Mighty No. 9 Universe

Mighty no. 9 Corner => The Polls Section! => Topic started by: mightyno67277p on October 07, 2013, 05:33:39 PM

Post by: mightyno67277p on October 07, 2013, 05:33:39 PM
Things you wished were in the project as a whole. List will constantly be updated, so please check often! BTW, I know most of these are not achievable in the budget. Maybe on the sequel, or anointed patch we can pitch these in.

EDIT: How sad:

QuoteYou may enter up to 10 options.

Can we then install Advanced Poll, LimeSurvey, or phpESP in poll.mightyno9universe.com subdomain?
Knowing you are on a cpanel shared user account, and the difficulty that is is to maintain a custom .htaccess rule /with/subdirectories, if your main files are in the web root instead of a subfolder in the web root. IoW, doing mightyno9universe.com/poll will be difficult if you do not know phpBB's custom .htaccess rules, or you did not installed mightyno9universe all in public_html/main_forum/.
Post by: MechaGS on October 07, 2013, 08:34:04 PM
The forums on the root but it's easy to bypass phpBB's rules. I'll have a chat with Raven about it and if he agrees, we'll get one of those set up.

As for me, an API would be amazing. That would sway me from picking the PS4 version back to the PC version. Of course, the mods would only work on PC unless they created a proprietary loader via USB or the like on console(s).

Stage creation has become pretty popular in games themselves. I'm sure that adding a stage creator wouldn't be too much of a burden.
Post by: TheRaven on October 07, 2013, 10:55:31 PM
I voted for everything since all of those options would be awesome. :P And as for advanced poll I am okay with that since it'll give us more options. ;)
Post by: MechaGS on October 07, 2013, 11:01:12 PM
Quote from: TheRavenI voted for everything since all of those options would be awesome. :P And as for advanced poll I am okay with that since it'll give us more options. ;)

Will get to it tomorrow then. It's a bit late for me to be messing with stuff now. :P
Post by: mightyno67277p on October 08, 2013, 01:28:43 AM
Quote from: MechaGSThe forums on the root but it's easy to bypass phpBB's rules.

Figured much.

Quote from: MechaGSAs for me, an API would be amazing. That would sway me from picking the PS4 version back to the PC version. Of course, the mods would only work on PC unless they created a proprietary loader via USB or the like on console(s).

Ditto, but I would port for MIPS and ARM. I would love to play MN9 on this:

<!-- m --><a href='http://www.gcw-zero.com/' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>http://www.gcw-zero.com/</a><!-- m -->

and Ouya as well as Pandora. Of course, I'd give some of my love to the smart phones, and make a repo for them (hopefully endorsed by comcept) . Of course, I getting the Linux version.

Quote from: MechaGSStage creation has become pretty popular in games themselves. I'm sure that adding a stage creator wouldn't be too much of a burden.

Amen! Which is I implied to just leave the Debug mode, if it is too burdensome. The Rockman Series used password states to unlock stages. I think it is possible.


Thanks for letting me know you will apply Advance Poll at the least. With it, we can actually make the 200+ wishlist, I KNOW all fans will ask. I am like, .00142% of the fanbase. I am barely a significant voter.
I still wonder if comcept and 2PlayerProductions even have this site on the radar. Has anyone mentioned it in the Kickstarter, or twitter? At the least I know it is on reddit.
Post by: TheRaven on October 08, 2013, 01:49:23 AM
I've sort of spammed the forum a bit on the Kickstarter project and Mecha actually tweeted about the forum in which we gain tons of members that same day. Overall they probably know about us but since they are making a forum themselves, they probably won't mention us. :\ (When that does happen, we hope to see members stick around and come here if they didn't back the project up since fans who couldn't won't gain access to the forums.) And thank you for bringing up Advance Poll, since Mecha is our Tech Admin he'll be looking into it tomorrow since he's tired. ;)
Post by: Demon_skeith on October 08, 2013, 05:13:35 AM
I'm for all the options, making a stage would be the best. I have a few that I made up during my X playing days that I think I can still remember.
Post by: MechaGS on October 08, 2013, 12:54:12 PM
Quote from: mightyno67277pDitto, but I would port for MIPS and ARM. I would love to play MN9 on this:

<!-- m --><a href='http://www.gcw-zero.com/' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>http://www.gcw-zero.com/</a><!-- m -->

and Ouya as well as Pandora. Of course, I'd give some of my love to the smart phones, and make a repo for them (hopefully endorsed by comcept) . Of course, I getting the Linux version.

Essentially, the linux version could be run on the Ouya if they just compile it a little differently. Android is itself built on the foundation of Linux so I don't see why they couldn't extend to that easily.

