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Started by TheRaven, September 02, 2013, 05:15:10 AM

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Hey what's up everyone I am TheRaven. Being a die hard fan of Mega Man I was extremely happy to see this new series being developed by Keiji himself, and decided to make a forum dedicated to the franchise. I have a strong feeling this will be a hit, and I love forums so I thought to start up one for all the fans out there. Anyway i'm currently 23 years old and was first introduced to Mega Man at the age of 12. Hope to meet all of you soon! :D


Hello! :) I go by the alias of "StoutlandSurfer", and I'm 19 years old. I remember my first Mega Man game, it was also my introduction to the Super Nintendo! I first laid eyes on "Mega Man X" at a friend's house when I was 6. I'm still very much a loyal fan, I'd say. I wish Inafune the best of luck with "Mighty No. 9"! :D


Welcome to the forum StoutlandSurfer! Mega Man X is my favorite series in the franchise with X4 being my favorite game. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions you may contact me via PM. ^_^


Hey, I'm MechaGS and I'm 26 years old.

I'm a 'retro' gamer at heart having played Mega Man years ago on NES and up throughout my life. My favourite retro Mega Man series is also the Mega Man X series but I really loved the Battle Network games on GBA.


Welcome to the forum MechaGS! Funny enough I just started playing the first Battle Network game about a month ago. I know it's a bit late but better late than never right? :V So far I like it, I remember back in the day I watched Mega Man NT Warrior a bit. I didn't finish the series though... Hope you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions you may send me a PM. ^_^


Glad to be part of this forum.

I'm a Mega Man fan as expected. Mighty No. 9 gets my support being it looks like it will turn out great and I want to give this game the support it deserves. Great to see it's doing so well in fundraising. I am hoping that the Wii U and PS3 gets the game.


Welcome to the board astarisborn94! I hope to see it come to consoles as well, it'll give me another reason to get a Wii U. :P On top of that I would love to play it on my 360, but I don't think we have to worry about not reaching the goal at this point. ;) Glad to have you here and if you have any questions you may send me a PM of course. Hope you enjoy your stay here.


I just want to say something before I get my introduction going.


Now that that's out of the way, lets move on to the real introduction.

Howdy, I'm Raiu (Rai[se]-U if you need to pronounce it) and I'm just a gamer. I'm not a "retro" gamer, or someone who really grew up with Megaman (Battle Network was my first Megaman series). I am just a regular fan of the Megaman franchise, especially the Legends series. I felt really betrayed by Capcom when they decided to cancel the game (I think we all remember the anger that caused, I'm one of the ones who is still angry), but seeing MN9 (already an interesting acronym) really filled me with joy.



xD I love the first half of your introduction. But yes I felt extremely betrayed after Legends 3 was canceled, Legends holds a special place in my heart and I was extremely happy to see a third installment in the works only to be crushed by Capcom. ;.; Welcome to MN9U Raiu, I think all of us can agree with the last sentence and I can definitely see the game reaching new heights for sure. :D Hope you enjoy your stay here. ^_^


Welcome to the forum Jay C glad to have you here. ^_^ I'm a huge fan of video game music as well, you should totally post some of your band's work on here sometime. :)


Heyo. I go by NinjablazerZero. You can just call me Ninja, or Zero, which ever you prefer. I'm 19 years old, and I've been a Megaman fans since the day I could pick up a controller. My very first game that I ever played was Megaman 64 on the Nintendo 64. Ever since then, Megaman has been my life. Since then I've played every last Megaman game in the series, with the excpetions being the Starforce games, and Megaman Legends 2.

I really can't decide which of the series is best. Each one has their different quirks and features that set them apart from the rest, while still making them great. I can however, say that that greatest character of all time, everywhere, is Zero. Zero is the reason I am the man I am today.

Aintyways, good to be here. Really can't wait for Mighty No. 9.


Welcome to Mighty No. 9 Universe Ninja. We hope you enjoy your stay with us. :)


Welcome aboard Ninja, hope you enjoy your stay! If you have any questions you may PM me or another member of Staff and we'll respond ASAP. :)


Quote from: "tailszero"Hey, I'm tailszero. I have an interest in video games and web/net code and programming. I am currently learning about general computer topics, and I am also an active gamer/retro gamer, and spend a lot of time on the internet. Standard stuff.

I joined this forum in hope of finding other people with similar interests and joining a community based around Mega Man and the new Mighty Number, Beck. I hope to get to know you guys!

Copied from the introduction sub forum, cause I feel a bit lazy right now :P.


I think I'll lock this up and let people grab their introductions. Once people have moved their intro's to a topic, this will be archived. :)