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Gay Marriage

Started by TheRaven, September 18, 2013, 02:59:25 PM

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So I basically started a debate between three friends on Facebook today. I posted this status yesterday:

"Our state is so fucking backwards that they would rather legalize a drug before allowing people who are in love to get married, regardless of gender. What a shame [My State]. And on that note, I can care less if Marijuana is legalized or not, I just want the same damn rights as everyone else." While I know this can be posted in the "Should Weed be legalized everywhere?" topic I decided to post it here. I quite frankly think that love should come before a drug. I know it can be used to help with pain but there are other methods of easing pain.


Quote from: TheRavenSo I basically started a debate between three friends on Facebook today. I posted this status yesterday:

"Our state is so fucking backwards that they would rather legalize a drug before allowing people who are in love to get married, regardless of gender. What a shame [My State]. And on that note, I can care less if Marijuana is legalized or not, I just want the same damn rights as everyone else." While I know this can be posted in the "Should Weed be legalized everywhere?" topic I decided to post it here. I quite frankly think that love should come before a drug. I know it can be used to help with pain but there are other methods of easing pain.

While I see legalizing marijuana as a medical issue, gay marriage is more of a social justice issue so they would be classified as two entirely different things (of course that is just my opinion).  Regardless people still bring up stupid things regarding marijuana saying it is a "gateway drug" and if you start that then you will move on to meth, cocaine, and other drugs which that in itself is an absurd argument.  Gay marriage also has similar arguments saying "what if we legalize gay marriage, should we legalize pedophilia next?"  Because loving someone of the same gender means you want to screw a child right?  It makes entirely no sense, and yet people use it as an argument.  Heck even Fox "News" uses this argument a lot as well and it's absurd.  A lot of people fear what they do not understand, and it's all because they just don't want to do the research.  It's okay to be wrong and to be corrected, there is nothing wrong with that.  However to claim you are right and you can never be wrong, that's when you come off as a douchebag and most of these anti-gay people think they are 100% right.



You know, you have better chances if you post an online petition and make political campaigns to motion your senators to hasten the law process at your state that posting something in facebook.

If you want the law changed, then make a political motion. Start at your workplace. Make badges and decals, inform your friends, make a stand.


Yes, of course. There's not really a sane reason to say no, in my opinion.


Personally I find more issue with the government having any say in who can get married to who, I could care less if they're saying the right who and who.