I have never seen that GCW handheld before but it looks cool. :P

EDIT #1: <a href='http://www.mightyno9universe.com/poll' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>Advanced Poll</a> has been installed.

EDIT #2: LimeSurvey has way more features it seems. Might switch to that if you guys think it'll be a better fit.
Post by: TheRaven on October 08, 2013, 04:46:36 PM
Sounds like LimeSurvey may be better then, if it has more features. :) But if everyone is okay with Advanced Poll, then that's fine as well. :P Could you imagine though making levels and playing through them with a friend? That would be tons of fun, but since I'm not much of a PC gamer I wouldn't probably be able to do this, unless if this feature was to appear in the 3DS or Wii U version. :V It'd work fine on the 3DS version though, just grab a friend and start creating a level for you and your friend to play through. xD However now that I think of it, what cameos would you guys like to see happen? I don't think Capcom would allow them to insert Mega Man or any other character from the franchise in the game, since you know this is sort of like the spiritual success to Mega Man IMO. It'd be cool to see other characters from different franchises appear in the game, say like Sonic The Hedgehog or Mario! :D
Post by: mightyno67277p on October 08, 2013, 08:33:17 PM
Quote from: MechaGSEDIT #1: <a href='http://www.mightyno9universe.com/poll' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>Advanced Poll</a> has been installed.

EDIT #2: LimeSurvey has way more features it seems. Might switch to that if you guys think it'll be a better fit.

So um, how do we make polls? Do I need an account for the admin panel at <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.mightyno9universe.com/poll/admin/">poll/admin/</a><!-- l --> ?

If LimeSurvey and phpESP allows you to make general polls and users, then use that. So far the only polls I want to create  is this massive wishlist, the Call Design ones w/ palette (multi level vote), Dr. W's (multi as well), Beck extra transformation vote, and any of them that we come up on the fly. I think Limesurvey has all those utilities, even  preferential voting.


Quote from: TheRavenCould you imagine though making levels and playing through them with a friend? That would be tons of fun, but since I'm not much of a PC gamer I wouldn't probably be able to do this, unless if this feature was to appear in the 3DS or Wii U version. :V


However now that I think of it, what cameos would you guys like to see happen?

Well, it could be possible to download and upload/share file maps, like in Super Smash Brother Brawl. They can use the LZW algorithm to compress the maps, if they make the maps in blocks like in SSBB and Minecraft. Easy and portable enough.

However for the Cameo, they can do a Rockman-like character or boss. A Bass-like or some other character they have permission is fine *Shantae, ahem*. It would just make it the game even more awesome if it included one. Maybe even Doujin characters *Rosenkreuzstilette ahem*. Of course, I know that comcept will cover their assets by getting signed permissions of all art and pose coming in to the credits and in-game appearances. It shouldn't be that hard to automate it with a mailing list.
Post by: MechaGS on October 08, 2013, 08:49:53 PM
Quote from: mightyno67277pSo um, how do we make polls? Do I need an account for the admin panel at <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.mightyno9universe.com/poll/admin/">poll/admin/</a><!-- l --> ?

If LimeSurvey and phpESP allows you to make general polls and users, then use that. So far the only polls I want to create  is this massive wishlist, the Call Design ones w/ palette (multi level vote), Dr. W's (multi as well), Beck extra transformation vote, and any of them that we come up on the fly. I think Limesurvey has all those utilities, even  preferential voting.

I've installed Limesurvey. Also sent you an account so you can make surveys. :D
Post by: mightyno67277p on October 08, 2013, 09:30:55 PM
Quote from: MechaGSI've installed Limesurvey. Also sent you an account so you can make surveys. :D

Thanks, trying to find the change password section lol.


LOL, where is that Key Icon on the personalsettings section?:

<!-- m --><a href='http://manual.limesurvey.org/wiki/First_login_-_Your_user_preferences' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>http://manual.limesurvey.org/wiki/First ... references</a><!-- m -->

Nice responsive UI BTW


Do you want your email as a bounce back, so you also receive messages? I am ambivalent to even display emails on the survey. How far do you want the survey to be? Open to the public, only to mn9u, only to B?cker (somehow)? Trying to find ow to make subscriptions, so that it is subscription based. (it would be fun to pipe the user list here on the phpBB DB to lime survey)

Actually, what is the best method to talk to you, IRC, email, here? (trying to respect your privacy and anonymity) I am fine joining an IRC server what we password protect the channel to so only people who want to talk about making surveys can join.
Post by: MechaGS on October 08, 2013, 10:53:02 PM
Technically, there could be a space made on the forum to discuss surveys. I'll discuss it with Raven asap. :)

The best way to contact me is probably on here or via e-mail. I'm usually at the PC, so I'm never too far from either this site or e-mail. I think leaving the surveys open to the masses is a good idea (for now). We can test and see if it works out and if not, we can aim to lock it down to the forum or backers.

