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Are you a becker?

Started by TheRaven, September 02, 2013, 05:13:10 AM

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After finally solving some problems I was having with credit cards, I became a becker. Only $20 though, I don't have much spare money on me.


Quote from: tailszeroAfter finally solving some problems I was having with credit cards, I became a becker. Only $20 though, I don't have much spare money on me.

It's good to know you've managed to put some money on since you were having card issues. :beckveryhappy

We've got the Support Character stretch-goal done now. It's on it's way to next-gen consoles! :D


The Kickstarter is over. Wow, hard to believe that it did.


I got the $250 tier along with a physical cd copy and 2 of the USB physical copies.


Quote from: GUnitCOlimaI got the $250 tier along with a physical cd copy and 2 of the USB physical copies.

You've got an awesome pledge and some nice goodies too. :beckcool

I'm regretting not going for one of the USB physical copies at the moment but I didn't have any extra money. If they keep that option open via Paypal, I'll grab one within the next few months once my finances straighten out a bit.


I'm good with a digital copy of this game. $250 to get a physical copy is a bit much.


I'm not a PC gamer so it'd be pointless if i got a physical copy of the game. Though it'd be cool to own a physical copy but i didn't have that much money to give. :P


Everyone gave their best and that's what matters. Only 15 months until we all see our funded goods. :D


Actually, at $250 we still didn't get a physical copy lol.  My brother and I are just collectors and really liked the idea of having all of the extras that came at that tier.  

You'll come to find that I am an enormous blue bomber fan and so when I heard about this I actually had a for sale and trade video on youtube.  All stuff from our collection.  That's how we funded this thing.

The way I look at it every little bit helped to get this project going.  I'm glad everybody pitched in no matter how much because in 2015 we are going to have a kick ass game.


Quote from: MechaGSEveryone gave their best and that's what matters. Only 15 months until we all see our funded goods. :D

assuming all goes well, many are saying there will be problems porting the game to handheld due to what it is running on.


Quote from: Demon_skeith
Quote from: MechaGSassuming all goes well, many are saying there will be problems porting the game to handheld due to what it is running on.

That is indeed an issue I discussed in another topic. The Unreal Engine 3 is only a prototype on PSVita and doesn't actually work on 3DS.

The solution I'd recommend to Comcept at this point is to use the mtframework for 3DS and Unreal Engine 2 for Vita. Vita will be easier to build for that way as it'd just de-scaling code. The 3DS would need to be done from the ground up again in terms of code.


I wish I'd donated $20, don't have credit/debit card though.


Quote from: UtrexI wish I'd donated $20, don't have credit/debit card though.

You can now: <!-- m --><a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'></a><!-- m -->

The paypal donations will re-open as soon as the forums are up, so create that account when you can, and set it up w/ paypal.


Quote from: mightyno67277p
Quote from: UtrexI wish I'd donated $20, don't have credit/debit card though.

You can now: <!-- m --><a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'></a><!-- m -->

The paypal donations will re-open as soon as the forums are up, so create that account when you can, and set it up w/ paypal.

Alright. Thanks! :D


Yes, and at the 5$ level. I may bump it to 20$ if the mood strikes me.