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What Interesting Stuff have you done today?

Started by TheRaven, October 08, 2013, 07:31:28 PM

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So in this topic you can tell us how your day went, or how it is currently going. It was originally going to be my own personal blog topic but I thought what the heck why not create a topic for everyone? So today as my girlfriend was walking out the door our neighbor Larry had came out into the hallway and told her that his water heater is leaking as well as other people's in the building, luckily ours is fine. However that didn't stop maintenance from coming inside our house, and well I get nervous when they do especially when I am home alone since i'm not too social. :P So I got woken up by the maintenance guys twice, the second time I said screw it i'm staying up. Not to mention that we got contractors working on our building today so on top of the problem and work being done it's been pretty noisy all day. However since it is noisy, I am listening to music and I hope no one knocks on the door again since I won't be able to hear it now. Screw my social anxiety it sucks so much but it has gotten better since I got my first job back in 2010. I still have a difficult time doing certain things though such as simply shopping by myself, however if I am at my work and I get there early before my shift starts I can go shopping since I know my co-workers but meh it still sucks. I also don't know how to drive still, which I really want to learn. Heck I had a dream last night about driving so even my subconsciousness is telling me to start learning. :V In some cases I feel that I might have some form of autism, but maybe I'm just thinking too much about my flaws. :\ So how's everyone's day so far?


I've not really had an interesting day. I've just been working on various website designs throughout the day.

Had the gas man at the door to check over the boiler and stuff (part of the yearly upkeep), all went without a hitch so I'm happy about that. Overall, a pretty quiet day all round and typically that's the way I like it.

I'm just sitting down to some Mega Man X at the moment. Trying to beat Storm Eagle at the moment. :P


This day has been boring, our cable and internet has been out all freaking morning so I've been sitting in silence and surfing the Web on my phone. I'm letting my 3ds charge since it was about to die so yeah, pretty annoyed right now.


I go outside everyday!! I do not play video games much, not good for your health and I do not wish to risk any epileptic seizures!!


 Well I went shopping today at a mall I have never been to before. I was disappointed at the fact that our local game shop at said mall didn't have much of a video game and comic book selection like at the location I normally go to. But I got Rachet & Clank, a game that I never played until today and a complete copy of Sonic Rush so I finally have that in my collection. :) My girlfriend got a game that she's been looking for, and she got Clue but it's the Firefly edition and it was like $20 off the original price so she snagged up some pretty cool deals. xD Now I have to go to bed since I go back to work in the morning... and on Monday I went to visit my uncle who's doing much much better now, so that was fun.