This is a huge topic that is covered around the world. What are your views on this issue? Are you for it or are you against it, why or why not? I am definitely for it. I don't think it's fair that straight people can marry when same sex partners can't. Their lifestyle isn't going to effect the life Styles of others, it's my their lives and whatever they do should not effect others. The way i see it if you don't like the lifestyle then you can ignore it. I will post more about this issue later, it's difficult to post on a phone. >_>
I'm one of the one's who said yes to gay marriages in Scotland and now we have new legislation allowing gay marriage coming soon. It's already passed as a bill, just need to become law.
While I'm not gay, I believe everyone has the right to be happy and this is one of those subjects that doesn't affect anyone put the two people wanting to enter into marriage, no matter their gender.
It's still causing mass controversy here with the fact that the catholic and anglican churches don't recognise same-sex couples but if all they want is to get married without the massive price tag, then I'm sure most will be happy going to a registry office to do so.
From what I've heard here, it's more about the being together and the shared assets more than the actual ceremony of marriage itself. I for one, agree with those people and I think it's about time the world woke up to that.
I believe in America, and I believe in Freedom. America is supposed to stand for Freedom and Justice for all. Lady Liberty is meant to be a beacon of light and Freedom to the world.
Anyone who is against Gay Marriage, yet continues to say they are American, are liars, hypocrites, and general idiots who only believe in things when it's convenient for them, then drops there beliefs when it doesn't work out for them.
I believe in America, and I believe in Freedom. We should start acting like damned Americans, and start giving them their damned Freedom, dammit.
*Insert Explosions, American Flag, Bald Eagles, and Guns here*
I completely agree with your post Ninja, and this is exactly how I feel on the subject. It's a shame that I live in one of the states here in the US that has yet to change their views on marriage. It just makes me so mad, in fact there was a poll online directed towards the state of MO, and the majority of the people that live here are actually for gay marriage. I'm glad Scotland has allowed gay marriage and it makes me happy that there are some states here in the US that allow it as well. Another thing that really gets me going are the stupid so called "Gay to straight" counselors. It's like making straight people gay, it just isn't going to happen.
I think the government's of the world are just too bossy in general. I don't believe that anyone voted in actually knows what's best for myself or anyone else for that matter. Only I know what I want but of course we can't get that discussion going cause they ignore the masses.
Gay rights are the same. Lot's of governments or politicians don't want to hear it but they're missing the bigger picture and the fact that at the end of the day, it doesn't have anything to do with them.
I hope your state wakes up soon to give you what you want Raven. Unfortunately, you'll all need to get through old, embittered men to get anywhere near it.
I am all for gay marriage. The thing about marriage is that it shouldn't discriminate between sexual orientations; as long as the relationship is mutual and positively benefits both people. Not allowing gay marriage is like not allowing marriage between people of different race.
Quote from: "astarisborn94"I am all for gay marriage. The thing about marriage is that it shouldn't discriminate between sexual orientations; as long as the relationship is mutual and positively benefits both people. Not allowing gay marriage is like not allowing marriage between people of different race.
I agree mate, that's why we need people to hit their government's as hard as they can with propaganda and common sense. :D
So with the recent events that have been going on with former Duck Dynasty star Phil I figured I would post about my views on that subject here. He was recently suspended from the show for simply stating his opinions on gay marriage, which of course he's against. However he did say towards the end of his interview that he doesn't hate anyone regardless of sexual preference, skin color, etc. I for one think it's quite BS that he got suspended from stating his own opinion, even if I completely disagree with it. Yes he somewhat compared it to bestiality, which is something completely fucking different but still I don't think he should have been suspended. Now DD is an alright show, and to be honest with you I wouldn't be upset if it stayed on the air or was canceled, but I honestly think it was unfair for A&E to suspend him.
The funny thing about Duck Dynasty is it's entirely fake. They're not hillbillies or hicks, just great actors and their wives have admitted to them "acting it up" for the show. I don't enjoy it personally.
