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Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
January 11, 2014, 02:53:44 AM
Quote from: Quattro Bajeenawell we have what has been referred to as my personal circle jerk steam group, as for gathering info if you've been following and digging through archives you sohuld have enough to make a SERIES of videos on all this

I think making a series is both beyond my capacity and my intent.

I just wanna make the video that needs to be made.

Nothing more, nothing less.

I'll be working on the script whenever I have time- if any of you wish to give feedback or directly help with the video or ask questions, PM me.
Off Topic Discussions / MN9 Banned Members Camp
January 11, 2014, 01:36:58 AM
Hello everyone.

I'm not a backer, but I've been following this situation intently and have been doing a lot of reading and learning and thinking about this whole thing, and I'm absolutely shocked at how horrible things have gotten.

I'm saddened by how many people are misinformed, or refuse to be informed and simply take the word of sensationalist "news" like ScrewAttack, use opportunistic mockery made by Slowbeef, Eyeball and Seashells as the basis for their viewpoints, or see that awful, outdated InternetAristocrat video and proceed to disregard anyone who dislikes Dina. (While IA makes a few good points, the effectiveness of his video is drowned out by the blatant character assassination and passive-aggressive tone he has, and it doesn't accept the fact that the people that went hunting for a reason to hate her were wrong for doing so.)

So, I've decided that I wanted to do something- namely make a video that properly sums up the issues at hand without character-assassinating or whining or using harsh words(because more people will listen if we don't)- in order to make the best video I can that will succeed in getting information out to people and hopefully get the point across to everyone that we aren't bad people for disliking Dina- we just want a healthy community again.

If you wish to, I very much want whatever you can give to make this video the best thing it can be. I am not very skilled with video editing- my main goal will be to write a good script that another can work with. All of you that have been banned for awful reasons, all of you that haven't yet been banned, but still see the problem going on here, I want your help to show everyone the truth about Mighty No. 9's community.