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Off Topic Haven => Gaming Corner => Topic started by: Lienn on January 29, 2014, 03:24:35 AM

Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: Lienn on January 29, 2014, 03:24:35 AM
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/48 ... -guardians

Its KS campaign is around the halfway. They trying to fund what is being considered the spiritual sucessor of FFT, even including the trio that made FFT the success it was! Yasumi Matsune (design and story), Hitoshi Sakimoto (music) and Akihiko Yoshida (art)!

Let's help them make some magic there! ^^
Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: Swan Dive on January 29, 2014, 04:03:01 AM
I heard about this game.  Definitely interested, being a huge fan of FFT I hope for the game to do well.  I wonder if they still got the stuff that the magic of FFT brought, after all these years?  They have a lot of TRPG competition these days, that's for sure.  Still, I'm going to need more info before I consider investing in this one.
Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: Lienn on January 29, 2014, 10:10:26 AM
If not mistaken there's a new update planned for today and for friday, exactly to show more info!

They sold me the game when they added Akihiko Yoshida tho ^^ The people that did the 3 main points that made me love FFT are there so i just wasn't able to stay away! ^^
Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: Swan Dive on January 29, 2014, 08:06:43 PM
I just hope they balance the game more, FFT was way too easy after the Gafgarion arc was over.
Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: MechaGS on January 29, 2014, 08:18:31 PM
I'll admit that I didn't much care for FFT. I will give this a look down the line but I found FFT to be rather bland if I'm honest.
Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: Swan Dive on January 29, 2014, 08:23:40 PM
It was my first tactics game so it will always be special to me.  Right now though I'd vote Fire Emblem as my favorite TRPG.  The new Tactics games never did interest me much.  The main reason I liked the original so much is because of the engaging storyline and characters, though the battle system still managed to entertain (and teach me a new genre).
Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: Lienn on January 31, 2014, 07:52:10 AM
Official Unsung Story site released! http://unsungstory.com/
Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: Swan Dive on February 01, 2014, 01:02:04 AM
Site is blank.  Must just be a placeholder? http://www.incineratorstudios.com URL is in the source code though.
Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: Lienn on February 01, 2014, 01:48:16 AM
Quote from: Swan DiveSite is blank.  Must just be a placeholder? http://www.incineratorstudios.com URL is in the source code though.

Weird. Just clicked the link to check and it worked properly. Maybe the site was down for update when you tried...or maybe its a browser issue...not really sure.
Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: Swan Dive on February 01, 2014, 03:43:32 AM
It seems to be working now.  *goes to read*
Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: Lienn on February 01, 2014, 03:49:58 AM
New update finallly bringing real info about the game mechanics! Worth reading! ^^

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/48 ... sts/735272
Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: Swan Dive on February 01, 2014, 04:52:05 AM
QuoteQ: Who will the main character be?

A: There is no main character such as Ramza (Final Fantasy Tactics) or Denam (Tactics Ogre). Players will assume control of a group of common warriors and take part in battles from episodes spanning the course of the war.

Welp, this officially killed my interest in the game, since I play RPGs for the characters (and story) and not blank slates that I'm left to mold into soulless dialogueless parties. :(
Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: Lienn on February 01, 2014, 09:43:28 AM
Quote from: Swan Dive
QuoteQ: Who will the main character be?

A: There is no main character such as Ramza (Final Fantasy Tactics) or Denam (Tactics Ogre). Players will assume control of a group of common warriors and take part in battles from episodes spanning the course of the war.

Welp, this officially killed my interest in the game, since I play RPGs for the characters (and story) and not blank slates that I'm left to mold into soulless dialogueless parties. :(

It actually wasthe opposite to me! ^^ Loved the idea of having multiple stories instead of only one! ^^ Hopefully it can have a feel similar to Valkyrie Profile heroes! ^^
Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: Swan Dive on February 01, 2014, 04:50:56 PM
Heheh Valkyrie Profile, another game that I couldn't get into. I'm guessing you would like or liked the Saga Frontier series too then?  Maybe even Chrono Cross too (which I actually liked)?

If the gameplay is a groundbreakingly amazing TRPG breakthrough, I may still give it a try and buy it later.  I just don't want to back a game that I have doubts on.  There has to be SOME dialogue on the characters though.  Even in FFT the blank characters had some dialogue (Burning anger rising...Burst! Wave Fist!" being one of my favorites of all time) even though it was premade it was still something, and that would be enough for me.
Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: Ryusei on February 01, 2014, 05:56:01 PM
Personally, the things i liked the most about FFT, Vagrant Story and FFXII were the setting, the aesthetics, some of the characters, some of the plot twists, the customization and the music.

The combat system in the first one was alright, in the second it's kinda hit or miss and relies too much on having prepared weapons for specific types of enemies, and in the third game it's either auto-pilot or the most dull/inefficient micromanagement. All of them allow grinding like crazy, unlike games like Fire Emblem or Langrisser

QuoteThere is no main character such as Ramza (Final Fantasy Tactics) or Denam (Tactics Ogre). Players will assume control of a group of common warriors and take part in battles from episodes spanning the course of the war.

This has a huge potential of sucking due a lack of character development (which could happen with main characters too, see: many of Matsuno's games. Basch should've been the protagonist of FF12 and everyone should've gotten more fucking development, backstory and focus. The judges would've been very interesting to develop too but instead we got tons of wasted potential and a main antagonist i just couldn't care less about).

If the story is going to depend on generic soldiers, it better be damn good and not just another Lovecraft/Tolkien inspired ultra cliche generic WRPG plot with shitty generic western made aesthetics and lore. Not saying it should be a weebfest and ultra generic stuff like Grindgaea either, but c'mon.
Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: Swan Dive on February 01, 2014, 06:25:28 PM
Agreed, FF12 is easily my least favorite FF game because of the empty characters.  (Back in the older FFs it was more excusable since technology was limited.)  I CRIED for Aeris/ith in FF7, I felt Squall's loniliness in FF8, I felt Vivi's pain in FF9, I admired Auron in FF10, etc. but in FF12 I felt nothing at all and eventually quit.  

I think they are going to need main characters if they want the game to suceed, especially since they are openly bragging about an FFT creator being involved in it.  Politically bred "Villians" like Algus and even minor "Heroes" like Mustadio still hold special memories in my gaming history.  Without that I don't know how I would of loved FFT so much.  

I just can't understand, why they would abandon such an important part of the Tactics genre?  Disgaea has it's characters, FE:A has it's characters, and FFT has it's characters. JTRPGs all have their characters!  Perhaps they are going more towards the (successful) XCOM route and focusing PURELY on gameplay...
Title: Unsung Story KS!
Post by: Lienn on February 02, 2014, 03:45:52 AM
Quote from: Swan DiveHeheh Valkyrie Profile, another game that I couldn't get into. I'm guessing you would like or liked the Saga Frontier series too then?  Maybe even Chrono Cross too (which I actually liked)?

If the gameplay is a groundbreakingly amazing TRPG breakthrough, I may still give it a try and buy it later.  I just don't want to back a game that I have doubts on.  There has to be SOME dialogue on the characters though.  Even in FFT the blank characters had some dialogue (Burning anger rising...Burst! Wave Fist!" being one of my favorites of all time) even though it was premade it was still something, and that would be enough for me.

Indeed i liked SaGa Frontier. Chrono Cross not s much (played it more because it was related to Chrono Trigger than due the game itself) but ye, i like game with lots of charcters with individual stories ^^