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The Holiday Topic

Started by TheRaven, December 17, 2013, 12:16:31 AM

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Since Christmas is just around the corner and with the past holidays such as Thanksgiving I decided to make a topic for us to share our holiday spirits! What did you do for Thanksgiving if you celebrate it? I had to work that day and it was rather horrible in the morning, but got better later on. After work my girlfriend and I went to her parents house and had a nice dinner. As for Christmas I have yet to finish my shopping, and we only have 9 more days until the holiday! Dx I got a Duck Dynasty shirt for my gf's mother, and I plan on getting a few gifts for my girlfriend. While we went shopping today I found a few gifts I'm going to get her so I finally have a clue on what to get her. She got me a Jungle Green N64 since my other console was on it's last leg, I had to replace the Jumper Pak with my Expansion Pak but it was pretty easy to do. We also got her father a pair of jeans and really have no clue on what else to get him... I have a few things in mind for my parents but I probably won't have time to see them on Christmas, but sometime after the holidays I will so I do have time to get their gifts. So what are your plans? Happy holidays to everyone here at Mighty No. 9 Universe!  :beckgladsmile


I'm planning to have a nice, quiet Christmas and New Year. I'm not really into big events so I'll be attempting to keep it all rather low-key and just have a few family and friends around to enjoy in the festivities.

I'm not a big holiday person. Been that way for a while now. I do wish everyone here happy holidays. Do take care of yourselves this holiday season!


Nothing of note for me, although I'm grabbing as many games as I can from multiple sites before I have to tighten my belt.


Quote from: AgentBJ09Nothing of note for me, although I'm grabbing as many games as I can from multiple sites before I have to tighten my belt.

Funnily enough, the Steam sale this year hasn't enticed me in at all. I've only picked up King of Fighters XIII. A friend bought me Injustice: Gods Among Us and Skullgirls.

With the money I was given for xmas (I got most of it early) I picked up a new arcade (fight) stick and a few fighters for PS3:

I have another arcade (fight) stick but it's my tournament one so I don't want to wear it out. Also, my big one only works on PC and XBOX 360 whilst my small one works on anything I throw it at. (literally!)

That's my xmas fun in a nut-shell. :beckgladsmile


I got some pretty awesome gifts and I had a wonderful time this Christmas. I got $50 from my gf's parents, $100 from her grandpa, a Teen Titans t-shirt that I already own but hey I'll wear both! I also got a DC Universe Raven action figure, and my gf and I got a vacuum cleaner to share. We had a turkey dinner as well, and played a game called Catchphrase. ^_^


So the new year is upon us got any plans to celebrate? I have to be at work at 7 in the morning tomorrow so I don't get to celebrate since I'll be sleeping, however I get off at 4 and I'm off on Thursday so if I wanted to celebrate I can after work tomorrow. Of course it still wouldn't be the same but whatever. :P I hope to go back to school at some point in 2014, since I would love to have a career one day. I also want to finish at least one of my projects next year, I have so many that I'm not sure which one will get completed first! Be safe everyone, hope you have a good time. ^_^


Well, midnight has just past here so I'm here to wish you all a Happy New Year and all the best in 2014! :D


Happy New Year everyone, it's officially 2014! Okay so I'm a day late but meh, I had to work early yesterday. :P Unfortunately today means that many people either had to go back to school or work, but don't let that bring you down.


*Major bump* Well today is Labor Day here in the US. Most people don't have to work today. I wouldn't necessarily call it a "Holiday", but it's a national "Holiday" so I figured I should post about it. I was lucky enough to get this day off, seeing how I work in retail and I usually have to work like every holiday. But if you do live in the US, what are your plans for today? My girlfriend and I will be having dinner with her parents, ironically enough we're having turkey and not the traditional BBQ. xD Still I'm looking forward to dinner tonight, it's going to be awesome. :)


 Halloween is just around the corner, anyone got plans for the holiday? I have to work, so I don't have much planned. :v


 Well Christmas has passed, and we're now in 2015. Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday. :) I got a few gifts for Christmas, got a gift card for Famous Footwear, a Super Mario Bros. plush blanket, a computer chair, a blu-ray player, a Teen Titans graphic novel, Teen Titans Go volume 2, and a Shaymin action figure. :) On NYE my girlfriend and I just stayed home since we both had to work the next day...




Kidding aside, I hope you enjoyed the holidays. Just like yours, mines was full of work, and still is. But more than gifts, I enjoyed the company of my family, what really matters to me, cuddling away the days together.

Have fun, and enjoy this crazy year. Tons of things planned, worldwide. And most of them are not video game related!


 Been a while since I posted anything here. Suppose that I should drop by and wish everyone a happy new year. My holiday was pretty boring though, just me and my comp.


 Hope everyone had a great holiday!

Mine was pretty calm actually with relatives going on trips or other engagements, making our annual gathering a little more intimate.  Had to work a little more than usual though, so that was a bummer.

However all the hard work will be rewarded with a nice 2 week long trip to Japan starting at the end of January!  Maybe I pay comcept a visit Osaka while I'm there?  Just kidding!!!  :P