Mighty No. 9 Universe

Off Topic Haven => Mega Man Corner => Topic started by: MechaGS on September 09, 2013, 04:06:12 PM

Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: MechaGS on September 09, 2013, 04:06:12 PM
There's an article floating around the net at the moment which basically compares Inafune-san's recent success on Kickstarter with how Capcom should revive MML3.

You can read the article here. It was the 100,000 Strong's Facebook page that pointed it out just for reference.

Now, I'm going to get a little serious. For one, Capcom don't need the money to make a game, the only point a Kickstarter would prove is that people want a Mega Man game of some sort. (which we've basically got with MN9)

Also, per Kickstarter's rules you could lose your money after funding. Now, Capcom were already working with many fans on the Unity site for MML3 and it died pretty darn quickly. Essentially, I couldn't trust them to build a full game and release it -- they'd probably cancel it again and keep the money as they're under no obligation to return it.

I just don't trust Capcom and I'm sick of buying their games just to fuel some strange affliction they have with marketing / gross sales. I mean, if they can make Lost Planet 3 (the last two are the worst games ever in Capcom's history!) and claim it's still a major franchise, I don't see how they can't make a new Mega Man game considering it has a much bigger fan-base and is just an overall better game concept.

So, if there was a MML3 or anything Mega Man related Kickstarter, I'd count it as a cash-grab based on MN9's success. I honestly will never fund a game Capcom wants to make whilst the old men are still at the helm of the sinking ship.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: TheRaven on September 09, 2013, 04:45:38 PM
I too saw this on that facebook page as I liked it. You are correct, they don't need to create a kickstarter page as Capcom is a big gaming company and have plenty of money to fund such a project if they really wanted to.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: MechaGS on September 09, 2013, 04:55:32 PM
I can't help but feel compelled to knock this idea back down where it belongs. I don't know who wrote this piece or why the 100,000 Strong are standing by it but they've lost some respect with me over this one.

I honestly wish they would think about the ramifications of such an act before they endorse it. Maybe I'm just too head-strung on this.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: astarisborn94 on September 09, 2013, 05:08:46 PM
Capcom said that they they wouldn't do a kickstarter for Mega Man Legends 3 anyway, so that possibility is off the table. I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually finally got Legends 3, but it will be years before that becomes possible again and as long as Capcom is making questionable decisions (they made Deep Down online-only, which turned me off the game), it's better as if they don't touch the Mega Man franchise because the last thing we need is a Mega Man game of Sonic '06 equivalent.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: TheRaven on September 09, 2013, 05:12:46 PM
Now that would be horrible... :? As much as I love Sonic that game was bad and I wouldn't want to see Mega man end up down the same route. Of course Sonic's definitely bounced back since but still... I guess we just need to wait and see what capcom will do with the series.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: MechaGS on September 09, 2013, 05:16:31 PM
Mega Man '06 would be the scariest game ever from a technical stand-point. I really don't want to see that happen.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: Weejus on September 09, 2013, 05:25:00 PM
Quote from: "MechaGS"Mega Man '06 would be the scariest game ever from a technical stand-point. I really don't want to see that happen.

While Sonic '06 is the worst game I've ever played (you narrowly escaped this one, Dragon Ball Z for Kinect), I did get some laughs out of it and it would be interesting, if unfortunate, to see Mega Man stoop to that level. I'm not sure which is worse, that or the fact that the blue bomber's basically been Crash Bandicoot'd (by that I mean the franchise has been horribly neglected for quite some time, like Crash) for the last few years, and I think we all know it was Nintendo's idea to put Mega Man in SSB4, not Capcom's.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: MechaGS on September 09, 2013, 05:34:54 PM
Quote from: "Weejus"I think we all know it was Nintendo's idea to put Mega Man in SSB4, not Capcom's.

I'm thanking Sakurai-san for that one, that guy loves his classic / legendary gaming icons and always manages to get us some interesting ones to play as in SSB games.

I'm just happy Capcom agreed. It's the first thing they've done right in a decade really.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: NinjablazerZero on September 10, 2013, 03:39:30 AM
If a big Company like Capcom went to Kickstarter for funding, chances are they've gone broke, and a big company like that would never admit they've gone broke until they are already in the process of dismantling the company and selling itself off bit by bit. MML3 would never appear on Kickstarter.

