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Off Topic Haven => Debate and Discussion => Topic started by: TheRaven on October 06, 2013, 11:21:01 PM

Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: TheRaven on October 06, 2013, 11:21:01 PM
So weed or marijuana has been legalized in a few places, including Colorado which is the first state in the US to legalize it for recreational uses but do you think overall it should just be legalized everywhere? I personally think it should, as it can provide many people new jobs and maybe it'll mellow out some people. However I can see why some people wouldn't want it to be legalized since it might make people lazy and is known as the gateway drug but maybe if people could possibly be monitored and only so much can be allowed a month or year it wouldn't be too bad. But then that would possibly lead to other issues down the road, and then the government would be monitoring their every move which wouldn't even be right to say the least.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: mightyno67277p on October 07, 2013, 12:27:46 AM

I am surprised it is still a debate in the USA. It only amplifies the level of control the CFR has over its population's food and drugs. There was once a time in the USA where growing hemp was a patriotic duty:



And I know the difference between Recreational hemp and Industrial. I am just demonstration the fact of that in the USA, you basically have no choice on what you eat now, since there so many ways the food is controlled.

My personal stance (not professional), is that everyone could consume what they like, as long as it does not affect others directly: e.g. smoking next to someone that does not want it, cross pollinating species not owned, forced introduction into common goods not properly labeled and verified. The last scenario is more likely in the USA than in the EU, where things have to be labeled clearly as to what their origins are, and double verified, private and federated.

There far more acute neuron-inhibiting products out there that do not compare to THC, and are still legal in the US as common goods. The Cannabis derivatives should be the least of their concerns, and more about getting rid of central privatized banking, in a fractional reserve system.  
BTW, I don't take any drugs whatsoever. I just eat what I need, when I need it.
They let themselves shutdown for more "money," and the commoners are still laughing about it. I am just waiting until they default, and everyone cries their hearts out, thinking they could not be robbed.

In terms of Rockman, think of the Rockman Zero story, where Dr. Weil took over Neo Arcadia.That's the story that's been playing out for the past 93 years, foreshadowed in ZX both times.
We can go back as Greece, Rome, even Starwars. They are just repeating the same stupid distribution of wealth to the few, and not the many, which always ends up in corruption.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: NinjablazerZero on October 07, 2013, 04:11:07 AM
Absolutely not. I'm all for public freedoms and such, but I'm also for standards and a smart public. Human beings are greedy by nature. There is no such thing as moderation with us. Eventually we will want more, and more, and more, until it spirals out of control.

Weed may not kill you from overdose, but it has tons more worse consequences. Like you said, it makes people lazy as hell. Not to mention the legalization of it would make it so much more accessible, younger and younger people will start to take it as well. Then we'll have stupider kids around than we already do, then 20 years later, the whole country would be screwed up cause all the people running things are too damn stupid cause all they ever did is smoke weed when they were younger.

Not to mention, it is a gateway drug. People think it isn't just because it "isn't addictive." But then, all those people don't know what gateway drug means. People start taking weed. They have fun with it, start to get bored, want something harder, and then they start getting into the real hardcore stuff. We already have a system of horrible drug abuse in the US. Legalizing Weed would only exacerbate the problem, making it bigger and bigger.

And for all the people who think weed isn't addictive, I'd like to to go talk to most supporters of the idea who actually smoke it. Most of them are idiots who smoke it everyday, can't go a second without even so much as thinking about it, even to the point where they are starting to call it a friggin culture. That, my friends, is addiction. No question about it. There's a difference between liking something and studying it and doing it and creating with it, against burning a few leaves for a while and then getting lazy for hours on end, doing nothing but laughing at stuff that isn't even happening.

