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Started by Zukaro Travon, December 18, 2013, 01:05:48 AM

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Zukaro Travon

I wanna build a Zukaro's Floating Kingdom.  >:V

Once I do I'm going to register it as a country called Kenthar.  The reason I want to build a Zukaro's Floating Kingdom is because I live in Canada and I like living in Canada, but I'm nawt allowed to have a pet fox in Canada (it's against the law ;^;!!).  So rather than move to the US where I'll immediately get shot (as well I just don't like a lot of the rights people lack in the US plus the NSA) I want to build my own Zukaro's Floating Kingdom and register it as a country with the UN (which is possible to do).

Then, since Canada offers dual citizenship's I can be a citizen of both Kenthar and Canada and not have to lose out on free health care and all the rights Canada has (plus I can make my own laws for my country :P (the reason Canada does that is because there's a lot of people who live in Canada and work in the US)).

Building a Zukaro's Floating Kingdom is pretty simple too, I just need a large superconductor, a machine to condense nitrogen into liquid, a machine to recycle the liquid nitrogen in the superconductor's reservoir (to keep it liquid), and a very large electromagnet (preferably a permanent magnet but I doubt I could find one large enough, plus if it's an electromagnet I should (in theory) be able to adjust altitude as needed, although I'm not 100% positive on that due to the quantum physics of it all).

The reason this works is due to quantum locking; superconductors are superconductive because there's absolutely no resistance in the metal (which also means they can be used to store energy, meaning I can use the superconductor keeping my country afloat as a giant battery).  Due to this they don't allow magnetic fields to pass through them as this creates resistance, so they push the field around them.  However, due to impurities in the superconductor some of the magnetic field passes through it, and as a result the superconductor pushes these fields into magnetic tubes.  There's billions of these tubes going through the superconductor, and due to the fact the superconductor wants to stay superconductive the material is locked in place in the magnetic field, as moving through the field would cause resistance.  Because of this the superconductor "levitates" above the magnet.  However, the superconductor will move with the magnet as it's locked in place.  So if the magnet is turned on it's side or turned upside down the superconductor will remain locked in space relative to the magnet (so the superconductor will go under the magnet if you turn the magnet upside down).

The reason the superconductor needs to remain at about -135?C is because at temperatures higher than this the superconductive property is lost.  However, that doesn't mean all superconductors need to remain that cold (some substances need to be even colder than that); that's just currently the warmest superconductor we have.  It is possible for there to be a superconductor that works at room temperature, it's just we haven't discovered it yet.

The superconductor won't have to be too large either, as a superconductor can hold 70,000 times it's own weight (meaning it'll take 70,000 times it's own weight to move it in any direction).

So yeh, I'mma maik mai Zukaro's Floating Kingdom one day.  :3  Cuz I wanna has a pet fox and still live in Canada's borders.  :p :3


That was a lot of science and I was never any good at science haha. I'll come live on your floating kingdom though. I'll run the country's interweb services. :D

Zukaro Travon

Quote from: MechaGSThat was a lot of science and I was never any good at science haha. I'll come live on your floating kingdom though. I'll run the country's interweb services. :D

I'll halp with teh interwebz.  :3  I's really good with Linux and all dat computer stuff too and networking.  :P  I had my own... ownCloud server :V :P going for awhile.  It was beautiful; SSL encryption (with a self signed certificate (cuz I have no need to pay for one, as self signed just means browsers complain about it unless I add an exception)), 1TB of storage which I could access anywhere (and do so securely).  :P  But it had to die to make way for the Minecraft server cuz all my friends complained at me to fix it.  ;^;  However, I've now set things up with Proxmox so I can run virtual servers.  I use Ubuntu Server to run my servers (as I'm familiar with it, although I have used things like Arch Linux in the past :P), so the way it is now is each application gets it's own virtual server.  That way if I break one server I don't lose the rest and can easily just reinstall everything if I don't want to fix it.  :p

Still have to get around to working on my ownCloud server again.  But it takes me a very long time to get around to actually doing anything cuz it can be very stressful when everything should work but refuses to.  :P  And then it's always ONE TINY LITTLE THING ;A;

I still have a lot to learn however cuz the way I do things is as I need things/want things I learn how to make it happen.

