote from: ShiroyamiI've been playing Ocarina of Time 3DS and it's my first Zelda game with a 3D overworld.
And frankly? I don't know if I'm just not used to exploring that kind of overworld, but it's the worst Zelda game I've ever played.
Never play the CDI trilogy?
Can we call those things "games"?
Quote from: RyuseiQuote from: Shiroyamibut it's the worst Zelda game I've ever played.
Then you're going to love the Wii ones.
Are they any good? With Ocarina of Time being the first 3D Zelda, at least I hope they learned something. The game gets a lot better later on but other than OHMYGODITSZELDAIN3D, I'm not seeing why people love this game so much.
Quote from: ShiroyamiAre they any good? With Ocarina of Time being the first 3D Zelda, at least I hope they learned something. The game gets a lot better later on but other than OHMYGODITSZELDAIN3D
They have two main flaws:
1) They're way too easy.
2) There really isn't much room for exploration in their overworlds compared to the titles before (They are vast but feel empty if that makes sense)
Wind Waker and Twilight Princess look very good and have characters more charismatic than Skyward Sword.
Quote from: ShiroyamiI'm not seeing why people love this game so much.
A big part is nostalgia, but i guess it helps the 3D titles that followed after Majora's Mask had noticeable flaws that make people remind OoT more fondly over other 3D TLOZ titles.
It also helps it was the game that made the jump to 3D.
Playing Hitensoku and Eosd.
The last optional missions of
Operation Darkness
Quote from: RyuseiQuote from: ShiroyamiAre they any good? With Ocarina of Time being the first 3D Zelda, at least I hope they learned something. The game gets a lot better later on but other than OHMYGODITSZELDAIN3D
They have two main flaws:
1) They're way too easy.
2) There really isn't much room for exploration in their overworlds compared to the titles before (They are vast but feel empty if that makes sense)
Wind Waker and Twilight Princess look very good and have characters more charismatic than Skyward Sword.
Quote from: ShiroyamiI'm not seeing why people love this game so much.
A big part is nostalgia, but i guess it helps the 3D titles that followed after Majora's Mask had noticeable flaws that make people remind OoT more fondly over other 3D TLOZ titles.
It also helps it was the game that made the jump to 3D.
That's pretty much how I feel about Ocarina of Time, actually. Traveling through Hyrule Field is boring and apart from bad decisions in dungeon design/guiding the player throughout the game, it's easier than most of the Zelda games I played.
I'm not saying it's a bad game but it definitely feels overrated.
Most main (home console) TLOZ games are easier than the ones that came before.
Quotebut it definitely feels overrated
And that nobody can deny.
Perhaps you should try A Link Between Worlds and see if you like it.
Quote from: RyuseiMost main (home console) TLOZ games are easier than the ones that came before.
Quotebut it definitely feels overrated
And that nobody can deny.
Perhaps you should try A Link Between Worlds and see if you like it.
Link Between Worlds is one of the first games I got for my 3DS and I love it.
Oh, Link Between Worlds is amazing. It doesn't help that Link To The Past was my first Zelda game. I already cleared 100% on both difficulities but I need more Streetpasses because those Shadow Link battles are awesome.
And how I love bombs in this game. Know how to use them and they're probably one of the handiest items in the game.
Quote from: RyuseiPerhaps you should try A Link Between Worlds and see if you like it.
Oh man, I've been playing ALBW and it's amazing! I got Bravely Default too but Zelda's not been out of my 3DS yet.
Right now i'm playing Xcom: Enemy Unknown. Can't afford the expansion yet...
Alright, just cleared Ocarina of Time... seriously. I have so many complaints about this game to the point it's hard to imagine it as 'the best Zelda ever'. I honestly regrett going through the trouble of finding a physical copy and using my money on it.