I don't hate drugs. Got nothing against them. But I hate the people who use them. I hate people in general, really, but I especially hate the people who use and abuse and worship drugs and weed like it's the second coming of Jesus. Human beings shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the stuff ever. It's just gonna screw us over and either make us greedy, which'll make us do really shitty things, or make us lazy, which will halt progress and make the human race stagnate.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: MechaGS on October 07, 2013, 07:00:05 AM
After having dealt with a drug taker for 9 years and the abuse they give out, I'm against legalizing any drugs no matter what class they fall into.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: mightyno67277p on October 07, 2013, 10:26:45 AM
Quote from: "NinjablazerZero"Like you said, it makes people lazy as hell. Not to mention the legalization of it would make it so much more accessible, younger and younger people will start to take it as well.

Meh, there are other addictive things in this world, some even more powerful than THC, whether edible or not, counting the telly and hobbies XOXO, that I'd let natural selection crud out the indolent.  Again, this is not my professional opinion.

Quote from: "NinjablazerZero"Then we'll have stupider kids around than we already do, then 20 years later, the whole country would be screwed up cause all the people running things are too damn stupid cause all they ever did is smoke weed when they were younger.
I blame the user, always. The consumer has final decision in the matter. As an individual that lived near drug gangs, smoking peers in school, and intoxicated friends, I can attest the possibility and ability to abstain. I am not sure if the Rockman series set a prime influence that deters me from taking drugs. I am sure Mario did not influence me although.

Quote from: "NinjablazerZero"Not to mention, it is a gateway drug. People think it isn't just because it "isn't addictive." But then, all those people don't know what gateway drug means.

They say the same thing about porn, and I don't see whores running rampant everywhere. Its only when the individual decides to further the game, knowing the risks, and still partakes in using other drugs. If anything, I see authoritative abuse more of a gateway to illicit reactions.

Quote from: "NinjablazerZero"Most of them are idiots who smoke it everyday, can't go a second without even so much as thinking about it, even to the point where they are starting to call it a friggin culture. That, my friends, is addiction. No question about it.

They say the same thing about chocolate and coffee. No harm there.

Quote from: "NinjablazerZero"There's a difference between liking something and studying it and doing it and creating with it, against burning a few leaves for a while and then getting lazy for hours on end, doing nothing but laughing at stuff that isn't even happening.

I agree completely. Leisure is a necessary component of a healthy lifestyle. Imbalance is the root of corruption.

Quote from: "NinjablazerZero"I don't hate drugs. Got nothing against them. But I hate the people who misuse them. I hate stupidity in general, really, but I especially hate the people who abuse and worship drugs and weed like it's the second coming of Jesus.

Fixed some things for you.

Quote from: "NinjablazerZero"Human beings shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the stuff ever. It's just gonna screw us over and either make us greedy, which'll make us do really shitty things, or make us lazy, which will halt progress and make the human race stagnate.

And 1 billion other things as well. This planet is a living hazard, and a living paradise. It's saddening we only live short enough to be a breath on this vast, amazing universe. But I don't go blaming others for my mistakes, and force people to do things that they truly do not want do, like most species do, respecting each other for their safety. Hey, guns, alcohol, and tobacco are still legal there. I am still shocked people still live in that serfdom.


Quote from: "MechaGS"After having dealt with a drug taker for 9 years and the abuse they give out, I'm against legalizing any drugs no matter what class they fall into.

I hate abusive people the most. It just irritates me, people would abuse others to get their fix, that provided them no benefit, and offer no recompense. Guilt tripping is the worst deed anyone could do. To those people, I utterly condemn. I pardon only those that vehemently repent.

@et al.

Recall that all species of cannabis were allowed in the use before the USDA took it down on "fear" that people would go rampant. Yes, the same USA that was selling tobacco pipes and whiskey all 'round the world, "feared" one genus could disastrously disrupt the working population. Keywords there. If you study the history, it comes to the same old theme, control.
It was one huge popular genus in the USA, mainly cultivated for cloths and supplies. But because it was so easy to maintain and produce, that anyone could start their own plant, the USDA was paid to take it down through scandalous propaganda campaigns everyone knew they were blatantly false, and re-control the market after the war. If you control the food, you control the population. It is the one commodity people easily dismiss, which endured many eras in civilizations.

