Mighty No. 9 Universe

Mighty no. 9 Corner => General Mighty no. 9 Discussions => Topic started by: TheRaven on September 03, 2013, 05:54:41 AM

Title: What gameplay style do you think the game would play like?
Post by: TheRaven on September 03, 2013, 05:54:41 AM
Just a random thought, how do you think this game is going to play like? Is it going to be similar to one series over the others, or a mix of a few series? Judging by the early screenshots it looks like the game will play more similar to the classic MM style, but add some elements from the X and Zero series. I think there could possibly be more gameplay elements from other series in the MM franchise, as well as other features that are common for platforming games.
Title: What gameplay style do you think the game would play like?
Post by: MechaGS on September 04, 2013, 03:27:34 AM
I'm personally hoping for some Mega Man X in there but at this point I'm not going to let it sway me. I want it to be it's own game, of course nodding at Mega Man but it being it's own thing whilst feeling like a successor.

I guess it's hard to put into words really. I'll try thinking about it a little more.
Title: What gameplay style do you think the game would play like?
Post by: joeq1159 on September 04, 2013, 06:29:02 AM
I'd be really down for some Classic Mega Man with a little taste of some delicious harsh difficulty. I've been playing MM Unlimited and that has got me super addicted to self carnage, because once you start to click and actually get through those areas that were so freaking hard in the past you honestly look so bad ass doing it. You start to run around like "NOTHING CAN TOUCH ME!" And then the game says screw you you cocky fuck! and kills you. It's soooo good.
Title: What gameplay style do you think the game would play like?
Post by: astarisborn94 on September 04, 2013, 03:30:12 PM
My hope is that Mighty No. 9 can ultimately distinguish itself from Mega Man and be its own thing. I don't want just a temporary replacement for Mega Man, I want the game to be able to find its own audience and have an established, dedicated fan base. Mighty No. 9 changing his body structure for weapons is already encouraging.