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Call's Design

Started by TheRaven, September 02, 2013, 09:01:46 PM

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I don't really want to chose F because she looks too much like Roll, and I would like to see her look different from Roll. However it looks like my favorite concept didn't make it to the final poll and that stinks. Hmm... So I picked D since she looks pretty interesting. :)


I sat back and dwelled on it until finally choosing I. I think she's got an interesting style. :P

In the end, it was hard to pick between Roll Call and I. I think they all (other than C cause that looks crazy!) are great and it's ashame we'll only see one of them in-game. Really made me think hard though!

Mighty No. 9

To me F made it to the semi finalists and that says ALOT! she was designed by the same artist who designed the Pink Engineer Call, He made both of them and he had to choose one and clearly he chose this one as his favorite. So if like me you are a fan of KimoKimo the lead character designer, creation partner of Mr. Inafune, the man responsible of making All the awesome Mighty Numbers in this game! You know which Call to vote for.   :becksmile


First off, I can't believe Pink Call didn't make it to the final poll. Also, I voted C because it was part of the non-Roll, non-assistant looking minority. It just looked nothing like what I was expecting, but in a positive way. Plus, Call C doesn't look Mega Man-like at all, which helps differentiate Mn9 from MM.

Mighty No. 9

Here's the opinion of Carlos R Garces which I agree 100% with.

Quotefor the design for Call, for me (F) all the way and is not because she is such a homage to Roll (which is obvious and i don't mind at all) or that the name has a play with it (RollCall), is about the description that it was given.

-Call is a female robot originally created by Dr. White?s friend, Dr. Sanda, to help assist him with his research; she somehow avoided being infected by the virus causing all the other robots to go berserk and has pledged to help Beck.

- Call was not imbued with the human characteristics that make Beck unique, so she?s more of a pure robot -- as you might imagine, this contrast can lead to some interesting differences and misunderstandings whenever they interact!

now if you look at each of the designs that was made for call, non matched except for (F) IMHO.

-A: It looks extremely to geeky(no offense to anyone) and i don't see it how she can be as an assist for beck when playing in a multi-player online co-op. However i could see her as an NPC charcater, maybe beck and call's friend.

-B: Same issue as (A) but the difference is instead of looking like a geek it looks more like a little girl with a diaper(literally). Again i can see her like an NPC police character.

-C: She is not a combiner, from my understanding this has been already stated by Inafune in an previews interview (?). However i could see her like a rival to beck but as a bounty hunter or a creation of some evil mastermind/s.

-D: The entire design of this does not match at all the overall design of Mighty No. 9's world or concept, perhaps this goes better for a Megaman game as a fake Dr. Willy's daughter but not for this game. ( even if this has been drawn by inafune, i would not pick it up). maybe like homage cameo thing for an NPCto reference inafune's past work, but other than that, no just no.

-E: She looks way to human and not robot enough as well she is showing way to many emotions as oppose to show non or at with a more serious look per say.

-F: For me this is the better choice here, she is not to robotic and not to human, she has a different design than beck which fits nicely to the description that she was created by another person and not by beck's creator. also she looks like she could go and kick some ass. maybe we can see a different fighting style than those of beck's.

-G: I would prefer she doesn't become a house maid (just like roll) to begin with or an operator, where the hell this is good if your gonna be able to choose her in a online co-op mode?

-H: Its way to human and not robot enough, i could see this design for a NPC as a human friend to Beck and Call but not been a design for Call.

-I: this design is ok i guess but is not for Call, she is sporting some design from beck (notice the legs) which she shouldn't since she was created by another person and not by the same one that created beck. also i can't see her as a playable in a co-op online mode plus she looks more like a nurse to me than anything else which this fits better as an NPC.

so yea for me, F is the best design.


I voted F for reasons already listed on other posts, but I am kinda sad the Green and Pink haired Call's are gone. I liked their designs better than the ones (other than F) that made it to be voted on.


Quote from: tailszeroI voted F for reasons already listed on other posts, but I am kinda sad the Green and Pink haired Call's are gone. I liked their designs better than the ones (other than F) that made it to be voted on.

I think it's pretty unanimous that F is going to win. Looking across the net, everyone is voting that one up. :beckcool


Quote from: MechaGS
Quote from: tailszeroI voted F for reasons already listed on other posts, but I am kinda sad the Green and Pink haired Call's are gone. I liked their designs better than the ones (other than F) that made it to be voted on.

I think it's pretty unanimous that F is going to win. Looking across the net, everyone is voting that one up. :beckcool

Well, I am not sure about that. Some people have been using Bots on the survey. Someone actually handed out the code necessary to do so on a 4chan thread.


Mighty No. 9

Quote from: tailszero
Quote from: MechaGS
Quote from: tailszeroI voted F for reasons already listed on other posts, but I am kinda sad the Green and Pink haired Call's are gone. I liked their designs better than the ones (other than F) that made it to be voted on.

I think it's pretty unanimous that F is going to win. Looking across the net, everyone is voting that one up. :beckcool

Well, I am not sure about that. Some people have been using Bots on the survey. Someone actually handed out the code necessary to do so on a 4chan thread.

What!? Have people alerted Comcept about this travesty?   :becksurprised


Using bots well that's rather unfair. Someone should totally inform Comcept about this! I mean I do have a strong feeling that F will win since many people want her to look like Roll and if this was to happen I wouldn't be terribly upset at all, just a bit disappointed since I want her to look different but meh if it happens it happens and it'll still be cool either way. xD


I have personally left messages on the Kickstarter page and twitter, but I don't really know what we could do to get their attention if they don't see those.


Quote from: tailszeroI have personally left messages on the Kickstarter page and twitter, but I don't really know what we could do to get their attention if they don't see those.

The biggest issue will be the fact that they can't do anything about it as they're using an external service -- not a smart move I think.

They should have had their site up and let people on there. Votes could have been controlled by poll and allow users to vote once based on their unique mighty number. That would have stopped the cheating.


I'm actually surprised that they don't have their official forums up yet, and yes that would have helped much better than going with a different site all together. :\ Speaking of Mighty No.s Takashi Tateishi is Mighty No. 13 which is my flair over at the MN9 subreddit. :V


I'm waiting to see what affect this cheat-polling is going to have on the game. If they use this service for every vote, we could end up with some rather unpopular choices making their way into the game.

Colour me a little worried about the abuse possibilities right now. :(