Hello everyone here are a few rules that are to be followed in this sub forum. Please take the time to read these rules, if these rules are broken your roleplay topic may be locked.
1. Please don't make your characters invincible. Nobody is perfect, and many people wouldn't like rping with a character that is invincible, it isn't fair. Every character has their flaws and weaknesses.
2. Roleplays may be sexual, but please use the following rating system while starting new rps. Failure to mark your roleplaying topic will result in a lock of the topic.
K- A kid friendly roleplay that contains no fowl language, gore, or intimacy.
T-A roleplay that may contain some intimacy (such as kissing, etc.) and minor language. May also contain some gore.
M- A roleplay that may contain intimacy, language, and gore.
If you want to set up private roleplays please contact me or another member of staff and we'll set up a private topic for you. Thank you for reading the rules and I hope you have a fun time roleplaying. These rules may change at any time so keep an eye out on them. :)