Piping the DB should be pretty easy if it comes to it. I'm not too bad at integrating weird systems together. If we need it, I'll look into it.
Post by: mightyno67277p on October 08, 2013, 11:45:34 PM
I GOT IT, we make another page for subscriptions, where you can optionally sign that you are a backer, or a MN9U user, so we have all 3 samples: Backers, MN9 users, and the rest of the world. IP address logging would be idiotic to do, if more than one person is in a proxy/VPN/firewall. But with the subscription thing, we prevent lots of unnecessary spam. The way we can provide proof that they are a backer is that they input their kickstart link or humblebundle link, and a hash value is made with their user name, so that we can keep their links confidential.

Quote from: "MechaGS"Technically, there could be a space made on the forum to discuss surveys. I'll discuss it with Raven asap. :)

A poll sub forum discussion. Not Bad. That'll make my work easier to bare, than reviewing emails, and a google group. You can then move this thread there.

Quote from: "MechaGS"Piping the DB should be pretty easy if it comes to it. I'm not too bad at integrating weird systems together. If we need it, I'll look into it.

We do it ONLY on the registration page for you to vote. The point of the subscription page is to prevent votebots from abusing the system, since a textcaptcha will be implemented (http://textcaptcha.com/register), and acquire more genuine responses, than someone with 3-5 usernames. Plus with the optional verification process, we have true samples to determine what is actually favored. (hopefully making comcept jealous.)

Creating that gmail account for the admin and survey writers, in case I go MIA, and other can take care of the general housekeeping.
Clearing cookies and all
Post by: MN9universePoll on October 09, 2013, 01:29:06 AM
We officially live now! Users can contact us of they want to work in the surveys of mightyno9universe.com/poll/

Tell us what you want, and we will see what we can accommodate.
Post by: TheRaven on October 09, 2013, 02:23:46 AM
I will make a global announcement of our poll system, thank you for setting this up Mecha and thank you mightyno67277p for the wonderful idea. :)
Post by: MN9universePoll on October 09, 2013, 02:30:15 AM

It's not ready yet. You might still want to make a sub forum for polls here under Mighty no. 9 Corner (?f=5), so that those that do not want to contact via email or PM, they can discuss things.


Make the administrator of the Limesurvey poll with another email account. Unless you want to use the one I already made, which I sent the details of. I might to PM you both more to keep it confidential, until we are production ready.

EDIT: PM'd you both, with further details, and goodies. It will be a pleasure working with you guys!   ;)
Post by: TheRaven on October 09, 2013, 03:48:27 AM
Alright for now I will create a sub forum, so let me go set that up. :) Then I'm off to bed since I got to get up early for work tomorrow, thank you for everything!
Post by: MN9universePoll on October 09, 2013, 05:27:41 AM
Quote from: TheRavenAlright for now I will create a sub forum, so let me go set that up. :) Then I'm off to bed since I got to get up early for work tomorrow, thank you for everything!

No, thank you for everything! The email account works like a charm. I am debating of a way to subtly notify of changes and updates with this account. I am so used just having a mailing list or a database we use to update as a changelog. But it is up to you guys how you want to be notified, if at all. PM or email this account to discuss your opinion. Trying to make it subscribe to this thread now.

Good night!
Post by: MechaGS on October 09, 2013, 09:18:28 AM
Here's a logo for the polls section. :)  I've also updated the other logo's fonts a bit.
Post by: mightyno67277p on October 09, 2013, 06:07:16 PM
LOL, while the font is not the same, you could have uploaded it to the email account, and just updated the changelog folder. Todo: Adapting the avatar in a few.
Post by: MN9universePoll on October 09, 2013, 08:32:10 PM
Done, and it looks awful. If anyone wants to clean it, you can. Just pm or email us, really.
Post by: astarisborn94 on October 11, 2013, 04:09:03 AM
Being able to have a physical copy for the PS3/PS4/Wii U version would have nice, although unfortunately that didn't happen. Same with beta, which is why I am giving away my beta to someone (how I'll do it is another question). But alas, that'll never come to pass.

Aside from that, I would love to see a stage creation. I was hoping that it would be a stretch goal for the Kickstarter, but that sadly won't happen. Perhaps it could be added as free DLC later on (unless Inafune has a lot of ideas for a Mighty No. 9 2 game).

Cameos would also be nice. In the 0.000001% Capcom ends up publishing this and doesn't mess with this game, I would like for Capcom to include a Mega Man cameo.