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Your first reaction to Mighty No. 9 Being Announced?

Started by TheRaven, September 03, 2013, 02:13:09 AM

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What was your first reaction after finding out about Mighty No. 9? Were you in awe? Maybe upset but happy at the same time? I was pretty stocked once I found out about it and quickly backed it up. After reading about it and listening to the theme song, I just hope 2015 will get here fast enough for us to finally play this game. ^_^


I thought it was really neat that we were finally getting another Classic Mega Man-esque game.


I think my first reaction was one of shock. I'm not really sure how I found out about it, though it couldn't have been longer than a few moments ago.

My second reaction was one of pure joy. I hadn't felt that way for a long time, and now I am just cursing the wait.


I was extremely happy when the news hit. If there's one man that can make a spiritual successor to Mega Man, it's Inafune-san.

Taking Capcom's treatment of Mega Man over the last few years into consideration, I had to jump on Mighty no. 9 as soon as I could and put something towards it being made.


No other gif can really capture my reaction better than this one.

Mighty No. 9

On the video when Mr. Inafune was talking about how he regretted letting fans down I felt so sad about the whole situation and super curious to see what was he gonna do about it! as so many great creators have left their creations behind without a care in the world to make their own companies and different style games! so when Mr. Inafune revealed Mighty No 9 there was a huge smile on my face! I mean he did it! with the help of an amazing team hes doing what fans wanted! more of the spirit, like he said 'the spirit lives on', indeed it does with him and his team! This proved that Mr.Inafune is not like other creators out there! great stuff!

This look on Mr. Inafune's face says it all! hes so proud of us all and we are proud of him, so glad being a part of this helping our dream come true! :)

PS. Ben Judd is so funny and I love him as Phoenix Wright! I was definitely exploding seeing him translating Mr.Inafune at PAX! didn't know Ben could speak such amazing Japanese!  :shock:


I was disinterested and then I noticed that Inafune was making it.


Quote from: tailszeroI was disinterested and then I noticed that Inafune was making it.

I love how Inafune-san has spurned on people to get behind the cause. I've had a few people say what you've said over the past few days to me. ;)


I first saw this on a Facebook update on my cellphone. I thought "oh, cool. Let me get on my PC to take a better look at this, it seems pretty interesting. Looks a lot like Mega Man though."

Then I played the play button on the Kickstarter video.

And then I saw Inafune.

And then I cried like a b*tch.

I honestly clapped along when I saw the PAX video.

Mighty No. 9

Quote from: Vulix"How do I buy"

Is that a question Vulix? and what do you mean? hehe.


Quote from: Mighty No. 9
Quote from: Vulix"How do I buy"

Is that a question Vulix? and what do you mean? hehe.

I take it that this was his literal reaction mate. As in, that's what he was thinking when he read / heard the news. :P

Might be wrong, but that's my guess.

Mighty No. 9

Least the term 'throwing money at the screen' worked for the best if you threw it at the Kickstarter heheh.


As I said in another topic, I shouted a lot, I think I was alone at home so I was free to give it all. Best. Day. Ever.


Quote from: Nubobot42As I said in another topic, I shouted a lot, I think I was alone at home so I was free to give it all. Best. Day. Ever.

I did something similar and got shouted at for it... apparently I have neighbors. :P

In all seriousness though, I'm super-hyped for the game!