Mighty No. 9 Universe

Off Topic Haven => Gaming Corner => Topic started by: MechaGS on September 07, 2013, 01:51:48 PM

Title: Are you a Western or Japanese Gamer?
Post by: MechaGS on September 07, 2013, 01:51:48 PM
This is a question I always get around to asking on forums as I find it interesting to see what people think of both sides.

Personally, I'm a Japanese gamer at heart. I prefer the Japanese RPG style over the Western over-done style. RPG is my favorite genre and I honestly believe the Japanese do it better.

I'm not really into Shooters but love Japanese Shumps too so that lends itself well to my style. I also play anime-based games over most popular action / adventure game series.

Of course, there's my love for Mario, Zelda, Pikmin and everything else Nintendo so that was always a no-brainer too.

So, which do you prefer; Western or Japanese games?
Title: Are you a Western or Japanese Gamer?
Post by: NinjablazerZero on September 07, 2013, 03:29:35 PM
I've never really given much thought to stuff like whether a game is Western made or Japanese made. It's a good way to classify them, but when you look at them that way, lots of games get ignored, even if they are good, just because you would associate Western games with one thing and Japanese games with another.

I like to welcome games from all directions. Western or Japanese doesn't really concern me. A good game is a good game, and that's all that really matters at the end of the day.
Title: Are you a Western or Japanese Gamer?
Post by: MechaGS on September 07, 2013, 05:40:34 PM
I know what you mean, but recently I have been swaying towards the Japanese games.

I still love BioWare and other companies too but I guess I'm trending away. :)
Title: Are you a Western or Japanese Gamer?
Post by: astarisborn94 on September 08, 2013, 02:11:07 AM
It doesn't really matter to me. If I had to say either, I'd say Japanese, but I also have played quite a few Western games I enjoyed.
Title: Are you a Western or Japanese Gamer?
Post by: tailszero on September 08, 2013, 09:02:23 PM
It depends on if I am on a console/handheld or PC. On the PC, I use Steam mostly, but I don't really game as much as browse the web on my computer. On a console or handheld, Japanese with little to no contest. Wayforward is the only western company I really play games from much, but they have a similar style to Japanese anyways.
Title: Are you a Western or Japanese Gamer?
Post by: Dr. Light on September 08, 2013, 09:08:45 PM
Japanese gamer through and through haha :)
Title: Are you a Western or Japanese Gamer?
Post by: MechaGS on September 08, 2013, 09:09:55 PM
Quote from: "tailszero"It depends on if I am on a console/handheld or PC. On the PC, I use Steam mostly, but I don't really game as much as browse the web on my computer. On a console or handheld, Japanese with little to no contest. Wayforward is the only western company I really play games from much, but they have a similar style to Japanese anyways.

I love WayForward games. I was just saying in another topic that I hope Shantae HD gets funded on Kickstarter!

Have you played DuckTales yet, Tails? That's a blast from the past. :P
Title: Are you a Western or Japanese Gamer?
Post by: Weejus on September 08, 2013, 09:12:11 PM
Japanese. The only Western developers whose games I play are Valve, WayForward, Rare (pre-MS buyout), and Ubisoft (there probably are others but these are the first that came to mind), but for most of my gaming life the vast majority of the games I've played are made by Japanese devs, particularly Nintendo. (I still have my Game Boy Color boxed!) Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Western devs are automatically worse than Japanese devs (I think Western and Japanese devs should collaborate more often) but I grew up playing Japanese games and I doubt that much has changed since or is set to change.

On the subject of WayForward, they're really pushing Shantae, aren't they?
Title: Are you a Western or Japanese Gamer?
Post by: tailszero on September 08, 2013, 09:13:02 PM
Quote from: "MechaGS"

I love WayForward games. I was just saying in another topic that I hope Shantae HD gets funded on Kickstarter!

Have you played DuckTales yet, Tails? That's a blast from the past. :P

Its on my list of games to get. Wayforward has three games on that list :lol: .
Title: Are you a Western or Japanese Gamer?
Post by: MechaGS on September 08, 2013, 09:14:29 PM
Quote from: "Weejus"On the subject of WayForward, they're really pushing Shantae, aren't they?

I'm happy they are to be honest with you. It's their best intellectual property and I'm loving how it's getting a lot of love at the moment.

Hope they keep it up! :D
Title: Are you a Western or Japanese Gamer?
Post by: Weejus on September 08, 2013, 09:18:10 PM
Quote from: "MechaGS"
Quote from: "Weejus"On the subject of WayForward, they're really pushing Shantae, aren't they?

I'm happy they are to be honest with you. It's their best intellectual property and I'm loving how it's getting a lot of love at the moment.

Hope they keep it up! :D

To be honest, I actually would back Shantae: Half-Genie Hero if Mighty No. 9 didn't exist. I'm also glad they released the GBC Shantae on the 3DS eShop, considering it was never originally released in Europe (even though the GBC/GBA is region free) and ?100 minimum is the going rate for an UNBOXED cartridge.
Title: Are you a Western or Japanese Gamer?
Post by: MechaGS on September 08, 2013, 09:20:11 PM
Quote from: "Weejus"To be honest, I actually would back Shantae: Half-Genie Hero if Mighty No. 9 didn't exist.

I have this problem. I can't afford to do two Kickstarters at the moment and unfortunately for WayForward, Inafune-san wins my support.

If they'd been maybe... two months apart from each other, I'd probably have had a better time of dealing with them equally.
Title: Are you a Western or Japanese Gamer?
Post by: Weejus on September 08, 2013, 09:27:35 PM
Quote from: "MechaGS"
Quote from: "Weejus"To be honest, I actually would back Shantae: Half-Genie Hero if Mighty No. 9 didn't exist.

I have this problem. I can't afford to do two Kickstarters at the moment and unfortunately for WayForward, Inafune-san wins my support.

If they'd been maybe... two months apart from each other, I'd probably have had a better time of dealing with them equally.

It's not that bad, as of writing Shantae: HGH's Kickstarter has reached $195,000 out of its $400,000 goal within 5 days so they're ok. Besides, Kickstarter/Indiegogo campaigns tend to get a surge in donations in their final day or so, which will help Shantae, although I get the feeling that the Mighty No. 9 team will run out of ideas for rewards and stretch goals before that time arrives (and Inafune's wrist will need all the support it can get once Inafune starts with all those sketches).
Title: Are you a Western or Japanese Gamer?
Post by: MechaGS on September 08, 2013, 09:32:09 PM
Quote from: "Weejus"I get the feeling that the Mighty No. 9 team will run out of ideas for rewards and stretch goals before that time arrives.

In talking about stretch goals, I wonder what the next ones will be. Might have to start a topic on that and see if anyone can guess right. :P