What are your beliefs? Do you believe in a higher being, or maybe you don't believe in anything at all? Share with us here. I am a strange individual who believes in a god and a devil, but I also believe in reincarnation. I see it as God giving certain people a second chance at living, and he only allows certain people to go back down to earth. After the second chance, depending on how the person acts in their second life, they will either find eternal peace in heaven or total damnation in hell. I also don't believe in organized religion and I feel that I don't have to go to church to pray to God as he is all seeing.
I don't believe in any of it if I'm honest. I was baptized at birth but having been given the chance I never would have chosen that path.
I won't go too far into why I don't believe, but it all revolves around genetics, mutations and other stuff that I believe a God wouldn't allow for as it strays too far from the cycle of life and the building blocks we adhere too.
I believe in quite a lot of things. Most of my beliefs are a random mess of jumbled up ideas. One of the main beliefs, however, that has not changed since I've adopted it, is that while a God exists, we will never know, and can never know if there is only one, or more than one, and we will never know who exactly they, or it, because they do not meddle in human affairs. They simply watch us from afar, or maybe they don't watch, they just don't give a damn.
I could go along explaining all my beliefs, but they are rather messy, and also, I don't wanna force ya to read a gigantic, huge, wall of text.
All I really believe in so far is that a god exist out there somewhere and this is mainly because everything makes sense and things don't just happen. I also believe that time is infinity so I believe that a god is always here, just doesn't really care about what's going on with this world.
The last two posts I believe are Deism. The tl;dr version of that is basically some deity created everything and just left everything in motion--no grand purpose, no strict monitoring.
As for myself I'm an atheist. I don't have faith in anything. I put my trust in number, data, and evidence. I let testable hypotheses and replication of experiments to develop the world around me. I believe in science.
Quote from: "Jay C"As for myself I'm an atheist. I don't have faith in anything. I put my trust in number, data, and evidence. I let testable hypotheses and replication of experiments to develop the world around me. I believe in science.
I probably couldn't have put my thoughts better than what you just wrote. I'm much the same way, I'm a glutton for evidence and hard findings.
I don't like the idea that science and religion cannot co-exist. I feel this is a flawed belief brought on by Religious people who are afraid or do not want to understand science, and on the other side, it's people who have forgotten that science and religion aren't meant to answer the same questions.
I may have a lot of religious belief, but I also put a lot of evidence on scientific data as well. But bot answer different questions. Science is the answer to the How, while Religion is the question to why.
And then the final point, the absence of proof is not proof of absence. Just because there is no hard evidence that something exists doesn't mean that it does not exist. likewise, just because without concrete evidence, you can't prove the existence for sure.
Science and Religion do not and should not negate each other. You don't have to believe in both if you don't want to, but to say that they cannot coexist is rather an unnecessary extreme.
Quote from: "NinjablazerZero"I don't like the idea that science and religion cannot co-exist. I feel this is a flawed belief brought on by Religious people who are afraid or do not want to understand science, and on the other side, it's people who have forgotten that science and religion aren't meant to answer the same questions.
I may have a lot of religious belief, but I also put a lot of evidence on scientific data as well. But bot answer different questions. Science is the answer to the How, while Religion is the question to why.
And then the final point, the absence of proof is not proof of absence. Just because there is no hard evidence that something exists doesn't mean that it does not exist. likewise, just because without concrete evidence, you can't prove the existence for sure.
Science and Religion do not and should not negate each other. You don't have to believe in both if you don't want to, but to say that they cannot coexist is rather an unnecessary extreme.
You are probably the first person on a forum I have met who has had a similar idea to me. As I quoth Galileo, "Math is the language with which God has written the universe."
Same to you. Though, for me, I haven't met anyone at all anywhere who thinks the same way.
Quote from: "NinjablazerZero"I don't like the idea that science and religion cannot co-exist. I feel this is a flawed belief brought on by Religious people who are afraid or do not want to understand science, and on the other side, it's people who have forgotten that science and religion aren't meant to answer the same questions.
I may have a lot of religious belief, but I also put a lot of evidence on scientific data as well. But bot answer different questions. Science is the answer to the How, while Religion is the question to why.
And then the final point, the absence of proof is not proof of absence. Just because there is no hard evidence that something exists doesn't mean that it does not exist. likewise, just because without concrete evidence, you can't prove the existence for sure.
Science and Religion do not and should not negate each other. You don't have to believe in both if you don't want to, but to say that they cannot coexist is rather an unnecessary extreme.
I've been feeling really conflicted lately because I don't know what I believe in anymore. I've been going to church my whole life and I've been baptized, but there are things that science can explain that the bible doesn't and vice versa. I believe in both of them, but I'm pretty sure that my parents would get pissed if I told them that. If I just believe in religion, I would be denying proven facts. But if I just believe in science, then I'm pretty sure that my parents would disown me. It's so confusing :beckconfused
The worst thing to do, IMO, is to continue believing something because you are forced to. That's not true belief. You are harming yourself more than anyone by continuing to pretend you believe in something you don't.
Sadly, the only thing you can really do is try your best to convince your parents. It's a really crappy position, and I know how you feel, though for me it wasn't necessarily my parents, but a bunch of other family members. Nonetheless, I saw each of them nearly everyday for my whole life till now, so I know what it's like to be in the position of being afraid your family will hate you.
They're your parents, and if they are anywhere truly loving of you, they'll accept it. Maybe not immediately, and they might be angry at first, but they'll accept it afterwards and they won't dissown you.
You should never force yourself to live a lie out of fear of those around you. Stand up to your beliefs, stay true to yourself, and the rest will fall in place, and at the end of the day, if you keep your head high, and keep moving forward, everything will work out for the best and you'll be a lot happier for it.
What I believe, is that it doesn't matter what I believe. I know that I have to work every day in order to put food on my table and that one day I will eventually die. My religion will not keep me safe, warm, or full. I believe religion keeps people in-line and keeps everyone under a strict discipline because of their beliefs though.
Believe it or not, I'm a Christian.
But just because I practice the belief of loving one another, doesn't mean I don't agry over Kickstarter project!!!