Capcom is basically actively trying to ignore Megaman for one reason or another. They know Megaman has a big enough fan base to make huge profits, yet they are making excuses like not enough people showed interest, as if every MM fan in the world uses or even knows about the existence of Capcom Unity's site. Capcom will now enter a denial phase until they see MN9's success, at which point they will begin to argue semantics and rhetoric to run circles around people to avoid any questions about Megaman.

And at this point, MM should just stay under the radar. The window of opportunity has passed. Our chances of a good MM game are moot at this point, and Capcom would only ruin the franchise in the name of making "profits." As if making an actual good game would not make profits, but hey, that seems to be the logic of most every big AAA japanese gaming company these days, sans Nintendo.

As for the people who thought that idea up, and endorsed it, shame on them. If Capcom ever went on kickstarter, it'd probably be to scam us, and even if they did deliver, they probably would just only use half the money they raised on the project.

Hopefully Capcom continues to ignore and deny MN9's success, and hopefully SSB4 doesn't attract too much attention to MM, cause I really don't want to see and half to deal with more BS from Capcom, or worse, them ruining the franchise.

Seriously, Capcom used to be top quality. Really makes you wonder what makes a big name like them fall from grace so hard.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: MechaGS on September 10, 2013, 03:44:32 AM
Quote from: "NinjablazerZero"Seriously, Capcom used to be top quality. Really makes you wonder what makes a big name like them fall from grace so hard.

It's EA syndrome, and they've caught it. Their hardheadedness has lead to much corporate corruption and they won't get away with it that easily.

Unfortunately, THQ went the same way and they've all but been dismantled and sold off in bits.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: NinjablazerZero on September 10, 2013, 04:09:29 AM
Speaking of THQ, the thing about them that hurt the most was Darksiders. On one hand, the IP was bought, so it's technically safe, but Crytek says they have no plans on releasing a Darksiders game, so I'm real angry we won't get to see the other two Horsemen of the Apocalypse in action.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: MechaGS on September 10, 2013, 04:27:20 AM
Quote from: "NinjablazerZero"Speaking of THQ, the thing about them that hurt the most was Darksiders. On one hand, the IP was bought, so it's technically safe, but Crytek says they have no plans on releasing a Darksiders game, so I'm real angry we won't get to see the other two Horsemen of the Apocalypse in action.

It's only because Crytek would need to license the series of that strange set of investors to make one. I wonder how much they think they'll get for licensing anyway?

I don't know why Nordic Games bought the rights to Darksiders and other franchises but they sure as hell don't know how to market them or utilize them. I love Darksiders as well, it's one of my favorite game franchises.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: Weejus on September 10, 2013, 07:02:16 AM
Speaking of questionable decisions, let's talk about Lost Planet 3. Capcom outsourced the development of the game to Spark Unlimited. Let's look at the review scores of two of their released games:

Turning Point: Fall of Liberty

Edge: 3/10

Eurogamer: 3/10

GameSpy: 1.5/5

Surely Capcom wouldn't put one of their franchises in the hands of such a mediocre developer? Oh no, it gets worse.


IGN: 2.5/10

GameSpot: 2/10 (although this is GameSpot, they rate every game poorly)

Electronic Gaming Monthly: D

This shows that Capcom will do anything so that they can make some money while putting minimal effort and will most likely end up dragging one of their franchises into the dirt without even caring. Besides, they have Resident Evil to fall back on, because that's reputable!

That said, if Lost Planet gets screwed then Capcom will most likely just milk Street Fighter IV and Resident Evil some more just to recoup the money they lost.

However, I doubt Capcom's fall from grace can be described as 'EA syndrome'. If that were true then all Capcom games would follow a F2P model that makes me sick. Keep it on smartphones. As soon as the mobile game-esque F2P model comes to consoles, we're screwed. Valve is the only company that got F2P right. End of story.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: MechaGS on September 10, 2013, 01:01:47 PM
Quote from: "Weejus"However, I doubt Capcom's fall from grace can be described as 'EA syndrome'. If that were true then all Capcom games would follow a F2P model that makes me sick. Keep it on smartphones.

