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Messages - Bolowors

This is ridiculous! I hope they are not saying they don't have our e-mails stored in a different place...
Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
February 06, 2014, 11:50:41 AM
Quote from: NoID

To explain it, Pontata had rebloged a forum screencap and this guy called the mods on it.

Seeing as there's no rules bending nor biased moderation, I guess we can assume that as long as you don't upload the screencap or can't be pointed as the uploader (ex: "finding" a forum pic on imgur and sharing its link), breaking the "forum content reproduction" rules is a-ok.

So... The mods doesn't care? What a shock! If anyone else have did this, the banhammer would fall...
Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
January 30, 2014, 12:15:25 PM
Quote from: RyuseiYou want controversy?

I hope Dina comes out of the shower naked and steps on a Lego.

That's cruel man... I like this idea
Gaming Corner / What games are you currently playing?
January 23, 2014, 11:25:38 AM
Right now i'm playing Xcom: Enemy Unknown. Can't afford the expansion yet...
Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
January 22, 2014, 07:36:08 PM
Quote from: TheRavenThey keep locking the memorial topics when they're not even doing any harm... what a shame. :\

Yeah! We should take our money back and walk away from this clusterfuck
But we can't
Introductions / I am [a] Junk Soul
January 22, 2014, 07:33:02 PM
Quote from: Junk SoulI've been following the controversy behind the Mighty No. 9  Kickstarter project, as closely as I could, for over six weeks now, almost since when it started. It depresses me to see what this project has become, to see the stigma that forever taints what so many people were looking forward to.

I don't even feel like I belong here. I'm just a no-name, non-backer who's only been watching from the sidelines without being able to make a great impact. I was excited for Mighty No. 9 when it was first announced, and for different reasons I ultimately failed to back the project; but at this rate, with what I'm seeing and with the way that people are being treated, I don't even want to buy or even play the game when it is finally released.

I don't normally participate in forums, but I've read about some really great people during this whole debacle. I think all I can hope for now is to at least make a few friends out of the people I've been looking up to over these past several weeks.

I'm really tired, and I'm sure most of you are too.
Yet, I still believe we can do something.

Stay strong friend! This ride will not end so early. And welcome!
Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
January 18, 2014, 04:47:39 PM
If i knew what was supposed to happen... Sigh... That kickstarter video gave-me so much hope... "Experienced japanese developers! A project with your opinions considered!" Sigh...
Off Topic Discussions / Death Battle thread
January 18, 2014, 12:17:58 PM
Sword vs Axe (No magic, cursed, blessed and etc, just regular swords and axes, and considering the warriors have the same amount of skill)
Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
January 17, 2014, 12:42:42 PM
Quote from: RibsHello everyone.

I'm not a backer, but I've been following this situation intently and have been doing a lot of reading and learning and thinking about this whole thing, and I'm absolutely shocked at how horrible things have gotten.

I'm saddened by how many people are misinformed, or refuse to be informed and simply take the word of sensationalist "news" like ScrewAttack, use opportunistic mockery made by Slowbeef, Eyeball and Seashells as the basis for their viewpoints, or see that awful, outdated InternetAristocrat video and proceed to disregard anyone who dislikes Dina. (While IA makes a few good points, the effectiveness of his video is drowned out by the blatant character assassination and passive-aggressive tone he has, and it doesn't accept the fact that the people that went hunting for a reason to hate her were wrong for doing so.)

So, I've decided that I wanted to do something- namely make a video that properly sums up the issues at hand without character-assassinating or whining or using harsh words(because more people will listen if we don't)- in order to make the best video I can that will succeed in getting information out to people and hopefully get the point across to everyone that we aren't bad people for disliking Dina- we just want a healthy community again.

If you wish to, I very much want whatever you can give to make this video the best thing it can be. I am not very skilled with video editing- my main goal will be to write a good script that another can work with. All of you that have been banned for awful reasons, all of you that haven't yet been banned, but still see the problem going on here, I want your help to show everyone the truth about Mighty No. 9's community.

How is this video going? Any news?
Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
January 17, 2014, 12:17:54 PM
Quote from: undamned
Quote from: TheCloudyEyeOn a related note, Dina's AMA is now down to 329 from the original 1500+

Most people probably missed it, but last night Dina lost her cool in the AMA thread.  Hopefully someone screen capped it.  Guy w/ the animaniacs av asked her why she deleted some guy's question and she got all flustered about people questioning mod edits and deletions.  Then they got talking about what was "fair" regarding warnings and strikes (which I am still unclear on) and she said something like, "ok, from now on, if a post is deleted for violating a forum rule, you can consider that a strike. How's that for fair?"  Then she promptly deleted the entire conversation.  Classy.


Really!! Man... How did i missed that!! I really want to see a screenshot of this conversation!
Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
January 14, 2014, 01:51:23 PM
Quote from: TheCloudyEye
Quote from: BoloworsStrange... Can't find it using the search. I was already aware of what the CM said, i saw it earlier. But thanks anyway!


Thanks! Its sad that we cannot even remember fallen members anymore... Well, I'm getting in a state that i'm not caring too much about my account in the official foruns, i'm mostly lurking right now. Probably i will ignore the project it if this keep happening, and in the future run away of anything with the name Dina Abou Karam, Comcep and 8-4.
Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
January 14, 2014, 12:58:23 PM
Quote from: TheCloudyEyeIt's still in the Off-Topic section. Not deleted, just locked.

Oh and you might be interested in this: <a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'></a>

Given that the eBay ad is still there and the account not yet banned, I'm guessing it's really out of Comcept's jurisdiction. Stay cautious though.

Strange... Can't find it using the search. I was already aware of what the CM said, i saw it earlier. But thanks anyway!
Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
January 14, 2014, 12:34:18 PM
Quote from: Anon-e-MooseDina just locked and shat all over the banned users memorial thread.

She deleted it no? After i saw your post, i looked for the thread and didn't find it
Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
January 10, 2014, 03:24:01 PM
Quote from: RenzokukenBefore a case is even looked at by the court, they'd want to know that you'd done everything possible to retrieve the funds yourself. Considering you can ask your bank to perform a charge back, the case wouldn't even be looked at until that'd failed.

Yeah. You're right, and i don't know if we have sufficient people willing to try this. But i think that is possible to find a lawer in Japan to lead this case, but someone need organise everybody and this person need to speak japanese. It's hard, probably the effort will not payback, and will only work like a protest. But can happen.
Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
January 10, 2014, 02:50:31 PM
Quote from: MechaGS
Quote from: BoloworsAbout the mass denied refunds. Anyone thinking about going to the court? Or this is pointless?

You'd have to do it in Japan most likely (Comcept have a US business outlet but I don't think they handle money) where they hold jurisdiction. You're also likely not to win due to the nature of the funding considering that refunds under Kickstarter's rules are only given on project cancellation.

I think you'd be setting yourself up for being hit with more lawyer's and court fees than what you'd get back in the end.

I see... But if we gather all the people who wanted to get a refund, and do a class action, this would be viable no?

EDIT: Nevermind, now that i re-read what i said, this is nonsense.