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Messages - MechaGS


Can't say I'm happy with English VA's winning over Japanese VA's considering it's a Japanese game. Kind of wrecks the rest of the identity the game had for itself.


Also, an announcement of DLC before the game gets released? MADNESS I SAY! Guess we'll see what happens with it.


EDIT: I read Pewpew's post from the link given and have to say I also believe they are starting to rush through now. I wrote this on the official forum and I stand by what I've said.


I went with C, the bow looking weapon. I liked that one the best out of the offerings.

Off Topic Discussions / What are you listening to?
September 09, 2014, 09:59:58 PM
I seen a Babymetal video above and can't help but put in another! :P


Awesome man, I love it!


Btw, welcome to MN9U, janimator0. :D

Gaming Corner / What games are you currently playing?
September 02, 2014, 11:42:56 PM

I've been playing Diablo 3 (PS4), Under Night In-Birth (PS3) and SRW Z3 (PS3). They're all keeping me rather busy at the moment. :P


I've picked up two new games to add to my imports listing. Both are Japanese PS3 games.


Copies of: Under Night In-Birth and Dai 3-Ji Super Robot Taisen Z Jigoku-hen

Mega Man Corner / Mega Man Collections?
August 16, 2014, 12:11:57 PM

Adding one new item to my collection today. I picked up a copy of Mega Man Starforce 3: Red Joker which was new / sealed. Feel like I got pretty lucky on this one! :D


Arrived 16th August 2014

Forum Games Corner / Count to 1 Million
August 11, 2014, 10:33:54 PM



I'm liking the sound of that skyscraper level. Could be an awesomely crazy map with a camera that moves up, forcing the player to keep up or insta-die for example (like the old Mario games).


Decent update this month.

Forum Games Corner / Count to 1 Million
August 09, 2014, 12:19:34 PM


Gaming Corner / Freedom Planet - First Thoughts
August 07, 2014, 01:24:29 AM

I bought Freedom Planet on day one and love it to bits. I'm a massive Sonic fan though, so having a 16-bit era throw-back to that style of game (plus extra) is an instant win with me.


I recommend this to all who loved the Genesis / Mega Drive or SNES days. It's a fitting nod to the development style's back then.

Forum Games Corner / Count to 1 Million
August 06, 2014, 08:39:18 AM


Mega Man Corner / Mega Man Collections?
August 05, 2014, 02:31:24 PM

The latest items to add to my Mega Man collection have arrived! :D


Entire Mega Man Manga Collection: 5th August 2014


I'm looking forward to going through and reading all of them! :P

Forum Games Corner / Count to 1 Million
August 05, 2014, 07:45:12 AM


Gaming Corner / (Retro)Gaming has gone insane
August 04, 2014, 10:09:48 PM

I know exactly what you mean TechnoWolf. I will admit to buying games at those prices and higher (especially my recent Mega Man purchases) which have all been way over what I'd have expected. Most have cost me the same as new games and a few have been double that price.


The issue that I'm seeing though isn't the price, it's the lack of titles leading to the price. Especially when we talk games that are pre-PSX era, then we really start hitting some crazy pricing but people don't want to sell their retro games any more. I'm happy that I've kept most of the games I grew up with as many are very expensive to get a hold of now.


I love retro gaming though, much more than the current generation and personally I preferred the days of buying a complete game. I hate having to deal with today's DLC, Season Passes and whatever else publishers will do next just to take advantage of people's wallets. Even today's games cost more because of the "add-ons" that developers and publishers are pushing (anyone remember horse armour?).


You'll have to lump me in with the people that believe that the retro years were better (at least for consumers). No beating around the bush, just a finished title that the whole family could enjoy. If Microsoft got their way this gen, we'd all have been paying to let people watch us game, let alone play the damned things.


That's my thoughts anyway. The industry is less consumer, more main-stream money grubbing. Either way, whether people are into retro or modern, it's a low blow all around.