EA's first move wasn't F2P models though, so technically it's the beginning's of EA syndrome that Capcom have. At this point, they're at the milk-and-money grub symptoms (also on-disc DLC using the already budgeted money for the game) but I can see them getting far worse if they want too.

I'm not buying any more Street Fighters. Don't get me wrong, I love the franchise and even own an arcade stick cause I take it rather seriously, but I'm not going to keep buying stupid editions.

All I know is that they need a change in their business model and fast. It will continue to cause them harm unless they choose to do something about it.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: Weejus on September 10, 2013, 03:11:33 PM
I think Capcom should follow Square Enix and have a reshuffle of staff. By no means is Square Enix a great role model but doing so has already garnered positive results for them (and I think SE knew as much as the fans did that Final Fantasy: All The Bravest for iOS was the last straw). For starters, the Fabula Nova Crystallis (aka the Final Fantasy XIII series) bullcrap finally has an end in sight, and Kingdom Hearts III has finally been announced. I feel it's something Capcom needs to do if it wants to preserve the reputation of their franchises, but sometimes I'm not sure if they care.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: D-structman on September 10, 2013, 10:42:11 PM
I would back the hell out of this game.  Anyone know if there is any way to petition for Keiji Inafune to get the rights to the franchise.  I know he probably wants to move on creatively, but he did really want MML3 to happen.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: MechaGS on September 10, 2013, 10:46:24 PM
Quote from: "D-structman"I would back the hell out of this game.  Anyone know if there is any way to petition for Keiji Inafune to get the rights to the franchise.  I know he probably wants to move on creatively, but he did really want MML3 to happen.

We might get lucky and he'll make a spiritual successor with Beck and the crew taking up the helm. I'd prefer that over MML3 at this point just because I don't trust Capcom to do a Mega Man game justice at the moment.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: D-structman on September 11, 2013, 08:12:47 PM
Quote from: "MechaGS"We might get lucky and he'll make a spiritual successor with Beck and the crew taking up the helm. I'd prefer that over MML3 at this point just because I don't trust Capcom to do a Mega Man game justice at the moment.

I don't even want it for gameplay, I just want closure to the story.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: MechaGS on September 11, 2013, 08:25:02 PM
Quote from: "D-structman"I don't even want it for gameplay, I just want closure to the story.

Ahh I see, then we really do need Capcom to wake up and see that the fans want that game. :)
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: Jay C on September 15, 2013, 07:59:48 PM
But the real question is this: Who is responsible for the closure?

Personally I don't want to see Crapcom make Legends 3. Keiji Inafune, the man behind the series, left when they canned the project.

And before anyone argues that it was a game almost 10 years old that met with mediocre success, just remember that they rebooted Bionic Commando out of the blue and that failed MISERABLY. Crapcom had the Keiji Inafune pushing so hard for that game that it barely got the green light. He had plenty of support as well with all of the diehard fans giving a lot of feedback over on the community forum. I think Keiji knew what he was doing back then and is doing it now with M#9.

It pains me to say this but I wouldn't buy Legends 3. Not any more. Not after all this time. Not from that company.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: Weejus on September 15, 2013, 08:04:07 PM
Quote from: "Jay C"Personally I don't want to see Crapcom make Legends 3. Keiji Inafune, the man behind the series, left when they canned the project.

Inafune actually left Capcom before Legends 3 was cancelled. In retrospect, since the man had big ties to both that and MM Universe then Capcom was in a bit of a bind when Inafune left.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: Jay C on September 15, 2013, 08:09:00 PM
Ah. I thought I had the order mixed up or something. Either way, Capcom really lost out.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: Weejus on September 15, 2013, 08:10:54 PM
I'm not gonna lie, I actually forgave Capcom quite a bit (though not completely) when they announced Gyakuten Saiban (Ace Attorney) 5, and later when Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright was confirmed to get an international release.
Title: Mega Man Legends 3 to Kickstarter?
Post by: GUnitCOlima on October 02, 2013, 12:53:34 AM
The disastrous part of that plan would be the people actually backing the darn thing!