As for science, I'm nawt good at science in school, but I'm good at some subjects with science.  Mainly quantum physics (I love quantum physics).  However, I'm not going to be studying quantum physics in college/university (college starts soon for me, then I plan to go to university), I want to study AI.  Specifically machine learning.  But to do that I have to go through university and essentially get a phd.  :P  Not sure if I'll be able to as math is my weak point and AI is ALL MATH.  ;^;  But I can learn.  When I do well at math I do very well.

As for why I'm going through college first then university; I never got through high school (I have a hard time focusing and stuff (I has ADHD :V (gonna take medication for that in college probably as it may be the only way I'll get through))) so I took an exam to get into the courses I want in college and passed that and now I've been accepted to those courses.  I do have to talk with a career councellor or something however as I have no clue what I'm doing so I need to figure it out so I can get into unviersity and into the classes I need for what I want to do.  Plus I think I'd have had to have done 4 years in university in another subject before doing another 4 years in the AI field, so yea; gonna just do that in college and then go do that.  And on the side I'll be playing with quantum locking and possibly other things in quantum physics.  I would like to study that at some point however, so if I ever get the AI working how I want I'll study quantum physics next.

Basically my plans in life is make a robotic fox who can learn how to be sentient basically (as the way I see it is sentience is something which can be learned, as life essentially learned to become sentient through evolution, and while that's not exactly the same it's still a type a learning, so I want to see if I can do the same thing in a machine in a reasonable time period with machine learning).  Then I want mai robawt fox to halp me figure out how to put my own mind in a machine cuz I wanna be a robawt fox too :V and I don't want any organic parts (even if I couldn't be a robot fox I still wanna be a robot cuz I dun liek being organic).  AND THEN I'mma turn my body into a fox shaped diamond pendant once I move my mind out of my body.  :V Cuz I'll have no reason to keep it around after that.  :P

And then I wanna study quantum physics.  Although I intend to get my Zukaro's Floating Kingdom up and running while all this is going on.  :P

Yes my dreams are extremely big.  ;^;  Which I dislike as I get discouraged very easily (so basically every night I feel like I can't do anything/can't achieve my goals).  But I'm gonna try.  The one goal I know I can achieve for sure is the floating country as that's pretty simple, it's just a matter of money cuz I have to buy the materials and such and probably need help digging the hole for the magnet and building the structures and such (money I don't have however :P).

But maybe I can kickstart my floating country idea.  :P  But before I do that I want to make a small scale floating country thing which recycles the liquid nitrogen so it can float indefinitly and I want to make sure it can support my weight.

Superconductors can hold 70,000 times their own weight.  :V  Which also means it'll take 70,000 times the weight of the super conductor to move it out of the magnetic field once it's quantum locked in place.


I have to tell you that a robot fox would be epic man, seriously! :P

Do what you have to man. AI is an interesting way to go since it's still technically in it's infancy. I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds. (and the possibility of sentient robots that will come eventually)

Money's a harsh mistress, but if you ever do it... I'LL BE RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!! *carrying your bags haha*

One of my dreams came true years ago, I get to build software and websites for people; adding my stamp to the internet and beyond. Now, I'm working on a game engine, that's a fun little pass-time lol.

I'm a bit of a weird tech-head.

Zukaro Travon

Quote from: MechaGSI have to tell you that a robot fox would be epic man, seriously! :P

Do what you have to man. AI is an interesting way to go since it's still technically in it's infancy. I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds. (and the possibility of sentient robots that will come eventually)

Money's a harsh mistress, but if you ever do it... I'LL BE RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!! *carrying your bags haha*

One of my dreams came true years ago, I get to build software and websites for people; adding my stamp to the internet and beyond. Now, I'm working on a game engine, that's a fun little pass-time lol.

I'm a bit of a weird tech-head.

I love technology, it's so fun.  ;^;!

I'd also love to make a game about mai robotic fox character.  :P  But I also want that to become a reality, so the way I see it is if I dedicate my life to making that happen I can make a game later, since once I'm a robotic fox I'll be immortal.

