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Rockman Holic

Started by NinjablazerZero, September 30, 2013, 12:24:35 AM

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So, anyone here have or listen to that amazing Rockman Holic album by Sound Holic?

Some of the best remixes ever in that album, plus a lot of the vocals in it are awesome. My personal favs off of it are X-Buster and Together as One. Both are awesome remixes of the X vs. Zero theme and Wily's stage from MM2.


I can't say I have, will look into it in a bit cause I'd like to hear it. :)


I actually have the entire album, and I'm willing to share. From my knowledge, most of the album is hard to find online at the moment. And the few tracks at are easy to find are only samples of the full track.


I was about to make this topic, I kept a close eye on the music when they released some samples. On the release day I got lucky and found the full thing online and downloaded what sounded good. Not all the tracks are good but a few are amazing.

Air man, twilight loneliness, x-buster and shooting star are my favorites.


Ahh really? I rather like the whole except for the one Cutman remix. Mostly just cause I don't like the sound of the voice of the person who does the vocals on that one. Aside from that one song I find the whole thing to be pretty solid.

Also, just by coincidence, the lyrics for Together as One pretty much sums up the MM fanbases feelings at current, and even toward this new project. I find this pretty funny.


I have yet to listen to this album and it's too bad it's difficult to find online. Are there any tracks we can listen to on Youtube at least? :P


actually I found a playlist with everything in it including the PVs for airman and X buster. Enjoy but support the CD sales:


Thanks for that link Demon, I'm checking the music out. :)


Yes, definitely check it out. The tracks are all so great and deliciously awesome.


not to mention the X buster PV is awesome. It's evidence we need a megaman anime.