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Random Ramblings from a Crazy Ninja

Started by NinjablazerZero, September 11, 2013, 03:57:32 AM

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So I was on my rollerblades today, getting to and from class, when I realized, putting on and taking them off takes way too much time. You gotta take off your shoe, then put on the rollerblades, strap them in, unstrap them, take them off, put on your shoe, then tie your laces and it just takes so long to do all of that.

So I was thinking, what if there were strap on rollerblades. You just strap them on your shoe, and you wouldn't have to do all that work. Bypass all the removal process, while making them small and easy to put on and store in a bag or something. So convenient when you wanna rollerblade to and from a place.

Of course they wouldn't replace professional rollerblades. These things would be more for recreational use. No way they could be used for doing tricks on. But professional rollerbladers are badass. They look like they are sliding all around the ground, spinning around, jumping, grinding on bars, so badass like. Really the best part is the whole sliding thing. Reminds me of the opening of Armored Core 4, got all these giant robots sliding around while spinning and shooting. I wish more mech games and shows had mechs that moved like that. It's so cool. It would also make for some pretty fast fight scenes and cool ones too.

tl;dr, this topic is for random ramblings when I'm bored. There is nothing to summarize.


xD This will be a very interesting topic for sure. I'll go ahead and move this to the personal discussions sub forum since it is sort of like a blog anyways, hope that is okay! I don't know how to Rollerblade unfortunately so I wouldn't understand this problem. :V


You ever have moments where you are in class or doing some sort of work, and you just all of a sudden zone out? Completely freeze in place, and all your thoughts stop. Your mind is completely blank and you aren't doing anything, you don't hear anything. You can still see but your mind really doesn't register anything. You aren't sick or broken, but you just suddenly stop for a minute or so. Then you snap back into reality and go about your day, just thinking "did I just zone out?"

It's wierd how that happens at times. Just doing what you are doing and boom, you pause, as if you were some computer or tv and someone just pressed a button to freeze you for a few moments. Kinda makes you wonder, is there some random being out there controlling everything we do? Or at least, watching us like a TV show? Our brains are basically just these really powerful super computers, so what if some beings created us for the sole purpose of having this grand reality TV show to watch?

All our thoughts and actions are definitely ours. It wouldn't be reality if we were controlled, right? So they made sure only to make us work, but only that. They don't teach us or tell us anything, they just watch us collect info for ourselves and watch what we do with it.  It'd be awkward to know that some aliens out in space can see me take a shower every day... Which makes me wonder, would they censor that? Do they like reserve the primetime showing as G rated, so it wouldn't show that, but they have like a separate channel else where for the aliens to watch us do our R rated shenanigans?

Damn pervert aliens, watching us when we are vulnerable... But wait... That means they all know my true identity...

*Grabs weapons*

Welp, time to go borrow a space ship from Nasa. Those aliens know too much.


I'm bored. I have nothing to do. Spent the last 5 hours playing XCom, and crying everytime one of my friends died. I'm not sure what I should do with my night... Guys, help me out here. I guess I could just play more video games, but I've been doing that for the last 5 hours. Also, my roommate seems to be taking an early bedtime tonight, so a movie is out of the question.

This usually doesn't happen for my fridays. Usually, I have plenty to do... Then again, I did get all my homework done early this week. That might be my problem there. I'm usually such a chronic procrastinator that I usually am rushing to do homework every second of my day. Now that I have none, it seems my day is so empty...

It's as if, it was meant for me to continue being lazy. Here I am, trying not to be lazy, then bam, the universe hits me with the revelation that that's the only way my life has any meaning. I guess I really am lazy to the core. I am the embodiment of lazy. Without laziness, I am nothing. This is some deep doodoo I've stumbled upon.

Ehh, maybe I can find a way to play more without bothering my roommate. Power to the lazy people, I guess...


The only suggestion I can give is take on something you've never done. I find that the best way to combat boredom is to take up a skill or something that you can do at home.

Maybe art, programming or learning an instrument would help combat some of the boredom you have been having. Just an idea. :)


I actually do own a guitar. XD

Problem is, I forgot it back home when I came back to college, so I won't be getting it till this Thanksgiving.

As for programming, all my programming homework is killing all my desire to do anything programming related for a while. XD


So, my totally awesome self was hanging around doing absolutely nothing at all, when suddenly, nothing happened. Seriously, nothing happened at all. And when I tried to look, I couldn't find anything happening. Ever notice that? That the only time there's nothing to do is when you have the free time to do everything? Like the world just goes hiding under a rock when you have free time. Yet the moment you are busy as hell, boom, everything starts happening. Stuff starts popping up that you wanna do, but you can't, cause you are busy.

