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Violence and Video Games

Started by TheRaven, October 10, 2013, 07:48:09 PM

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Now this is something that always comes up in the media when something tragic happens or a new game such as GTA 5 comes out. What are your views on this subject, do you believe that video games really make people violent or not? I absolutely think it has nothing to do with the video games, but the current mental state of the person committing the acts. Video games don't make people go out and hurt others, they are a form of art and entertainment. It makes me pretty upset to hear the media blaming violent video games for the behavior of people.  :beckangry


Personally, I think that the debate should be over. Every study done so far has shown it only affects those who are already mentally unstable and already capable of doing such harm to people.

Playing violent games does nothing to your average Joe other than help them relieve stress. Anyone else is already a dangerous element in society.


All what MechaGS said.

If some comes up to you with such a stupid statement, tell them if they drive an automobile of any kind. If they say yes, just reply with "So does that make you a racer?"

If they say no, then you are done, and go on your merry way. If they said yes, reply with "Then do you race within the limits of the laws on the roads?"

If they reply yes, "The same applies to gamers. Games does not provocative one to commit acts of violence. Only people who are violent commit violent crimes."

If they confront with no, "Then you are acting as a criminal, knowing full well the rules of the road, and still risking accidents, like this one." Then run.

Frozen Vulture

The media always tries to find something or someone to blame anytime a shooting happens.  At one time it was Marilyn Manson, or Eminem.  The media has even blamed cartoons like Beavis and Butthead of encouraging kids to play with guns or fire, but in the end, it all comes down to either the person or the parents, or sometimes both.  Parents need to be actually raising their children for starters, and also we have a lot of adults shooting places up who should probably be in an institution somewhere.

Video games are violent but so are tv and movies, even radio was violent (remember the war of the worlds thing?)

Our entire country is very quick to pass the blame away from the source of the issue and onto whatever might make the biggest headline.

Sad Really


As a person whose spent most of their life playing a ton of violent video games, the most I've ever gotten is extreme road rage.

But.. I do blame legend of zelda when I was a kid, because I would run around outside with my 'master sword' collecting rubies.


Video games can make a mentally-deranged person lose it, but then again a lot of things can do that. Normal people are not affected by the violence in video games. Moreover, it helps people relieve stress.


I'm pretty sure that banning violent video games wouldn't decrease the criminality rate.


I firmly believe that video games and new technologies encourage teenagers and adults to adapt a more aggressive and violent behavior. For example, if someone is always playing Counter Strike, (s)he will definitely get addicted to guns, to police and to terrorism. Yeah, there may be some possibilities that video games can help people get rid of their stress and make them relax, but I don't really agree with this opinion. However, I am quite sure that if governments try to ban violent video games ( like GTA, CoD, Counter Strike even Harry Potter ), criminality rate will be increased. People will definitely react.


I see where Panos and the discussion is coming from, but I think it also comes down to the person. They should know when it's time to stop and that if it's affecting them, they shouldn't play it. I hate when I hear people blame it on the game that caused the person to do it, when in reality the person decided to act from it. The game is a fake world that is nothing more than to pass time and to have fun in certain cases, and they chose to take it a step farther by acting like that in real life.


It is happiness!