Although, I do have an odd theory about quantum immortality, which differs from the current theory (the current theory being if you lock yourself in a box forever and no one ever sees or hears from you and has no way of telling if you're alive or dead you're both alive and dead at the same time forever).  And the whole being in two states at the same time has actually been proven and is the basis of the quantum Internet (the idea being that until observed something is in both states at the same time, and for the quantum Internet this is used for security in that data is sent and only the person who's meant to receive it can observe the proper data, whereas if the wrong person views it they get the other state of the data being complete rubbish).

So my idea with quantum immortality is that no one dies even though we observe it, because it's impossible for yourself to observe yourself dead; you can observe yourself dying, but after the point of death you can no longer observe anything.  So as a result, it's impossible to observe your own death as it would require you die, and once you die you can't observe anything.  So as a result you'd live forever no matter what, although other people could still observe you die.  And the reason that would even be possible is if there's multiple dimensions (which personally, I think there are, and I think the fact that something can be in two states at the same time until observed is proof of this).

Obviously I could be wrong about the whole quantum immortality thing, but I might as well go through my life believing in it until it's proven false cuz it makes me feel better about life.  :P  And right now the evidence does somewhat support my theory.  However, if it's proven false then I'm not going to try and continue to believe it's true anymore even if it makes me feel better cuz that'd just be stupid.  :P

SOMETHING LIEK THAT.  :V  So I'm taking that quantum immortality thing as proof that I'll become a robotic fox one day because it's impossible for me not to since I can't die due to quantum immortality yet the human body can die.  :P  And before you say "but that means everyone in history has lived forever" or "why isn't there anyone that's immortal today?" 1. it's complicated and we're dealing with multiple dimensions and every possible possibility here so in some of those possibilities it is possible that someone lives forever and 2. because you're the person who will be immortal in your dimension, and eventually you may see other immortal people once technology advances to that point.  Yet at the same time we still occupy the same dimension currently.

Quantum physics is complicated.  So shh. :P  Daz wai mai theory makes sense, but it is a really out there theory so I'm not gonna even attempt to claim it's fact.  But for my own sake I'm gonna believe it is till it's proven wrong cuz it helps me through my day to day life.  :P  Anyways, it makes sense to me based on the evidence I've seen.


I'm just going to take your word for it mate. As I said, I suck with science and physics haha. :D

Zukaro Travon

Quote from: MechaGSI'm just going to take your word for it mate. As I said, I suck with science and physics haha. :D


Well dun go doing crazy things being all liek "I'M QUANTUMLY IMMORTAL I CAN JUMP OUTTA SPACE WITHOUT A PARACHUTE AND LIVE" cuz even if you supposedly will live it'll 1. hurt and 2. everyone else will see you dai and nu one wants dat ;^; :P at least wait until it's been prooooooooven for sure.  :P

(I'm not saying you would do something like that :P ish just a disclaimer for idk, people that would :V plus there's no way to truly prove my theory, at least not yet)

But anyways, idk.  :P  I know a lot about quantum physics but it feels more like philosophy than anything just because quantum physics is so weird.  :P  At least, me making my own theories on it based on other peoples experiments feels more like philosophy (but I don't think it is philosophy).  But what I do know for sure which isn't just a theory as it's been proven is that the floating country would work.  I mean, it's not been done before, but superconductors have been proven to behave in the ways I explained so all you have to do is scale that up and bewm, floating country.  :P

But yeh, the only things I's good with are quantum physics and computers.  :P  I need to learn math.  :V  Cuz both quantum physics and computers have math, but more importantly AI is all math and yeh, I need to learn dat.  :P

Oh, and just so the magnetic field doesn't mess with any computers in mai Zukaro's Floating Kingdom I'mma have a faraday cage in the walls of the house cuz that'll block the magnetic field (as well as all wireless transmissions).  But that wont be possible to build in liek, the outside parts cuz otherwise I'd need a giant metal cage around outside too.  :V  And that'd be ugly.  ;^;

I wanna make a waterfall off the side of the floating islands.  :V  Or maybe have one floating island higher up than the lowest island and have a water fall onto that island.  :P  And then just collect water from the air and rain water and have lil quad-copters going back and forth with supplies to keep everything stocked up enough.  :P