IoW, it should haven't been made illegal to begin with. Stupid as the move was.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: Weejus on October 07, 2013, 08:04:59 PM
I think drug addiction should be considered a medical condition rather than a crime. Prison and punishments are not working as solutions to the problem.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: MechaGS on October 07, 2013, 08:43:59 PM
Quote from: "Weejus"I think drug addiction should be considered a medical condition rather than a crime. Prison and punishments are not working as solutions to the problem.

I think it should be treated as something other than both medical or a felony. Medical only led to them being given bring-me-downs and prison only lead to them taking way more in general.

I think if it wasn't stigmatized, a lot of people who do want help with their addiction would come forward. At the moment, they don't dare as they know they'll be labelled.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: mightyno67277p on October 08, 2013, 01:53:17 AM
Quote from: "Weejus"I think drug addiction should be considered a medical condition rather than a crime. Prison and punishments are not working as solutions to the problem.

Amen! Rehabilitation centers FTW! Heck, weren't the current politicians in capitol hill confirmed to be previous weed smokers? Why aren't they in Jail?

Quote from: "MechaGS"I think if it wasn't stigmatized, a lot of people who do want help with their addiction would come forward. At the moment, they don't dare as they know they'll be labelled.

So true. Good thing people are realizing they been bought and sold as serfs. Hopefully the real US citizens form their own government, free from the privately owned national banks, before they initiate the martial "civil war" for the "elimination of terrorist." This pretty much summarizes my personal (not professional) opinion about it:

Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: Frozen Vulture on October 17, 2013, 11:07:50 PM
Legalize It, Tax It, Fund Schools.

Vote for Me!!
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: mightyno67277p on October 18, 2013, 01:03:29 AM
@Frozen Vulture

Yeih! Another st*pid tax on non-processed food! Amen to control by taxation! All they need is to tax carbon and air, and they are free!???

Governments should be using something like flattr.com to fund departments that we do use, and truly vote with our money what we want. A genuine democratic distributed government.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: mousey on December 27, 2013, 04:51:52 PM
Quote from: "mightyno67277p"@Frozen Vulture

Yeih! Another st*pid tax on non-processed food! Amen to control by taxation! All they need is to tax carbon and air, and they are free!???

Governments should be using something like flattr.com to fund departments that we do use, and truly vote with our money what we want. A genuine democratic distributed government.

Funny you say that, I'm pretty sure the carbon credit system  used by manufacturers could be considered a tax.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: mightyno67277p on December 27, 2013, 05:35:55 PM
Quote from: "mousey"the carbon credit system  used by manufacturers could be considered a tax.

Thanks for understanding!
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: ThePrinceOfMoose on January 14, 2014, 09:39:10 PM
As someone who is studying to become a doctor (hematologist/oncoloist major) I think marijuana should be legalized.  It has pain killing effects and it would be great for medicinal purposes.  It would also reduce the heavy use of narcotics like vicodin and percocet.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: MechaGS on January 14, 2014, 09:54:12 PM
Quote from: "ThePrinceOfMoose"As someone who is studying to become a doctor (hematologist/oncoloist major) I think marijuana should be legalized.  It has pain killing effects and it would be great for medicinal purposes.  It would also reduce the heavy use of narcotics like vicodin and percocet.

I agree with your points of view here. While I'm not a user, I know a few people who are that take it for various issues such a having severe cancer and other such extremes and I would argue in favour of the medicinal uses.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: ThePrinceOfMoose on January 14, 2014, 10:34:28 PM
Quote from: "MechaGS"
Quote from: "ThePrinceOfMoose"As someone who is studying to become a doctor (hematologist/oncoloist major) I think marijuana should be legalized.  It has pain killing effects and it would be great for medicinal purposes.  It would also reduce the heavy use of narcotics like vicodin and percocet.

