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The Things That Piss You Off

Started by TheRaven, September 07, 2013, 04:24:11 AM

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Is there something that just upsets you so much that you need a place to talk about it? Well here's the topic to do so in. It really pisses me off when you go out of your way to help someone and they don't even say thank you. It always makes me want to just say "You're welcome!" to get them to say thank you, but I can't do that at work... :V


Quote from: "TheRaven"It really pisses me off when you go out of your way to help someone and they don't even say thank you.

Unfortunately, this one happens to me all the time and I've learnt to just live with it. Especially after so many years of crap from people.

My biggest pet-peeve at the moment is how many people are losing their jobs. I know quite a few people who have been laid off this year and whilst it's not really my problem, I can't help but feel sorry for all in that predicament.

I'm sick of Government's stating that the economies are getting better when there's proof that outside, where the real people are... it's obviously not.


I come, preaching the words of Inner Peace. Anger hath no place in thy life! Purge thyself of rage, and a happy life one shall live!

Lol, enough of that. I don't really get angry at much, but when I do get angry, it's at the whole "Everyone's a winner," mentality that has taken over society. This is one of the biggest things really screwing up the world. You got kids being raised, told their entire life that no matter what, they are always a winner and that they never lose. Thanks to this, we got people growing up as lazy assholes who never take responsibility for their actions, and always blame someone else for their shortcomings or inability to do things. They are never taught that maybe, it might be them that needs to change or improve. And then they complain, blaming other people for their failures, because their whole life is spent lazy never doing anything, because they are already a winner, so they don't need to improve themselves or work on their skills.

I understand that you don't wanna screw over a kid and have them grow up with no self esteem, but really, with the way it's being handled, you do more harm than good. Sure there are now less kids with low self esteem, but thanks to you, those kids are now even lower than they would have been before, and all the other kids keep pushing them lower. Not only that, but then when they are adults, everytime something bad happens to them, it was never their fault. No, they gotta go and blame everyone around them except themselves, so they never end up fixing their situation and just get trapped in an endless cycle. And worst yet, this is a cycle that can be broken, but they are too caught up in the idea that it's not their fault to break it.

tl;dr I hate the "Everyone's a winner," mentality.


Microsoft: I won't be buying anything from them again. After they intended on screwing their customers over with the Xbox One (and those DRM policies almost everyone hates could come back in a more stealthy way), I see no reason to support the console. My next computer definitely won't be from Microsoft.


Quote from: "astarisborn94"Microsoft: I won't be buying anything from them again. After they intended on screwing their customers over with the Xbox One (and those DRM policies almost everyone hates could come back in a more stealthy way), I see no reason to support the console. My next computer definitely won't be from Microsoft.

I really don't blame you for this one as it's one of the big issues I had with Microsoft coming out of E3. I don't think I'll be bothering with them for a long time -- if ever again.


With the release of another Grand Theft Auto game comes every desperate newscaster/pundit (which is a lot of them) labelling video games as the main contributing factor in crimes and general anti-social behaviour.

The thing that drives me up the wall about this is that there are so many more logical things to accuse. Maybe it was the killer's upbringing? Maybe he was thirsty for revenge? Maybe it was the fact that the killer owned a weapon or other object capable of causing injury or death? Maybe it was just his twisted imagination? Of course not. How could I say that? Of course it's video games. I'll prove that right now. *walks outside, copy of GTA V in hand and pretends to shoot people with it* Oh, uh, it seems no one's dying, which is weird considering I have a violent video game, which makes people kill people, right?

If this backwards logic which newscasters claim is true was actually true, I would be running around cutting people up with my giant, 6 foot sword. Or I would be shooting fireballs out of my hands. Or I would be collecting sentient golden jigsaw pieces. But none of that happens.

The only genuine violent real life thing that happened after GTA V came out was that a group of teenagers stabbed a man and mugged him for his copy of GTA V. Bear in mind, none of the people in this situation had PLAYED the game at that time, so as shocking as this event was, it doesn't count in this argument.

Televised news, if you gain some goddamn credibility and stop playing the blame game where it isn't needed or called for, maybe I'll actually watch you. Rant over.

TL;DR - Newscasters dumb, violent video games not always to blame.


You've hit on one of my biggest gripes about our world's media, Weejus. There have been many studies that state violent video games do not make people violent.

In fact, a paper out of the University of Boston showed that people with hectic lifestyles who play violent video games actually find release in playing said games. Now, if that's true, then why does it always seem the media think we're making psycho's?

Now, if the person who has gone psycho already had mental or instability issues, then of course such content is going to drive them to testing it out for themselves. But any average Joe or Jane doesn't just decide "I've played *insert game* so I'm going to go copy it".

It's all a massive pile of garbage. Especially news channels like Channel 4 here in the UK or FOX in the US. They're constantly spouting non-sensical drivel. It all really grinds my gears!

TL;DR: News channels suck and the media is just as bad for following suit.


Yes that really pisses me off when they blame violent video games for everything violent that happens in the world. It's one of the biggest things that really get me going. >_< And yes I agree with your TL;DR sentence Mecha.


Quote from: "TheRaven"when you go out of your way to help someone and they don't even say thank you. It always makes me want to just say "You're welcome!" to get them to say thank you, but I can't do that at work... :V

Canadian, eh? Situation reminded me of: "Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave."

However, as a
that I am, I will always subtly convey in any of my sentence my desires,  if they catch it or not. In your scenario, just say, "Thank, come again?" *with a purposely awkward grin*
It's an order! Almost devious, if you fill all possible missing words in the imperative context.

However, as fast and busy a person I am, sometimes it just misses my mind to properly bid grace and farewell to a server. So don't take it to heart. At the least by sharing it here, you are doing the correct thing, relieving the stress, counseling advice.

@et alia

I have one pet peeve, I will not share for your sakes of ever performing it. I am sure you all have this one as well, but not as deep as it affects me. It triggers my fight response, and it was broken by very few people, as tolerable as I am.

Other's that I can discuss, is negligence, or pure disregard of tasks or standards. The most common example I am seeing it often is the usage of slang created on the fly, at formal forums (like in official debates and committees). It's fine in parties and social gatherings, but not on your standardized jargon you use for work. I mean, who uses "BRB" in a command center? Do you want everyone at HQ to panic?
Press the BIG RED BUTTON, Nancy S. Dolder! :evil:

Swan Dive

Arrogance pisses me off probably more than anything.  Especially from the people who refuse to recognize or admit their own faults, yet love to point out everyone else's.


Quote from: "Swan Dive"Arrogance pisses me off probably more than anything.  Especially from the people who refuse to recognize or admit their own faults, yet love to point out everyone else's.

Like the mods at the MN9 forums?

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: "56008"
Quote from: "Swan Dive"Arrogance pisses me off probably more than anything.  Especially from the people who refuse to recognize or admit their own faults, yet love to point out everyone else's.

Like the mods at the MN9 forums?

that's slander against the grorious over rordsu, das a dina dong bannu


What pisses me off?? THIS SHIT HEAD, who keeps coming back under different names and ban evading using different IP addresses!!

This guy Sonic Flash is a troll and a forum terrorist!! DO NOT trust him, he will deceive everyone and fuck everything up!!