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Messages - iXerro

General Mighty no. 9 Discussions / The Goal Topic!
September 23, 2013, 04:16:30 AM
Quote from: MechaGSI'm hoping we get at least the co-op, at this point that would give us the full spectrum of gameplay. The PS4 and XBone probably won't happen though.

Shouldn't the PS4 and/or Xbox One be able to download games available on the preceding console? If that's the case then PS4/Xbox One versions aren't really necessary. Not that we'll be even close to reaching it.
General Mighty no. 9 Discussions / Call's Design
September 21, 2013, 06:31:44 PM
Quote from: Ethras
Quote from: iXerroStill, with all this color changing of Pink Call, I'm curious what it would look like if Pink Call and Roll Call swapped color schemes.

I've gone through the liberty to do just that and switch the colours!

Personally, I really really love how Roll Pink Call (top right) looks with these colours, but Pink Roll Call (top left) doesn't look as appealing, in my opinion.

WOW, that's actually really interesting. I agree, color swapped Roll Call looks horrid. But color swapped Pink Call... holy wow is that awesome. Roll Pink Call slightly reminds me of Roll in Megaman Legends. I seriously hope that design wins, because I feel like any decent color combination would look amazing on her.
General Mighty no. 9 Discussions / Call's Design
September 18, 2013, 12:49:27 PM
Well the Mighty No. 9 team announced that first vote is based on a sketch, and second vote is for the top three designs with colors. So hopefully people will actually stop to think when they see the designs with no color. Still, with all this color changing of Pink Call, I'm curious what it would look like if Pink Call and Roll Call swapped color schemes.
General Mighty no. 9 Discussions / The Goal Topic!
September 16, 2013, 02:41:48 PM
I don't think it'll be a stretch goal, but I really hope it comes to 3DS. The only platform I have is PC (From the possible consoles), and while I'll still enjoy that, I really don't like platformers on PC. The only games I like on the PC are FPS styled games. Hell, I even bought VVVVVV and the Bit.Trip series on Steam first, then when I got the 3DS bought them a second time. I guess I could buy a USB controller and connect my laptop to display on my TV. Now that I think about it, that would be pretty awesome... That actually could be great advice for people who don't own any newer consoles but have a laptop.
Mega Man Corner / Your Favorite Series?
September 15, 2013, 02:19:51 AM
Quote from: "MechaGS"
Quote from: "Weejus"
Quote from: "supernet2"The 64 series vs the ps1 series are different the 64 series audio is a bit better in my opinion at least during the opening when the "diggers" story is told, for Megaman legends 1, and megaman 64. As for the 2nd installment, not sure if it was release ever on n64. i know it was re-released on psp or perhaps that was a psx version i have for my psp. i know megaman legends 1 was released on the psp, and i have that, but it was a import. Megaman legends 2... im unsure of if it was released on psp.

Both Mega Man Legends 1 and 2 were released on PSP, but only the first one was released on N64.

They... were? *Goes to check PSN!*

Ahhh no!!! Only in Japan. Now I'm sad. :becksad

You didn't know? That's why Legends fans were so pissed! Not only was Legends 3 cancelled, but only Japan got re-releases of the first two games. Even despite everyone crying out for western localization, Capcom ignored their fans. Maybe after pulling the plug on Legends 3, they saw no need to attempt to introduce new fans to a dead series?
General Mighty no. 9 Discussions / Call's Design
September 15, 2013, 02:02:48 AM
Quote from: MechaGS
Quote from: iXerroI'm confused. Where did they say the vote would be separated into two parts?

Same here, after reading that you thought we'd get to vote on the design and colors, I went looking for that information but couldn't turn any up. :becksad

I was under the impression that we just had to vote for one and that Comcept would be choosing from there. Please point us in the right direction. :)

The only thing I personally can think of is one of the podcasts. I listened to most of both but not the whole thing. Other than that, false information?
General Mighty no. 9 Discussions / Music Topic
September 14, 2013, 03:59:37 PM
Here's something I just thought of today: I was listening to this song (Well the whole album, but this song stands out most to me) and I was thinking how cool it would be if some of the soundtrack sounded like that. But I realized the only problem was the song cuts into some dubstep section, breaking the flow of the song. But breaking the flow of the level's music could lead into an awesome level design.

The level's difficulty changes with the music.

Imagine the enemies attack you like normal when the music is average, almost peaceful. Then it gets to a short intense chunk of the song and all the enemies and dangers go berserk (Dangers like crushing ceilings are quicker and no recognizable pattern, security cameras/guns won't attack when they see you they just shoot around like crazy). It would take extra work to design and implement such a concept, in addition it might get annoying after a while, but what if only one of the final levels was designed like this? A little boost to the end of the game challenge? I think that would be a pretty awesome and interesting idea for how to navigate a level. Do you risk being intensely hurt by the out of control enemies/dangers, or do you attempt to hide and avoid being hurt until the music calms down again?
General Mighty no. 9 Discussions / A Mighty No. 9 Wiki
September 14, 2013, 02:42:43 PM
While I love the idea of a Mighty No. 9 Wiki, I think it's still much too early to be compiling information into one. The game is still being planned out, so much of what we know could be changed in the final game, or might not even appear in the game at all.

