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Started by ThePrinceOfMoose, January 17, 2014, 11:17:56 PM

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Nah, I would rather not stir up a hornets nest with this.


I don't think you are abstracting enough. If we want to talk about Social Justice in games, we need to talk about games that talk about society as whole:

Grand Theft Auto,



Killer 7,

Deus Ex Machina,


Games that talk about the social landscape, whether past, present, or futuristic. A game that deals with Social Justice is one were the character goes against or for society, and influences it, even if it oneself.

Personally, I like action and puzzle games, were the only social thing to talk about them is how awesome this game are.

[spoilerbox]Message provided by the I just want to play games Foundation, the speed runners society, and readers like you. Thank you.[/spoilerbox]


Quote from: "mightyno67277p"I don't think you are abstracting enough. If we want to talk about Social Justice in games, we need to talk about games that talk about society as whole:

Grand Theft Auto,



Killer 7,

Deus Ex Machina,


Games that talk about the social landscape, whether past, present, or futuristic. A game that deals with Social Justice is one were the character goes against or for society, and influences it, even if it oneself.

Personally, I like action and puzzle games, were the only social thing to talk about them is how awesome this game are.

[spoilerbox]Message provided by the I just want to play games Foundation, the speed runners society, and readers like you. Thank you.[/spoilerbox]

No I don't think I am being abstract enough, you are correct.  In fact I am still rather new when it comes to this whole issue.  This can be a learning experience not only for me but for others as well, and since we cannot have discussions like this on the official forums because it would get locked in like two seconds, I am all for having debates and learning new things and even being proven wrong.


Funny how your example talks about Dracula, a character that, in probably most appearances in other media, is a seductive person, always looking after young women, when he's not downright hypnotizing them (more rapey then killing someone else for blood)

But about Social Justice itself: it became a thing because there's sexism in videogames. This isn't something you cannot prove, like violence in videogames. The question is, how we take care of that. Doing Social Justice is NOT the right way, nor is the XBox One decision of censoring every single cuss-word spoken on any service, even if it's a personal call.

About Social Justice itself: They're just trolls that believe they're doing the right thing, instead of doing "for the lulz". Nothing more, nothing less.

And I lost some friends 9well, at the time I thought they were) because of a SWJ shaming me for calling myself a feminist. According to her, only women can be feminist. And that's... debatable, to say at least.

So, I really don't like Social Justice. Every time some SJW do something, I remember of that day.


Didn't realize that ThePrinceofMoose edited the OP of this topic, so I'll go ahead and lock it and move it since I don't even remember what the discussion was about. :V