I was playing Soul Sacrifice for a while (another Inafune game), but the repetitive boss battles took a took on me. I'm also not too keen on the control scheme the game uses (not being able to move the camera easily while charging a power for example). Still, that game has one of the best horror story lines that I have ever seen in a video game. And Librom, he's just so funny and creepy at the same time. I can see why Inafune loved him. :mrgreen:
Right now I'm mainly playing Neverwinter and Devil May Cry (free for PS+ users). I have to get back to Rune Factory 4 and SMT IV soon as well. Sony once again won me over for the time being. Any Starbound players out there? I'm thinking of getting that one too.
I'm playing through Turok 3 now. I played through this game before as a kid, but when I made it to the final boss I cheated. :V Plus I just bought this game again seeing how I lost it while moving out of my parents house... I'm currently in the forth level and making my way pass the Fireborn. It's a huge pain in the ass though... >_>
Just bought The Guided Fate Paradox for PS3 today. A 17 year old boy became God by winning a lottery, how original is that? It's a funny game so far with a fun 3d dungeon crawling system. Just 2 hours in and I'm very much enjoying it.
Quote from: Swan DiveJust bought The Guided Fate Paradox for PS3 today. A 17 year old boy became God by winning a lottery, how original is that? It's a funny game so far with a fun 3d dungeon crawling system. Just 2 hours in and I'm very much enjoying it.
Nice one man. I've finished it and on my second play-though, love it. :D
Near finishing Sonic The Hedgehog 2006 for Xbox 360... Jesus Christ.
Finished STH Last Episode and later played some Mega Man X7.
Been playing Neverwinter mostly. It's (one of) the best free MMORPG out there.
I imported a few DS games (namely Digimon World DS and Digimon Dawn / Dusk) so I've been playing through Digimon World DS whilst on the go.
I just finished playing some Halo 4. Epic. :)
I finished Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc through the night and it was EPIC! Seriously, every PS Vita owner needs to own that game.
So now i'm currently playing through Croc Legend of the Gobbos. After getting used to the controls and wacky camera it's not that bad of a platformer! It's too bad the programmers didn't polish the controls and wacky camera movement before releasing the game, it'd make it much easier. I'm actually shocked that I didn't own this game as a kid, I just got it a few weeks ago for $1!
Quote from: TheRavenSo now i'm currently playing through Croc Legend of the Gobbos.
One of my favourite platformers from the PS1 era. I wish I still had it but traded it years ago! :(
Still playing Guided Fate Paradox. I can finally choose my angel partner! Kuroiel is easily my favorite angel. :) Motherly tomboys are so adorable. ? I also just bought the Humble Bundle 11 for Dust, Guacamelee, and Giana Sisters. Nice deal for $1 if you ask me! :mrgreen: (yes I'm "cheap" because I don't make lots of money)
Been playing through Sonic Advance this time, I still can't figure out how to obtain the chaos emeralds. :V Maybe I should check out Sonic Retro on how to obtain them.
Bravely Default, Dragon's Crown, Lone Survivor, and Rune Factory 4. Doubt I'll ever finish another game before I die.
Now I'm playing through Wario Land 3, and maybe this time I'll actually finish it. xD I tend to get bored after a while...
I'm playing Infamous: Second Son at the moment. Awesome game! :D
Dude that game looks awesome! :D How far are you?
Stuff that I've been playing recently: FTL, Mari0, Mega Man Unlimited, Mega Man Revolution, Uplink.
I just bought a Sonic bundle off of steam and I have been playing Sonic CD, Sonic 4 Episode 1, Sonic 3D Blast, and Sonic 3K. I'm going to install Generations next or maybe Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. (I've never played it before so I'm glad I picked up this bundle. :D)
Quote from: TheRavenDude that game looks awesome! :D How far are you?
Completed it last night, Did the hero run-through and 100% the campaign. Going to go back eventually and play the evil run-through to unlock the platinum.
As of right now, I've begun my playthrough of Bound by Flame! :P
I'm back on good old Borderlands 2. Really love that game.
