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Enemy Idea: Barebones Bob

Started by Quattro Bajeena, January 26, 2014, 04:21:14 PM

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Quattro Bajeena

So remember sniper joe? how versatile he was? As I pondered his role as well as the variants of the various machines similar to him (pantheons, etcs) and figured a MP'ed Mighty No. would be cool. The listed variants are just what I've ironed out so far, there are a few more I just have to flesh them out more.

The concept behind Bare bones Bob (referred to as BB for short) is a Mass Produced (MP) Mighty No. utilized for a variety of situations and environments, the basic BB looking like a skeletal frame only really equipped with a standard plasma cannon, to break it down I looked at a variety of MPed robots and mecha and came down with this. When I have time I'll throw together a basic concept sketch of BB, although my artistic skills are crap and I'm only really good at shooping, which I'm very rusty with too (making a come back though with it)

Basic BB: Standard BB, a skeletal looking robot with the ability to be outfitted with "operation modules" for a given environment or scenario, when fought Basic BB behaves like a normal enemy, attacks while trying to dodge, the lack of armor on basic BB makes it weak and easily dispatched by one or two shots.

Light Armor BB (LABB): Lightly armored version, able to take much more punishment, but not by that much, this BB variant is usually seen outfitted with a rapid fire buster cannon, the draw back to this loadout is the cannon is prone to overheating if fired in succession for too long, forcing the BB unit to vent heat rendering it defenseless.

BB Command: Commander version, sports a more advanced AI unit and is able to take in the information from other BB units under it's command and create strategies based on the given tactical data, armor is slightly bulkier than the LABB and can also be denoted by the command horn on it's head. Rumor has it a red BB command exists that has three times the performance of the average BB.

BB Diver: Water proofed BB, equipped with aqua jets as a means of propulsion through water. This BB variant is designed for aquatic operations, it's plasma cannon is replaced with an explosive tipped harpoon launcher or a 4 tube hand held missile pod. A drawback to the diver operation module is on land movement is awkward for the BB unit, it's weapons still work on land though so don' take it so lightly.

BB Sniper: a BB equipped for long range operations, BB sniper is equipped with a specialized camouflage system similar to a chameleon's however because of the age of the BB units this system can only be used in short bursts. standard equipment is a long range beam rifle and a advanced targeting system suite is installed into the BB. This unit is seen in the field in tandem with the EWAC BB.

EWAC BB: Early Warning And Control, this BB is equipped with a large array of sensors and cameras to detect on various spectrum (infrared, thermal, echolocation). These BB units are typically seen working as Radar units to detect movement or other things, EWAC units are seen outside military use as their sensor suite allows them to monitor a variety of things. When paired with a BB sniper the team works exactly like a human sniper-spotter team. Best to take these units out first if you see them.

Full Armor BB (FABB): Big, powerful, something you would never want to face in a 1 on 1. FABB is a heavily armored BB with a large variety of armaments, it's single buster cannon is a dual tube plasma cannon, backpack mounted cannon, shoulder mounted missile pods, as well as a Variable Speed Beam Rifle (VSBR) mounted on hips. This BB is rarely seen as the operation module is very costly to produce. Usually employed as walking artillery units more than infantry, standing still while fighting this BB variant is EXTREMELY DISCOURAGED.


I am most intrigued about the BB sniper and EWAC. Enemies that work together are pretty rare in Mega Man games. And it would be interesting to see their reaction when one of them is taken out. I'm thinking maybe if the EWAC is taken out, the Sniper could jump out and engage directly or stay put in his position and wait until you are in his sight. And if the Sniper is taken out, the EWAC could stalk you throughout the level and call on other BB unit to your location until he's taken out.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: TheCloudyEyeI am most intrigued about the BB sniper and EWAC. Enemies that work together are pretty rare in Mega Man games. And it would be interesting to see their reaction when one of them is taken out. I'm thinking maybe if the EWAC is taken out, the Sniper could jump out and engage directly or stay put in his position and wait until you are in his sight. And if the Sniper is taken out, the EWAC could stalk you throughout the level and call on other BB unit to your location until he's taken out.

it would depend, EWAC is an walking sensor suite, taking out sniper first would alert EWAC, possibly making the level harder for the player, be it more obstacles and/or enemies

taking out EWAC would put sniper on high alert, possibly "loading" AP rounds (does more damage to the player) or maybe sniper disappears using it's cloaking system to slip away, possibly reappearing somewhere else in the level. to make it fair if sniper is taken out first EWAC would play a "morse code" noise to show it was starting transmission of your presence before raising the alarm giving the player a chance to take out both.


Sounds good, but if they become a reality i hope they're well separated in-between the stages of the game as to not have a couple stages with too many enemies of the same basic type, which could turn monotonous.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: RyuseiSounds good, but if they become a reality i hope they're well separated in-between the stages of the game as to not have a couple stages with too many enemies of the same basic type, which could turn monotonous.

think of BB like a zaku, it's an MP machine that can be outfitted for almost any situation, they'd have the frequency of the sniper joes in megaman or maybe between the frequency of sniper joe and pantheon

each type of BB has it's own attack patterns and methods of attack I'm still fleshing it out, may just shoop a picture of beck for basic BB. and in the vein of sniper joe it'll have a visor, I keep picturing it's head looking like a GM cold districts type primarily


A massproduced Mighty No. type robot sounds awesome. At least I like humanoid enemies in these types of game. I'm not sure about the name Barebones Bob, though.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: MattA massproduced Mighty No. type robot sounds awesome. At least I like humanoid enemies in these types of game. I'm not sure about the name Barebones Bob, though.

couldn't think of a better name and for all intents and purposes the enemy is to be referred to as BB in game and by the player, the full name being just for formalities.

yeah gonna later tonight or tomorrow work on a edit of a beck picture to get a basic Idea for BB


Quote from: Quattro Bajeena
Quote from: RyuseiSounds good, but if they become a reality i hope they're well separated in-between the stages of the game as to not have a couple stages with too many enemies of the same basic type, which could turn monotonous.

think of BB like a zaku, it's an MP machine that can be outfitted for almost any situation, they'd have the frequency of the sniper joes in megaman or maybe between the frequency of sniper joe and pantheon

I see. That's good.

Given they're multipurpose, Comcept could create some nice combinations inside some segments of the stages (by using clever enemy placement and stage design to make the player think how to defeat the enemies and have to use special pattern of movement and attack to manage to achieve that unscathed).

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: Ryusei
Quote from: Quattro Bajeena
Quote from: RyuseiSounds good, but if they become a reality i hope they're well separated in-between the stages of the game as to not have a couple stages with too many enemies of the same basic type, which could turn monotonous.

think of BB like a zaku, it's an MP machine that can be outfitted for almost any situation, they'd have the frequency of the sniper joes in megaman or maybe between the frequency of sniper joe and pantheon

I see. That's good.

Given they're multipurpose, Comcept could create some nice combinations inside some segments of the stages (by using clever enemy placement and stage design to make the player think how to defeat the enemies and have to use special pattern of movement and attack to manage to achieve that unscathed).

also FABB I consider mini-boss material, with FABB I thought FA gundam meets megaman