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Your Hobbies?

Started by TheRaven, September 02, 2013, 10:26:59 PM

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Quote from: TheRavenxD It's already finished for the most part, there was one thing I was going to add but never got around to doing so. (I was going to change his height but meh. xD) I'll give you the hack tomorrow when I get off work. xD

Haha, awesome. That's going to be a fun evening. :D


I'd share it, but it'd probably be a big waste. The thing is inside jokes galore. Not a single thing in it would be understandable if you don't know the story behind it. We kinda just made it for ourselves, not really for anyone else.

But I'll let you guys know if we ever do finish it.


I play plenty of games, and browse the internet a *lot*. I am also learning C++ coding and HTML right now, and have dabbled a little bit in Game Maker, and made a small game for a summer workshop. As for romhacks, I have made a small Pokemon Crystal edit, but due to some difficulties with editors not cooperating, the only changes have been to tradable pokemon (MUCH more useful) and made the game more difficult. A lot more difficult. I have had a total of zero people beat trainer red without cheating, and 3 people (one of those me, and another my tester who didn't give up) who even reached him.


I'm glad you've made the game much more difficult, because the elite four in that version are a joke. (I'm actually currently playing through the game right now. xD) Red is somewhat difficult, but not that bad. If you ever get the chance to finish it or have it at a stage to where you'd be comfortable distributing the patch file could you share it on Skype? I'd love to check it out sometime. ^_^


Its pretty much finished unless someone decides to release working hacking tools for Crystal. Its actually on vizzed as Pokemon Crystal Insane version right now, but I could give you a link to the patch file if you want. (Actually, on that topic, what is this forums policy on warez and stuff? Is linking to patches allowed?)


You know, I haven't even thought about that until now. If you'd like you could go ahead and start a thread in the gaming forum and post a link to the patch. :)


I really enjoy reading, socialising with friends and family and getting outside for exercise.  I used to do some running, but unfortunately got some injuries, so back to walking now.