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Call's Design

Started by TheRaven, September 02, 2013, 09:01:46 PM

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Weeg Man

The back-bot is definitely a plus for me. If there's a separate vote for a non-humanoid sidekick, I think I'd pick him. Not!Rush is cool, but again, done already.


It's looking very likely that when the voting begins, long haired Call is going to win as she's passing the nostalgia factor to everyone.

I might be wrong though, crazier things have happened when people vote. :P

Weeg Man

Something to consider is that only a fraction of the people who donate will actually vote, and only a fraction of those will actually talk about who they'll vote for on the internet. I learned that after Eliza silently won the first Skullgirls DLC character vote by a landslide.

Mighty No. 9

I think its Either Roll-Call with Robo-Dog or Aero-Call with Pink-Eddie backpack.

I'm starting to think those are her gameplay helpers...Yeah I choose Roll-Call if the Dog is her helper!  :lol:

PS. Beck & Call Co-op stretch goal announced! OMG,OMG,OMG!!!111


My excitement's gone through the roof. Where are these so-called 100,000 Strong when you need them all to buy a $20 pledge!!!

Seriously, where are all the Mega Man fans when we need them. :P

Mighty No. 9

Seeing all those stretch goals was a bit overwhelming, I hope they raise Beck & Call Co-op higher, I can live without things like Challenge mode, I want multiplayer the most!


I want the Challenge Mode, then again I don't tend to play games with people these days. :P

maybe that'll change when this game comes out though!

Mighty No. 9

Right, I forget about people who tend to play solo, hmm...Well, its all up to Comcept and the fans to see what to do hehe.

I might donate today, hope its been deposited to my bank so I can use my Amazon. @_@


I hope so too mate. Which pledge were you aiming for? :)

Mighty No. 9

:cry: Its not much just the $5 one as I have huge debts and things that keep me from giving more. T_T

Anyways, seems Comcept is working hard! and seeing all these stretch goals, gosh they seem confident!

PS. I'll make new topic on one of my favorite Mighty Numbers, Mighty No. 1!


I'm happy they're confident cause I've been afraid to give money on Kickstarter for a while now. I've come out of my shell for Inafune-san and nostalgia's sake. :D


Quote from: "iXerro"It seems most people are rooting for "Roll" Call. But the runner up favorite among the fans seems to be the pink haired Call, and I personally hope the pink haired Call becomes official. It'd be great to have a partner that doesn't follow stereotypical female designs; Call should be less "feminine" and "cutesy" and more someone that looks like she can dish out some pain on some Mighty No's. Pink haired Call's design fits more as Beck's partner as she looks more like a fighter and adventurer like Aile, instead of "Roll" Call's design comparable to that of original Roll's design, the design of a housekeeper.

Now that the possible co-op play with Beck and Call has been announced, it's clearly obvious that Call will need to be combat ready. In agreement to the fact that she doesn't follow stereotypical female designs, which makes her a strong female character, seeing as she has a bodysuit for all of her skin, she is more suited for battle due to having protection, unlike 'Roll' Call, who has bare skin and will be more at risk for injury. You don't go into battle wearing a skirt or dress, folks, not in Mighty. No. 9, where being a strong robot is of the most importance. Do you really see 'Roll' Call going into battle? Because I don't.

The fact that 'nostalgia' is the leading argument of why 'Roll' Call should be picked is weak. Pink Call has so much more potential for being useful to Beck, I can't fathom why people don't seem to see this.


Quote from: EthrasThe fact that 'nostalgia' is the leading argument of why 'Roll' Call should be picked is weak. Pink Call has so much more potential for being useful to Beck, I can't fathom why people don't seem to see this.

I think the issue is that most people see what they want to see and ignore the rest. That's why I'm not letting the choice get to me because I know that the one I choose in the end is liable to lose.

I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the ride instead of getting into these design tiffs. :)


Quote from: MechaGS
Quote from: EthrasThe fact that 'nostalgia' is the leading argument of why 'Roll' Call should be picked is weak. Pink Call has so much more potential for being useful to Beck, I can't fathom why people don't seem to see this.

I think the issue is that most people see what they want to see and ignore the rest. That's why I'm not letting the choice get to me because I know that the one I choose in the end is liable to lose.

I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the ride instead of getting into these design tiffs. :)

That is exactly what they're doing, and I'm trying to bring logic to the choice, unlike others. Why else would I bother to bring up any points at all? Your views of not bothering when you say 'you know you will lose' is exactly why you will lose. People don't realize that every vote counts, and each person who decides not to bother skews the results. It's important to vote, as a right, and sad to say that poses an issue in the offline world as well. Please change your perspective.

Back on topic, seeing your final comment, I am bewildered as to why you decided to say anything. Tell me, why are you even in this discussion if you don't care for the designs? The discussion is titled 'Call's Design'. If that isn't why you're here, which you clearly imply, you contradict your intentions, trying to brush me aside with that comment. Don't do that. I have the right to my opinion as well.


Quote from: EthrasBack on topic, seeing your final comment, I am bewildered as to why you decided to say anything. Tell me, why are you even in this discussion if you don't care for the designs? The discussion is titled 'Call's Design'. If that isn't why you're here, which you clearly imply, you contradict your intentions, trying to brush me aside with that comment. Don't do that. I have the right to my opinion as well.

Sorry if it seemed that way, I wasn't trying to say anything about your post I was just putting forward a personal point and it wasn't meant as a means of brushing you aside. :)

What I'm trying to say is, while I do care about the eventual design (it would be impossible not to care), I'm not going to take part in the current comment war taking place on the Kickstarter site.

I'll wait for them to open the proper participation events and vote as I see fit as I'd imagine you'll do the same and we'll let the best Call win based on proper votes, not wasted comments.

Once again, sorry if I made you feel you were being targeted. That was never my intention.