Also a bit of Sonic Generations with the mods and everything.
and as far as Handheld's concerned... Mega Man ZX Advent, since europeans are, apparently, prohibited from having Mega May on their eshop >.>
I've been hopping back and forth between Scott Pilgrim vs the World, Blade Kitten and Black Ops 2 Zombies. :)
And now I'm playing Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! I completed Spyro the Dragon a few days ago for the 4th or 5th time. :V So I decided to start playing the second game for old times sake. :)
Spyro's always a good choice for some retro gaming. Wish they'd make some new one's that weren't Skylanders stuff.
I'm playing... Watch Dogs! I'm enjoying it so far. :P
Jumping back and forth between Abe's Oddysee and Trine 2, with some Moonbase Commander in between. Gonna get back to Misadventure of Tron Bonne next week.
Injustice: Gods Among Us - I recently got it, finished it in a couple of days and now I'm just playing random single player battles...
Gta 5 a lot, triying clear 100% in game, yeah im so late. :U
Been playing Sonic Adventure 2 lately. I have never completed this game before, but some levels are difficult to get A ranks in. :V So I won't be getting all the emblems anytime soon. >_>
Getting A-rank in Metal Harbor requires you not taking the first rocket to the giant missile, instead jump past it, homing attack the G.U.N robots and take another hidden one. You have very little time to do so, but it's
the only way. That's all I know.
Anyway :
PC : Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD PC ; Age of Empires II HD : The Forgotten
PSVita : Final Fantasy X-HD Remaster (I really should go back to Persona 4)
Wii U : Mario Kart 8
I have recently bought many games for my PlayStation 3, that's why I am currently playing many. First of all, Call of Duty: Ghosts is one of my latest games. I adore playing it. I have already completed all the missions and I am currently trying to win in the Multiplayer Mode which is too difficult. Secondly, FIFA 14 is a really entertaining game. I have been playing it for the last seven days and I can even play real soccer with my friends now! Perhaps, I am talented and I hadn't understood it. LOL. Finally, the last game that I have been playing is called Brother in Arms. It is a war-game which has a very unique plot. Unfortunately, their online servers have been shut down from the company.
I'm currently playing Black Ops and also Minecraft. I would have listed GTA V, but since my disk is acting up for some odd reason, didn't seem right to list it. In Minecraft I've been working on building various towns to my liking and just being overall creative. Like yesterday, I build an Orthodox Church in my map, and I'm working on expanding the government areas. As far as Black Ops, just playing Wager matches really does it for that. :P
I currently play RuneScape but I'm about to pick up Skyrim again. I've also been playing Zone of Aces a lot lately. It's an FPS by Jagex.
Playing the awesomeness and almost finished with Xenoblade Chronicles.
I am currently playing..
Starcraft 2
Guild Wars 2
League of Legends
I've started playing Dragon Warrior (aka Dragon Quest) yesterday, and this is the first DQ game I've ever played. I thought the cartridge looked pretty cool so I bought the game yesterday since there were sales going on. When I looked up Dragon Warrior, I was shocked that it's the first DQ game. :V
I've been playing Diablo 3 (PS4), Under Night In-Birth (PS3) and SRW Z3 (PS3). They're all keeping me rather busy at the moment. :P
Dead Rising 3
I'm playing Omega Ruby and Sonic Rush right now. I just picked up a copy of Sonic Rush yesterday, and I'm very impressed with the game. Omega Ruby is freaking amazing, seeing how Gen 3 is my favorite generation of Pokemon. These remakes make the game even cooler. ^_^
Hey.. I must be loved xbox 360 video games which i did buy from ads community. I did buy it with reasonable price and i love to play this gave. Anyone love Xbox 360 video games ?
Been playing Sonic Unleashed on my Xbox Series S lately! It's a shame this game didn't run as smooth on the 360 when it came out but man it plays pretty damn decently on the Series S. I did notice a bit of slow down in Dragon Road Act 2 during the day time stage but other than that it's been fine.