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Hello World!

Started by DudeThatsErin, June 05, 2014, 12:43:53 AM

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My name is Erin. I go by Erin Nicole or Erin online. I am 21 years old (in 4 days). I've never taken but a sip of alcohol before the past month...and even this past month, I drank only 3/4 of a cup max.


I am thinking about getting wasted the weekend after my birthday but I have not officially decided yet. What is keeping me from going through with it is the hangover....I don't want it. Stay away! Lol.


Anyway, I own a car, I am starting a bachelor's degree in the fall and I am moving out in the fall (to a dorm) and then next summer I am moving to my first apartment. I am excited! I look to the future right now because I've got nothing going on right now. I'm single, I work at home, and I don't go out unless it is to eat or I am visiting a friend/excoworker from my previous employer.


That's about it. Glad to be here!


Hello Erin and welcome to Mighty No. 9 Universe! I hardly ever drink and I'm 24 as of May 13th. :P Just don't get too wasted and I think you'll be fine. xD Do be careful if you plan on going out with someone. Hope you enjoy your stay here with us. ^_^