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Call's Design

Started by TheRaven, September 02, 2013, 09:01:46 PM

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Quote from: Mighty No. 9Those are great points Metazoxan, but as you may know pink Call is a reference to Aero, a supporting character in the now cancelled Legends 3, a game that already had a Roll in I find it strange to have the main character Beck as a reference to Rock and Call as a reference to Aero?  :beckconfused  Its a nice sentiment to Legends fans but In my opinion we should have both "Call" designs, Red one called Call the other named something else, that be the best seeing both designs are loved by fans. And the color changes need to be complementing to Beck and the game, (Like Mario & Luigi (Red/Green) Sonic & Tails (Blue/Orange) and now with Beck which colors do you complement him?  :beckwink  All in all I just want Mr. Inafune and his team to decide whats best.

Here's a cute lil thing I found.  :becklaughing

That is just something a few people said. Really the only things they have in common in the hair color. The actual hair style, clothes , and everything else is different. Plus even if Aero did inspire Pink Call since she is from a cancelled game it's not the same as someone being far too similar to Megaman's female companion. It's not that Roll Call is just a little similar it's that she is so close if you showed her to someone who hasn't seen megaman in years they'd say "That's Roll isn't it?" We should try to avoid where we can. Beck is similar to Megaman but he has much less emphasis on Blue than Megaman did and to me he feels adequately different. Plus his design is set and not up for debate so there you go. But this all isn't the only reason I don't like Roll Call It also has to do with her looking like she is dependable and has Beck's back. I don't get that from Roll Call. I get a "Do you best" vibe from her and that is the vibe that Roll gave. I think Call should have a much more active role than Roll did and her design needs to show that (Like that I said earlier about character designs). BTW I did a recolor of Pink Call

Mighty No. 9

If its too similar to Roll, just a few workarounds can fix this problem, no need to throw away the design.  :beckveryhappy



Quote from: MetazoxanThe reason I like Pink Call (Or alternatively the other design) is  I think a character design should integrate their pesonality. A characters design should say "This is me" That is why I keep saying (In the chat) she should look tough and ready to back Beck up. She can still be femanine and cute but she can't look like a cheer leader or someone who is just going to say behind and act as moral support or at best act as an errand girl to bring you stuff that you need. You need to be able to tell just by looking at her that Beck can count on her to help back him up and get through what he can't get through himself. The top left design just looks far too casual. It feels like she's ready to take a step back and chear me on rather than have my back.

Also I'll say it again I'm not saying Call can't be cute or Femanine. I'm not trying to make Call into a Tomboy. We don' t need her to look like a tomboy and I don't really want that. I feel she shouldn't look like a weak little princess or something but a character can look quite femanine and still look strong. The point of making Call a strong character is to break away from the role that Roll filled which was weak cheerleader for the most part. I'm just making this point again because in the past people have kept thinking I was saying she couldn't be femanine.

That... was perfectly worded...

Quote from: MetazoxanAlso something that needs to be addressed in the first post is that the vote for Call will be in two parts. The design and color scheme part. In other words first we decide on the best design (Not considering color) then we vote for the preferred color scheme. So from now on don't judge a design solely on it's color because that will be decided on later. instead pick the one that you think is actually designed the best. You can still talk about specific designs with a specific color scheme but just keep in mind that any design voted on can potentially have any color scheme. So Pink Call could have any kinda of colored hair or clothes the important part is the design itself. So this should be on the front page along with the original

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I love that idea, showing people the "sketched" concepts.

But awesome sketch idea aside, I'm confused. Where did they say the vote would be separated into two parts?


Quote from: iXerroI'm confused. Where did they say the vote would be separated into two parts?

Same here, after reading that you thought we'd get to vote on the design and colors, I went looking for that information but couldn't turn any up. :becksad

I was under the impression that we just had to vote for one and that Comcept would be choosing from there. Please point us in the right direction. :)


Quote from: MechaGS
Quote from: iXerroI'm confused. Where did they say the vote would be separated into two parts?

Same here, after reading that you thought we'd get to vote on the design and colors, I went looking for that information but couldn't turn any up. :becksad

I was under the impression that we just had to vote for one and that Comcept would be choosing from there. Please point us in the right direction. :)

The only thing I personally can think of is one of the podcasts. I listened to most of both but not the whole thing. Other than that, false information?