His thoughts are his own and it seems that the fans are rising up to get him back on the show. I don't think anyone should be suspended for giving their personal thoughts. (even if he did go further than most would dare)
I'm pretty sure this is going to blow over. The fans won't have it and A&E won't want to drop a multi-million dollar profit machine.
So Oklahoma just legalized Gay Marriage, yet another state who finally have seen the light! Within the last few months of 2013 and now just a few weeks into the new year that makes Oklahoma the 18th state to legalize it. (Utah was the 18th state, but recently they suspended Gay Marriage and at this point I don't know if it will ever be brought back seeing how Utah is a very religious state but anything is possible and this proves it!) It makes me happy that many states in the US are finally allowing same sex marriage, it won't be long before my state allows it hopefully. :)
I never got the point why people get so offended on who they want to love. As long as it doesn't affect them I fail to see why they get so upset.
Quote from: "ThePrinceOfMoose"I never got the point why people get so offended on who they want to love. As long as it doesn't affect them I fail to see why they get so upset.
This is pretty much my stance on the whole debacle. I think as long as people are happy, there's nothing to complain about.
Unfortunately some people are blind and or bigots and think that it's not sacred even though it's not affecting their lifestyle at all. I will say that not all who oppose same sex marriage are assholes or bigots though, I know someone in real life who is against it because of her religion but she doesn't want to shove her believes down my throat unlike other religious folks.
From a legal viewpoint:
Name it: "Legal Unions"
Including "Legal Marriage" under that category.
This has to do more with old law books, than with social issues; especially in the liabilities of the State and related parties.
But yeah, law in the US is SLOOOOOOOOOOW.
HECK, they still have the stup1d copyright rule about dead creators thanks to Walt.
That place is a legal inferno.
I'm okay with it.
But just like people should be free to marry disregarding genre, i believe religions should be free to keep their morals and traditions.
So I basically started a debate between three friends on Facebook today. I posted this status yesterday:
"Our state is so fucking backwards that they would rather legalize a drug before allowing people who are in love to get married, regardless of gender. What a shame [My State]. And on that note, I can care less if Marijuana is legalized or not, I just want the same damn rights as everyone else." While I know this can be posted in the "Should Weed be legalized everywhere?" topic I decided to post it here. I quite frankly think that love should come before a drug. I know it can be used to help with pain but there are other methods of easing pain.
Quote from: TheRavenSo I basically started a debate between three friends on Facebook today. I posted this status yesterday:
"Our state is so fucking backwards that they would rather legalize a drug before allowing people who are in love to get married, regardless of gender. What a shame [My State]. And on that note, I can care less if Marijuana is legalized or not, I just want the same damn rights as everyone else." While I know this can be posted in the "Should Weed be legalized everywhere?" topic I decided to post it here. I quite frankly think that love should come before a drug. I know it can be used to help with pain but there are other methods of easing pain.
While I see legalizing marijuana as a medical issue, gay marriage is more of a social justice issue so they would be classified as two entirely different things (of course that is just my opinion). Regardless people still bring up stupid things regarding marijuana saying it is a "gateway drug" and if you start that then you will move on to meth, cocaine, and other drugs which that in itself is an absurd argument. Gay marriage also has similar arguments saying "what if we legalize gay marriage, should we legalize pedophilia next?" Because loving someone of the same gender means you want to screw a child right? It makes entirely no sense, and yet people use it as an argument. Heck even Fox "News" uses this argument a lot as well and it's absurd. A lot of people fear what they do not understand, and it's all because they just don't want to do the research. It's okay to be wrong and to be corrected, there is nothing wrong with that. However to claim you are right and you can never be wrong, that's when you come off as a douchebag and most of these anti-gay people think they are 100% right.
You know, you have better chances if you post an online petition and make political campaigns to motion your senators to hasten the law process at your state that posting something in facebook.
If you want the law changed, then make a political motion. Start at your workplace. Make badges and decals, inform your friends, make a stand.
Yes, of course. There's not really a sane reason to say no, in my opinion.
Personally I find more issue with the government having any say in who can get married to who, I could care less if they're saying the right who and who.