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For or against?

Started by Bazinga!, June 02, 2014, 02:31:06 AM

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1)  No, that was directed at your negative attitude.  Insulting your opponent is poor form in my book and I was letting you know where I stand on that.


2) Illegal and unconstitutional laws still pass because we have plutocracy in democracy.  Hence the need for a new system entirely.


3)  Again... Richard Dahl's book will be something I recommend.  Insisting on this "right to defend" ignores what has happened in reality in terms of suicides, murder rates, etc.


4)  Compromising sure worked for Obama, right?  The problem lies far deeper when an undemocratic system only holds that the elite matter more than the public en largesse.


5)  No... You fix that with a grassroots movement to push the president to the left.  That gives you progressivism.  To do more, you have to change people's politics but that's another story.


6)  I'm going to make a STRONG suggestion to look into sex work because your explanation is entirely inaccurate...


7)  And when the prosecutor puts you away for 20 years, what then?


8)  So I take it you've yet to read the Federalist Papers in how Madison described a democratic republic?  Also, it should be mentioned that there was also the fact that he wanted even more democratic valves while being influenced by the Athenian model.  It was Henry and others that wanted more plutocracy such as a rewritten 2nd Amendment.


9)  It depends on if the police are threatening you or not.  Last I checked, when the Ohio Freedom Fighters killed a judge under FDR, he had to call back the National Guard.  But going back further, Nat Turner was skinned alive and hanged as a message against revolt.  Point being, guns can help, but they can't be your only answer.


10)  Still don't agree about greed here... That's reserved for a market based system that doesn't work for anyone but the ones on top.


11)  We lost our independence without a gun being fired.  Also, America fluctuates between private and public capitalism.  Might want to check out the Business Cycle.  And sorry, I'm not going to blame another poor person when we have a system that keeps him just as downtrodden and we've yet to answer how to get them out of unbearable circumstances except through death or imprisonment.


12)  That isn't going to happen when people buy far more guns than necessary every time there's a gun regulation scare...


13)  Nice dodge.  Show me how the last few murders were caused by improper use when the legal channels are open to everyone.


14)  I never said abolishing would work.  You claim to have conceded on my call for a review, but now falsely accuse me of a position that I don't hold.  That's intellectual dishonesty and you've yet to try to answer according to my position.


15)  I am in no way a child and will not tolerate being called one.  If you can't understand my position, ask for clarification.  That would be the adult thing to do.