I agree with your points of view here. While I'm not a user, I know a few people who are that take it for various issues such a having severe cancer and other such extremes and I would argue in favour of the medicinal uses.

Exactly, a lot of people who have cancer go through severe pains and aches and if some are lucky enough to survive their treatments they have to deal with possible late effects of the cancer treatments due to chemotherapy and the drugs they had to take.  Though it's much harder to see if kids can use it somehow, I mean especially when you see a child diagnosed with cancer and they go through that pain too.  They don't get a "child dose" of chemotherapy, they get the same exact dose as an adult and some even require more aggressive treatments depending on how it's affected.  Marijuana maybe good for adults, but as for children I do not know how that would work.  I never seen any real pain medications for children outside of the over the counter medications or if they have to take it, narcotics.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: Betaman on January 18, 2014, 11:01:37 PM
As soon as marijuana is legalized, we can open research on it, not only as a raw material for a number of thing and its medicinal uses, but having unbiased numbers about how much it is really addicting, for example.

If we can maintain cigarettes legal, why not marijuana?
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: NotSpiderBread on January 18, 2014, 11:04:56 PM
420 Blaze it 24/7 Smoke Weed Every Day.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: mightyno67277p on January 18, 2014, 11:11:58 PM
Quote from: "Betaman"As soon as marijuana is legalized, we can open research on it,

You know most of the "research" has been done. The issue is about control, not about a plant family.

Remember Tobacco is both cultivated and taxed there. And we are done showing research it is detrimental to health.

The problem is the government's desire for control, not the a substance.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: ThePrinceOfMoose on January 18, 2014, 11:27:03 PM
Quote from: "Betaman"As soon as marijuana is legalized, we can open research on it, not only as a raw material for a number of thing and its medicinal uses, but having unbiased numbers about how much it is really addicting, for example.

If we can maintain cigarettes legal, why not marijuana?

Because apparently money talks and tobacco companies don't want to give that up no matter what.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: ThePrinceOfMoose on January 18, 2014, 11:31:31 PM
Quote from: "mightyno67277p"
Quote from: "Betaman"As soon as marijuana is legalized, we can open research on it,

You know most of the "research" has been done. The issue is about control, not about a plant family.

Remember Tobacco is both cultivated and taxed there. And we are done showing research it is detrimental to health.

The problem is the government's desire for control, not the a substance.

No matter what though there will be naysayers that say that marijuana is just as bad or is worse than cigarettes.  I find this absolutely hilarious because they are going off an assumption, not evidence.  Prohibition has failed on all fronts and the "war on drugs" is just as pointless as it wastes millions of tax dollars.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: mightyno67277p on January 18, 2014, 11:44:28 PM
Quote from: "ThePrinceOfMoose"Prohibition has failed on all fronts and the "war on drugs" is just as pointless as it wastes millions of tax dollars.
This person gets it. Why I am pro- rehabilitation of substance abuse. But US is soooo backwards.

Freemen know that they can do what they like with their bodies. Slaves don't.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: ThePrinceOfMoose on January 19, 2014, 12:13:46 AM
Quote from: "mightyno67277p"
Quote from: "ThePrinceOfMoose"Prohibition has failed on all fronts and the "war on drugs" is just as pointless as it wastes millions of tax dollars.
This person gets it. Why I am pro- rehabilitation of substance abuse. But US is soooo backwards.

Freemen know that they can do what they like with their bodies. Slaves don't.


Thanks for the complement, that is much appreciated.  However the politicians the run this country (The U.S.) do not seem to understand the basic concept of research.  Those tax dollars could go to better use.....like health coverage for instance!!!!!!!!
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: Ryusei on January 20, 2014, 06:05:20 PM
Drugs imply risk.

Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: mightyno67277p on January 20, 2014, 08:26:21 PM
Quote from: "Ryusei"Drugs imply risk.
So does life, but you don't see it complaining.
Title: Should weed be legalized everywhere?
Post by: Ryusei on January 20, 2014, 08:38:42 PM
Ba dum tss