Also nice idea adding these forums as an external link  :beckgladwink
Off Topic Discussions / The origin of your username
September 14, 2013, 02:34:21 PM
Back in 2008 when I made a Youtube account, I had a sudden re-emerged addiction to Invader Zim, and combined with a fascination for the Greek alphabet, named my account InvaderZeta. I eventually made a character which I named Xerro (Doesn't come from anything, just completely made up), and when I went to make a tumblr account a few years ago I wanted to name it Xerro (I felt "Invader" in my username was a bit old and childish). Some spam account already had the name Xerro, so I just took the i in Invader and bim bam boom, iXerro.
General Mighty no. 9 Discussions / Are you a becker?
September 14, 2013, 02:22:11 PM
Quote from: MechaGSI wanted the signed hardcover art book but at $250 and needing postage too, I can't really make it a worthwhile investment. Going for the $80 was just to get away from the postage at $60 and to make sure I got the most out of my pledge really.  :beckwink

I don't know if that makes me sound bad or not, but I think $20 for postage is quite high. :)

For once, living in the US doesn't include a ridiculous shipping cost :p

I wanted the $250 for the hardcover art book/strategy guide (I've never been a fan of signed things though) and the poster, but then I realized that's it. Between $175 and $250 all I wanted was the book and poster. And the book was still available in paperback in the previous tier, so I could still get the book for the content at a lower "price". The $175 seemed a much more reasonable backing for the things I'd be getting: Mighty Number, forum access, name in credits, backer-only events, the game, the soundtrack, physical game box and instruction manual, two exclusive in-game content, beta access, two t-shirts, paperback art book/strategy guide, and enemy mascot plushie. All that for $175? Yes please.
General Mighty no. 9 Discussions / Call's Design
September 14, 2013, 01:22:26 PM
Quote from: MetazoxanThe reason I like Pink Call (Or alternatively the other design) is  I think a character design should integrate their pesonality. A characters design should say "This is me" That is why I keep saying (In the chat) she should look tough and ready to back Beck up. She can still be femanine and cute but she can't look like a cheer leader or someone who is just going to say behind and act as moral support or at best act as an errand girl to bring you stuff that you need. You need to be able to tell just by looking at her that Beck can count on her to help back him up and get through what he can't get through himself. The top left design just looks far too casual. It feels like she's ready to take a step back and chear me on rather than have my back.

Also I'll say it again I'm not saying Call can't be cute or Femanine. I'm not trying to make Call into a Tomboy. We don' t need her to look like a tomboy and I don't really want that. I feel she shouldn't look like a weak little princess or something but a character can look quite femanine and still look strong. The point of making Call a strong character is to break away from the role that Roll filled which was weak cheerleader for the most part. I'm just making this point again because in the past people have kept thinking I was saying she couldn't be femanine.

That... was perfectly worded...

Quote from: MetazoxanAlso something that needs to be addressed in the first post is that the vote for Call will be in two parts. The design and color scheme part. In other words first we decide on the best design (Not considering color) then we vote for the preferred color scheme. So from now on don't judge a design solely on it's color because that will be decided on later. instead pick the one that you think is actually designed the best. You can still talk about specific designs with a specific color scheme but just keep in mind that any design voted on can potentially have any color scheme. So Pink Call could have any kinda of colored hair or clothes the important part is the design itself. So this should be on the front page along with the original

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I love that idea, showing people the "sketched" concepts.

But awesome sketch idea aside, I'm confused. Where did they say the vote would be separated into two parts?
General Mighty no. 9 Discussions / The Goal Topic!
September 14, 2013, 01:14:33 PM
Quote from: WeejusI must confess, I've never played Mega Man Zero. Is it worth playing? I remember my local Grainger Games had one copy of the DS collection years ago but I never got it.

If you loved the X  or ZX series, then definitely Megaman Zero is worth it. Admittedly too, I skipped the series at first; I thought it was a crappy handheld series (I had Megaman & Bass and I did NOT like that game at all). But then the collection came out and a friend kept pestering me to get it. So I got it and was BLOWN AWAY. Especially with the 3DS being able to play DS games, the collection is an amazing game to have. Worthwhile too. Play the games in the original difficulty OR play all four games in one run with "Easy Scenario". The only problem with Easy Scenario is the game isn't easier, you just get all your upgrades immediately, so you lose that experience of slowly becoming stronger. But even still, you can play the games separately and originally, so no lost experience.
Gaming Corner / General Sonic Topic
September 11, 2013, 10:31:50 PM
While I enjoy the classic sidescrolling Sonic games, I'm not a huge fan of them. But then came Sonic Adventure, and woah my god did I play Adventure 1 and 2 to death. I also couldn't get enough of Heroes, but it couldn't compare to the Adventures. I also got Shadow the Hedgehog and eh, it was pretty decent. I stopped buying Sonic games after that, after hearing how terrible the 3D platforming games were (And I never paid attention to games like Rush). I got Colors some time ago just for the hell of it and I didn't enjoy the first hour or so of it, and haven't played it since. I should give it another try...

But back to the topic, a couple months ago a friend actually showed me Lost World for the 3DS (As I don't have a Wii U) and I was kind of intrigued. I doubt I'll actually get it, but I'm keeping an eye on it just in case.
Gaming Corner / What games are you currently playing?
September 11, 2013, 08:28:03 PM
A week ago I started playing Ape Escape 2 and 3, (After waiting over a decade my brother finally let me play aka buy his PS2 (To which I also had to find and buy the games as he hates all games except sports games, bluh)) but I beat them both 100% within a few days so... that's not exactly current. I'm still checking up on Animal Crossing: New Leaf a few times a day, and just today started Megaman Zero Collection again.

I still need to beat Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance and Kid Icarus: Uprising. I also got the Bioshock Infinite DLC season pass like a month ago so I still have that to do. Sometimes I need to calm down over the excitement of games coming out in the upcoming years and finish games I already have!
Off Topic Discussions / What are you listening to?
September 11, 2013, 08:16:57 PM

At first I started listening to this purely because of how ridiculous the lyrics are, but now I think I'm actually enjoying it... It's pretty darn good and catchy. I can't get it out of my head!