The world is wierd like that. Like a glitchy program that does the opposite of what you want it to do. Feels kind of annoying. Been feeling like this ever since I lost my phone last month. I never used my phone at all. Never looked at it cause I never needed it. Yet all of a sudden, soon as I lose it, I suddenly need my phone for so many reasons. Need to call my parents, or really anyone at all for important things, feel the need to talk to my cousins, gots to update my brother on latest news of stuff, and just various important things.

Not to be mistaken with losing something before you realize its value. In this case it's not like I didn't realize how much I used my phone for things, but rather, I knew about all those important stuff and used it for that stuff, never really took it for granted, and I did do my best to take care of the phone, but just while I had it, I never needed to use it for that at all.

I can understand doing this to teach someone not to take things for granted, but not like I needed the lesson. I already learned that lesson, and am applying it. Guess the world just likes to mock me.

Well, I guess only the good die young...


So I recently replayed DBZ Budokai. Yup, the very first one. That old ass game that probably no one remembers because everyone was busy playing Tenkaichi. Man I haven't played that game in years. It's friggin awesome. The controls are all clunky, the characters don't really have much variation, if they have any at all, and god damn is it hard to beat a turtle.

That said, I still friggin love that game. I haven't played it in YEARS. I can't remember when was the last time I played it. But damn do I love it. It's still great. But damn if it hasn't aged badly. Compared to most fighting games these days, especially ones in the DBZ series, that game is really old and dated. Yet at the same time, back when it first came out, it was amazing, new and innovative. Just shows how fast fighting games have evolved over the years, but at the same time, shows how after a time, they just began to stagnate.

I wonder what the future will bring for fighters.


The Budokais are a favourite of mine. I actually have two copies of the first one (3 if you count Budokai HD), and my Budokai 3 is signed by Vic Mignogna (Broly) and Sonny Strait (Krillin, Bardock).


Sooooo... time for another random rambling...

So this other site I go to is experiencing long periods of silence. No one around for miles, tumbleweeds. The problem isn't that people have left, though. This site has been up for 2 years now, and at most 2 people have left permanently. The thing is that life happens, and people get busy. These days, most people are busier than usual, so that's why not much talking gets done. Weekends suffer from this horribly. Some doom and gloomers think the site is dieing, but seriously, are you gonna complain that a small website with a small group of people is dieing just cause the weekends have no activity? These are the days that people are out and about enjoying life, for crying out loud!

Me, I have no problem with this down time. When people finally do arrive, we have a lot of fun. We chat a lot. Sometimes, we even fight and argue with each other. But hey, someone isn't your real friend if you've never fought with them, and still were able to call them your friend afterward. There's one guy there who I consider a friend, even though at one point in these two years, I practically hated him, and him me, though now, we talk to each other all friendly like, and the hate is all gone and I consider him a friend. Don't you guys dare tell him that though... Don't do it...

Anyways, we got some doom and gloomers saying "OH EM GEE, DA SITE GON DIE QUICK WE NEED MORE MEMBERS!!" and shit... It's not that big a deal. The site will def survive.

Anyways, this rambling is turning into a shameless plug now.

Visit us, enjoy our presence. We have lots of fun and games, and toys, and pyrotechnics. Don't touch the food, though, that's all mine. And if you don't get any responses, remember, life happens, just wait a few minutes. Or hours, and come back later. You'll eventually see people. You'll also see how great we are.

Anyways, don't do it for me. Do it for the sloths.


You know I think I've stumbled across your forum before Ninja. I get bored sometimes and search for new communities to join, to make new friends. I guess I got lazy when it came to your forum and never joined. :V In that case, I'll join. xD

Swan Dive

I've joined a good amount of forums lately, but they usually can't keep my attention long.  I tend to have trouble sticking to ones that go inactive for months and topics all have 0-2 replies.  The bigger forums are no better since most people seem to form cliques. >_< I usually stick to one forum at a time though.  At the present time, that would be this forum.  :beckgladsmile


You've found my board but never joined?! Well obviously you didn't stay long enough to realize how awesome we are.

I do tend to also stick to one forum at a time, but I do have a bunch on the side to keep me occupied incase my main one isn't too active one for some reason. As for my board, it has no trouble being active, though most of the activity happens on that little chatbox. The forums themselves gets posts, but not that often, but the chatbox is always going.