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Messages - Betaman

Mega Man Corner / Mega Man Rom Hacks
August 01, 2014, 05:03:03 AM
I'm a great fan of romhacks of any game, any kind. The Sonic ones are amazing.

But, right now, there's no better romhack in all existence than Rockman 4 Minus Infinity.


[quote author="TechnoWolf" data-cid="11665" data-time="1406708467">

The community they promised ?


Though I have a ton of problem with moderation and community management, I won't deny that stupidity arose from backers camp as well.



The community is also what we make of it.


Well, there's not a lot to "make" if the person supposed to bring the community together not only didn't do it, but took great pains to make sure nobody who disagrees with her has any voice.

Forum Games Corner / The Word association (game)
July 29, 2014, 01:16:16 AM

school->homework->academics->university->job->paycheck->bills->bankruptcy->homeless->depression->suicide>near->death-experience->afterlife->boring->consuming->time->clock->gear->machine->printer->Ink->paper->sheet->music->banjo->strings->puppet->Pinocchio->Strings->guitar->Band->composer->rock->stone->roses ->spikes->morningstar>moon


There was no reason to Inafune to get any backers involvement in a project. He could just make his game, show stuff sometimes to see how's it going and that's it. The only real input he could really need is beta testing.


But he promised the backers' involvement in the Kickstarter. If I had to guess, he did this to get more money. And, as we all know by now, that idea bit him right in his ass. There' ain't a lot of things people can suggest to a game without changing the creator's vision. If I remember correctly, there were only two pools, about Call's design and some random enemy's color. Call's design should be irrelevant to Inafune's vision, but due to the massive response it wasn't. That's why, after a long time, the only other pool was about colors, and even that had a disclaimer about how it will probably be modified to match the game's art.


Of course, this has nothing to do with the community they promised the backers.


[quote author="TechnoWolf" data-cid="11322" data-time="1404288255">


(and I'm cool with that : like ZX & ZX Advent had a man or a woman as main character)


Oh man please let this happen. The butthurt would be amazing, something to marvel at.

Introductions / I am [a] Junk Soul
January 21, 2014, 11:32:06 PM
Hello, [a] Junk Soul
Off Topic Discussions / The origin of your username
January 20, 2014, 02:32:01 AM
...well, omegaman was already taken....
Gaming Corner / Video game music
January 18, 2014, 11:05:36 PM
One of my favorite tracks of all time is this one

I love how well the orchestra and the electronic instruments blend together. Also, it's a far better variation than the opening, which I don't like a lot.
As soon as marijuana is legalized, we can open research on it, not only as a raw material for a number of thing and its medicinal uses, but having unbiased numbers about how much it is really addicting, for example.

If we can maintain cigarettes legal, why not marijuana?
Debate and Discussion / Gay Marriage
January 18, 2014, 10:51:06 PM
Yes, of course. There's not really a sane reason to say no, in my opinion.
The Recycling Bin / Dead subject...
January 18, 2014, 10:49:43 PM
Funny how your example talks about Dracula, a character that, in probably most appearances in other media, is a seductive person, always looking after young women, when he's not downright hypnotizing them (more rapey then killing someone else for blood)

But about Social Justice itself: it became a thing because there's sexism in videogames. This isn't something you cannot prove, like violence in videogames. The question is, how we take care of that. Doing Social Justice is NOT the right way, nor is the XBox One decision of censoring every single cuss-word spoken on any service, even if it's a personal call.

About Social Justice itself: They're just trolls that believe they're doing the right thing, instead of doing "for the lulz". Nothing more, nothing less.

And I lost some friends 9well, at the time I thought they were) because of a SWJ shaming me for calling myself a feminist. According to her, only women can be feminist. And that's... debatable, to say at least.

So, I really don't like Social Justice. Every time some SJW do something, I remember of that day.
Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
December 29, 2013, 02:27:21 AM
Well, at least the Kickstarter comments are still going. Does Dina moderate them as well, or its someone from Kickstarter itself?
Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
December 27, 2013, 02:55:01 PM
Quote from: Bolowors
Quote from: BetamanHello there

This is... a sad necessity

I think this is sad, but not a necessity. They say: "We value dialogue with our backers" and start to silence who appoint problems that indeed exist. Do you really think this is fair?

This thread is a sad necessity, not the mass banning. We need to talk.
Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
December 27, 2013, 02:26:08 PM
Quote from: Boloworsdina says they have a TEAM to look for users posts and see if anyone is going "rogue".

Her "team" must be Mark and dina. Other mods aren't 100% on Dina's bandwagon
Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
December 27, 2013, 01:57:06 PM
Hello there

This is... a sad necessity