Nobody speaking there ?!
Are we really letting the official Mighty N?9 chat thread growing without doing anything here ?
May I remind you we don't risk any HM edit there
(for those unaware : HM Edit means : you're post was not positive enough, so it's edited to be 200% positive)
Fine by me.
This thread was posted as a joke, so it had to be made fun of.
Please post at the chat section, than derail this thread:
If you have any question, be sure to PM to check your privileges. Spoiler
xD I loved your post pewpew, though to be fair I created this topic back when we were still using phpBB and didn't have a chat room anymore. :P Spoiler
No no, I have access to the chat room.
But this thread should've reached 1 000 000 pages by now.
Worship TechnoWolf
... What ? Who put that here ?
Yeah everyone has access to the chatroom. I can't seem to just select members, moderators, backers, and admins for whatever reason. So I just changed the permissions again since there was a random guest in the chatroom just now. :V I need to figure out how to change the member group order so I can easily select the groups I want to have chat access. :P
Why not create a new group entirely, called Chatters, and make that group be a default auto join group @registration?
Then you can add backers, and anyone into the list.
...That's actually a good idea. xD I'll go set that up right now.
Another night well spent.
I've been studying instead of sleeping. No wonder why my sleep cycle are so *** up.
What classes were you studying for? Also rest will definitely help you, if you have any exams or whatnot. (Even if you don't it'll still help of course. :P)
I have exams at the end of the month. But sleep wasn't coming to me, so at 2 AM I kinda decided "f*** it" and decided to do something more productive since I was given more time due
to troll brain "I don't want you to sleep, let's think about stuff" condition.
I've been studying my network stuff & Database Management Software.
Upset with myself for being unable to stop procrastinating... :mad:
been there, man.
Hello. :) I'm bored.
Nice. What size is it?
American size so.... yeah. Kind of too large for me. But still awesome !
Hey, why are we using this place to chat? We have a chat room, do we not. Come join the fun.
I was calling TechnoWolf to join the chat room yesterday. Not really a comment about the chat thread.
QuoteNow that shirt is pretty epic. Despite it being a bit too large for you that is, but perhaps it'll shrink a bit when you wash & dry it? :P
And this is the place I decided to show you guys my new T-shirt.Spoiler (Show/Hide)
Hey sorry for my absence everyone. Been really busy with work and my uncle has been in the hospital. He's doing much better though thank god! He had gangrene and had to get his legs amputated right above the knees... It'll be a long road to recovery for him but he's doing much better than he has been.
best recovery wishes to him