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Paranormal Experiences

Started by TheRaven, January 30, 2014, 05:27:10 AM

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I'm actually shocked that I haven't made this topic here yet. :V And we've been open for what almost 5 months now? Anyway post about your experiences with the paranormal, or post your believes. So I have quite a story to tell you, and this is indeed real. Back in 2009 on Halloween, my girlfriend and I thought it would be fun to make a homemade Ouija Board and mess around with it in her bedroom. Well we did, and we forgot to say goodbye to the "spirits." After messing around with the homemade Ouija Board odd things started to happen in her room and in the room across the hall from her's. If you were to be alone in her bedroom you could hear the floor creaking, as if someone was walking around. And it's only in one part of the room, right by the closet. (It still occurs, whenever we spend the night at her parents house we sleep in her old bedroom...) There's been times where it was just her and I alone in the house, and one time she was getting ready for work. So she was taking a shower, and I could have sworn I heard her scream, I freaked out and ran towards the door only to see her drying off. I asked her if she was fine and she was. Right before that happened I kept hearing a voice say my name, and it sounded exactly like my girlfriend. However it wasn't her... I hate spending the night at her parents house. x_X Also one time my girlfriend acted a bit.. strange. I spent the night with her sometime in the summer of 2010 and when we woke up she had this sinister looking grin on her face... I was a bit startled by it but granted I thought nothing of it. Then she grabs my arm and squeezes it so tight that I completely freak out, then she snaps out of it... I tell her what had happened, and of course I was freaking out. She didn't remember doing that... Say what you want but I believe in the paranormal. I believe that there are evil spirits that walk the earth without us knowing, likewise with good spirits.


That's what you get for messing around with black magic. Paranormal isn't real for me. Maybe 'cause I've never had any personal experience with it, or I'm just way too skeptical to believe in such things.


Heroin is one hell of a drug.
Don't get me started on LSD.

Swan Dive

I believe in them and I think I may have had some experiences with them too (good and bad) in the past.  I'd never touch a Ouija Board, heard too many horror stories about them.  

Telepathy and foresight has already been proved real (especially with loved ones and personally I've experienced it).  I definitely believe there is more than just science though.

I experienced telepathy recently one day when I woke out of bed really early because I heard my mother calling for help in a dream.  In a panic, I got out of bed and rushed over to her room at her house.  When I arrived, she was near death from low blood sugar and nearly went into a coma. If I did not have the dream, she would probably have died.  Coincidence?  No idea..but strange indeed.

I experienced foresight recently when I warned my father to back up his computer. I had a dream that his computer was empty (had no hardware or nothing inside, it was "empty", just a case).  I never dreamnt about anything so vivid or strange, so I decided to tell him about it.  Out of fear he backed up his computer.  The VERY SAME day his computer drive crashed, and it was totally "empty".  If he didn't back it up, 30 years of important work data would of been lost.  Coincidence?  Who knows, but it sure is REALLY strange since I rarely remember dreams or ever dream about empty computers (that aren't even owned by me).

There's tons of stories about telekinesis and pyrokinesis as well, so it's hard for me just to not consider the possibility if something "unreal" out there.  

Still, I doubt anyone who never experienced anything would even inclined to believe me or anyone.  I'm open minded, but seeing/experiencing is still believing.


Yeah we should have never messed with the Ouija Board as my mother had some pretty bad experiences with one before. She never wanted us to have one, and when I was a kid I wanted one so bad since I saw a commercial for it but once I got older I finally figured out why. :V There was another time when we had just moved into our new house back in December of 1998. One night my sister an I stayed up all night and at around 4 a.m. the TV randomly shut itself off and in the chair next to the TV was a button that belonged to my grandpa. He passed away early that year... As for the TV shutting off it could have been on sleep mode, but I still like to believe it was my grandpa basically telling us to go to bed. I was 8 at the time and my sister was 6 so it was a bit too late for us to be up. xD