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Are you a becker?

Started by TheRaven, September 02, 2013, 05:13:10 AM

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Anything you guys and gals throw at the game will benefit it in the end and I think that as long as all $5 go up to $20, they'll be happy to receive the game and know that it's all being put to good use. :D

Super Gravy

Well I got $300 for $250 reward tier. (The $30 is for shipping.) Then I created another account for extra game under $20 reward tier.


Quote from: Super GravyWell I got $300 for $250 reward tier. (The $30 is for shipping.) Then I created another account for extra game under $20 reward tier.

Nice one mate and that's not such a bad way of getting an extra copy instead of what Comcept are actually trying to do. :)


That's a great idea super gravy, i might have to do that especially if we get a 3ds port of the game it'll be easier to get both copies of the game. ;)


I wonder how many beckers actually got multiple copies of the game now that has been mentioned.


Quote from: astarisborn94I wonder how many beckers actually got multiple copies of the game now that has been mentioned.

The only issue I see is Amazon Payments being classed as fraud if people have too many payments to the same place. Of course, that's based on people's banks and how strict they are with watching people's accounts.


I'm proud to say I'm a backer, but I just gave enough to get the game. I consider it a cheap pre-order.


I am now a Becker! Just donated $80 to this game and I am ecstatic. :beckveryhappy


Great to hear astarisborn and DS! :D You'll now have a Mighty no. and some awesome gifts as well. ;) Did you have to save up money to donate or did you wait a bit to donate?


Quote from: TheRavenGreat to hear astarisborn and DS! :D You'll now have a Mighty no. and some awesome gifts as well. ;) Did you have to save up money to donate or did you wait a bit to donate?
A mix of both. I was intending to donate as soon as I could get the money (so I had to save up), but I did put it off until now.


I've just put away my money for the Kickstarter. I'd already put down my pledge and had planned to have the money early on but as a few people around here know, I've had an expensive month. :(

I see you've joined my neck of the woods astarisborn. Got to love the $80 tier. :D


I had the money from the start, but I waited to see if this would go over well and it did so I join the bandwagon.


They've just now released the two ??? stretch goals. One is an Intro Stage and Boss, the other is a Support Character.

I'm hoping we hit these two now to be honest as we're always in need of more gameplay! :D


that was a sneaky side punch from the founders. Now I want the intro stage and support character. Even though the intro stage should be included in the game without the need of funding.


I was looking over the values they want for the intro stage and support character and I think they're quite high considering what they are. I can understand a whole new mode costing a lot to add but not just an extra stage for example.

$150,000 for an extra stage and $200,000 for a support character that just pops in from time-to-time is quite a bit. Considering it's $200,000 they want for the online co-op, it doesn't add up to me. Maybe I'm being nit-picky but I like to look at things logically.

Either way, I'm like you now Demon_skeith, I want them too. :P

EDIT: I just backed the game via PayPal. I needed the money to come out quicker so I took the simpler route. Gave the same amount too, so it's all good. :beckveryhappy