Mention things that annoy you or dislike.
They can be about games in general or subgenres or specific games/series, etc.
Specs Ops The Line is too damn short.
I hate tacked-on multiplayer. If it's meant to be a single player game, don't wreck it by adding some game mode that 90% of gamers won't touch cause it doesn't make any sense.
Games like Tomb Raider, Hitman: Absolution, Batman: Arkham Origins, Spec Ops: The Line and The Last Of Us all have tacked-on multiplayer which don't add to the experience in any way cause the modes are garbage.
Unique or hard to find breakable melee weapons with a limited amount of uses and no repair option...
The mobile gaming industry has stagnated into a freemium cesspit, some of the worst examples of this being the kind of mobile games that make you wait for things, but you can pay to have them now such as Smurfs' Village and The Simpsons Tapped Out (TF2 is one of the few games to get freemium correct, i.e. it never pressurises you to buy stuff), the new consoles (besides Wii U) all look like bland upgrades of their predecessors with no distinguishing features aside graphics, the gaming community generally being hateful, unwelcoming pricks who send death threats when they hear about something they don't like (this doesn't apply to everyone but this is a problem), the concept of DLC being mercilessly abused by some companies, Nintendo (and partially Ubisoft but they have their reasons) screwed up the Wii U launch period and still has yet to gain traction on the market due to having all its big releases coming out around the PS4/XB1 launches.
Enemy reinforcements in every single mission without fail.
Overpowered enemy units that completely replenish once their HP has been lowered to a certain point... and do it more than once during the same mission.
The game requiring you to perform poorly during a certain chapter to access the route that leads to the true ending (Fucking Valkyrie Profile).
Random battles every 5-30 steps.
Enemies with essentially touch-of-doom skills in roguelikes and dungeon crawlers.
Games that require you to play them twice to see the full cutscenes/story.
Tacked on shitty driving/vehicle sections.
Needless time limits.
Having to complete all the chapters with all characters to be able to finish the game with one.
Not having the option of starting the game on a Hard difficulty mode since the get-go.
Cover based shooters with no co-op.
Game based around multiplayer... the online is dead and there's no pc version.
Broken/Untested AI and difficulty levels.
Anyone who has played Stronghold probably remembers that the missions where you invade the Pig's castle are far more difficult then they need to be, and if I have more difficulty on EASY mode of a mission than the next missions hardest difficulty, something is wrong.
Publisher company decides to make an anthology of a long running series... they don't use the best versions of the games.
Buy game... direct sequel is announced for a system you really don't want to buy.
"And the sixth part will be on... iOS".
HD compilation... the games have worse framerate and effects than the originals.
Buy game... an enhanced version is announced for a handheld instead of another home console.
A system has many games... but most of them are in a language over 95% of the world can't read.
Censorship of any kind in video games.
Character is black in the original version... but in the localization is white.
Character is japanese in the original version... but in the localization is american.
Character is named Umihara in the original version... but in the localization is named Yumi.
"The tenth entry in the franchise... will be a MMORPG".
"To be continued"... the game never has a sequel or it doesn't continue the first game's ending.
Publisher just released the localized version of a game... a couple months later announces a japanese special edition with lots of new additional content... and never releases it outside of that country.
Xbox exclusive... game is never released in USA (extra points if the game oozes american pride).
Region lock.
increase in difficulty lowers you ally AI's intelligence
increase in difficulty makes the enemies more resistant to damage while they dish out more
AI having a seeming unlimited amount of resources (fuck you Gihren's Greed)
invisible walls at knee level preventing exploration
Retry option in rpgs, killing any resemblance of challenge they had.
Checkpoint abuse.
Permanent missable.
Hidden items/secrets that require the player to read a FAQ or an official guide because the process to find them is so complicated and counterintuitive you could spend 100 years playing the game and never discover them (example: FFXII's Zodiac Spear).
When it good RPG is hindered by too many random (or unavoidable) battles that happen every few seconds. This always messes me up in mazes or labyrinths, and sometimes I get wind up getting stuck for hours trying to find my way out.
Surprise pitfalls in the worst possible locations in games where the camera is awful and the player is supposed to go fast.
Underwater missions or segments.
A game presenting you various missions as optional, but are actually mandatory to advance.
Mandatory missions completely unrelated to the main goal that the player must complete no matter what so an unrelated scripted event happens and you can advance through the story (Grand Theft Auto modern games...).
Enemies talking shit right into the player's character face and being unable to say or do anything because the plot (Based CC2).
About a third of the game being about riding a fan boat.
In order to do X you must be on Point A during exactly Y timeframe... there is no way to speed up the time.
The developers advertise their game focusing on how the player's choices will greatly affect the story... you know the rest.
Quote from: RyuseiThe developers advertise their game focusing on how the player's choices will greatly affect the story... you know the rest.
I sure do. Mass Effect comes to mind immediately.
For me it was The Walking Dead.
No matter what you choose, the main line pretty much always prevails and turns obsolete the options that deviate from what the writers wanted to be canon.
Hostages can be killed and remain dead for the rest of the game.
Mandatory escort mission with a big slow explosive vehicle and flying enemies everywhere.
Having to grind right at the beginning to purchase vital key items you can't do without.
Guess the games.
Walking Dead was a HUGE let down for me as well.
New peeve: Early access games. I think they are doing more harm than good. People are judging an unfinished product and reviewing the game as if it was full release, AND/OR they get the expectations up too high during it all.
Quote from: Swan DiveNew peeve: Early access games. I think they are doing more harm than good. People are judging an unfinished product and reviewing the game as if it was full release, AND/OR they get the expectations up too high during it all.
I agree with you on this. I used to think it could work out but people are too high-strung to take early releases at face value.
Quote from: Swan DivePeople are judging an unfinished product and reviewing the game as if it was full release, AND/OR they get the expectations up too high during it all.
They're doing right.
Most beta versions released to the public don't differ too much from the finished games, unless we're talking about MMOs, where lots of changes can happen in a relatively short time.
Quote from: RyuseiMost beta versions released to the public don't differ too much from the finished games.
That's what I used to think as well, until Starbound (sandbox exploration game) enlightened me. Just look at their list of promises..
In over a month I think they delivered on maybe 1-2 of those things, and they were just tweaks and bug fixes, not actual content additions. The forum opinion of the game has been steadily decreasing over that time period as well.
I was also talking more about "early access" and not beta though. C/O Beta is usually free, and early access is not.
It probably has something to do with its funding being partially based on a system resemblant to KS's pledges.
Once they got your money, there's not that much pressure on them to deliver what they promised in a timely manner.
I'm not a fan of paid demos (unless they come with a free Zone Of the Enders game :D).