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Messages - Raiu

I think my first reaction was one of shock. I'm not really sure how I found out about it, though it couldn't have been longer than a few moments ago.

My second reaction was one of pure joy. I hadn't felt that way for a long time, and now I am just cursing the wait.
General Mighty no. 9 Discussions / Are you a becker?
September 04, 2013, 02:18:40 AM
I'm a college student and, while I do have some money put away, I can't really go all out spending, that said, I made a pledge of $25, not because it gives me anything extra, but because I wanted to help make this game a reality.
The Recycling Bin / Introductions!
September 04, 2013, 02:13:52 AM
I just want to say something before I get my introduction going.


Now that that's out of the way, lets move on to the real introduction.

Howdy, I'm Raiu (Rai[se]-U if you need to pronounce it) and I'm just a gamer. I'm not a "retro" gamer, or someone who really grew up with Megaman (Battle Network was my first Megaman series). I am just a regular fan of the Megaman franchise, especially the Legends series. I felt really betrayed by Capcom when they decided to cancel the game (I think we all remember the anger that caused, I'm one of the ones who is still angry), but seeing MN9 (already an interesting acronym) really filled me with joy.