Mighty No. 9 Universe

The Command Center => Suggestions and Bug Reports => Topic started by: Beck on September 07, 2013, 06:42:12 PM

Title: I don't get logged in automatically
Post by: Beck on September 07, 2013, 06:42:12 PM
When you sign in, there's a box that says "log me in automatically each visit". I check that every time, but the forum logs me out as soon as I go to another page. Does this happen to anyone else?
Title: I don't get logged in automatically
Post by: MechaGS on September 07, 2013, 06:51:03 PM
The forum logs you out when you literally leave or when you change page on here? The reason I ask is because phpBB seems to use the end bit of the domain to keep people logged in.

For example, It'll look like "index.php?sid=longvalue" when you're logged in. As soon as you lose the sid, it seems to log people out.

EDIT #1: In fact, you're onto an interesting bug. Looking into it!

EDIT #2: I think it's fixed. Everyone, keep an eye on your log in status for a day or two.

Sorry if you just got logged out. I've changed the way the site handles log in's a little bit.
Title: I don't get logged in automatically
Post by: Beck on September 07, 2013, 06:56:47 PM
Quote from: MechaGSThe forum logs you out when you literally leave or when you change page on here? The reason I ask is because phpBB seems to use the end bit of the domain to keep people logged in.

For example, It'll look like "index.php?sid=longvalue" when you're logged in. As soon as you lose the sid, it seems to log people out.

EDIT: In fact, you're onto an interesting bug. Looking into it!

The forum would log me out if I went on google or something and then came back to the forum. But it's working normally now for some reason.
Title: I don't get logged in automatically
Post by: MechaGS on September 07, 2013, 06:58:06 PM
Yeah, I made a quick change to how it handles the sessions. You'll stay logged in now.

Thanks for pointing it out! :D
Title: I don't get logged in automatically
Post by: TheRaven on September 08, 2013, 01:51:01 AM
I was going to mention this myself. xD I thought maybe it was my phone acting up since it was being a little a*s today. :V Thank you for fixing this issue MechaGS!