Quote from: iXerroThe only thing I personally can think of is one of the podcasts. I listened to most of both but not the whole thing. Other than that, false information?

Possibly. I'm going to re-listen to the first podcast and listen to the second later as I haven't had time today. If they say it, maybe they let something slip they shouldn't have or they've just got it wrong.

Not going to count it out yet though, as that probably would be a good idea. :beckgladwink


Quote from: MechaGS
Quote from: iXerroI'm confused. Where did they say the vote would be separated into two parts?

Same here, after reading that you thought we'd get to vote on the design and colors, I went looking for that information but couldn't turn any up. :becksad

I was under the impression that we just had to vote for one and that Comcept would be choosing from there. Please point us in the right direction. :)

Actually it was in the comments section on the kickstarter page. Comcept came on and the idea came up and after all the people on the chat agreed he said "Great I'll take it back to the team". So I guess it's not officially announced to be in two parts but it sounded like they are going to do it. Everyone else in the comments seems pretty certain based on what Comcept said that this is how we are going to do it so it's not just me.

Also I have a few more Call recolors but these are all just head shots because the avatar looked good and made recoloring extremely easy. These recolors are intended to give an idea of what various color schemes look like.

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EDIT: I made more but this time I'll just post the album. That will make it easier. Note that these color schemes don't have to be on this call. Although I support this design you could try any one of these color schemes on another design.

EDIT2: For got to actually post the album link .<!-- m --><a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'></a><!-- m -->


Well the Mighty No. 9 team announced that first vote is based on a sketch, and second vote is for the top three designs with colors. So hopefully people will actually stop to think when they see the designs with no color. Still, with all this color changing of Pink Call, I'm curious what it would look like if Pink Call and Roll Call swapped color schemes.


Quote from: iXerroI'm curious what it would look like if Pink Call and Roll Call swapped color schemes.

I'd imagine it'd still look cool. Can't really imagine it in my head though right now. :)

I think the new way of voting is better than the old, one choice method. It will certainly make things more interesting! :beckcool


Quote from: iXerroStill, with all this color changing of Pink Call, I'm curious what it would look like if Pink Call and Roll Call swapped color schemes.

I've gone through the liberty to do just that and switch the colours!

Personally, I really really love how Roll Pink Call (top right) looks with these colours, but Pink Roll Call (top left) doesn't look as appealing, in my opinion.


Quote from: Ethras
Quote from: iXerroStill, with all this color changing of Pink Call, I'm curious what it would look like if Pink Call and Roll Call swapped color schemes.

I've gone through the liberty to do just that and switch the colours!

Personally, I really really love how Roll Pink Call (top right) looks with these colours, but Pink Roll Call (top left) doesn't look as appealing, in my opinion.

WOW, that's actually really interesting. I agree, color swapped Roll Call looks horrid. But color swapped Pink Call... holy wow is that awesome. Roll Pink Call slightly reminds me of Roll in Megaman Legends. I seriously hope that design wins, because I feel like any decent color combination would look amazing on her.

Mighty No. 9

Because Blonde Call (bottom right) is about simplicity, she does not have all that gear on her, so of course its gonna be horrid looking with a color swap.  (Top right) does not look appealing to me (Blonde hair in japan represents trouble being intentionally or unintentionally while Pink hair represents gender confusion a tomboy or girly male)  So seeing her with blonde hair like that gives me the impression that shes trouble in the intentional fastidious way not the unintentional way like bottom right blonde Call.

They are two very different characters, you cannot fuse or choose who's better, they are two attitudes depends on the taste of the experience you want in this game.  :beckconfused


Did you guys see the new Call designs? I like H,I and E


Quote from: WildsparkDid you guys see the new Call designs? I like H,I and E

We can now <a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>vote</a> for a design. Remember to <a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>vote</a> people!

As for me, I'm digging F, H and I. I'm straying towards either F or I cause I don't like H's clothing but will sit on it for an extra day to make sure I'm happy. :)

Mighty No. 9

Are those the Call designs!?? and Ponytail Call is a Choice Yes!!

I chose F Why? because its the natural choice for Call as I told you guys before, they are supposed to be successors to Megaman and Roll, they should have the spark of those two. And trust me this Call is way edgier than Roll and her ponytail is something else! her design is not trying to copy Roll as Beck isn't trying to Rock, but they both should resemble them! remember this is serious, give it thought and think about the feeling it will add to the entire game.