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The blazing Mighty No. 1

Started by Mighty No. 9, September 09, 2013, 05:29:33 PM

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Quote from: NinjablazerZeroI really like his design. He has a body of fire, and once that's gone, turns out he's just weak and flabby behind those big flames.

Should be entertaining to see how his AI behaves and how his attitude changes when the flames are out. I hope it's in the classic "Oh noes, I'm nekkid!" style, frantically running around and trying to hide cause he's now vulnerable. Then when his flames are back on, he puts on a tough guy routine.

I think it would be a good idea for his flames to decrease as he loses health, kind of like how Burt the Bashful from (Yoshi's Island)'s pants fall down as he keeps getting hit. It would be cool for his attacks to change as his flames decrease, I imagine as they do so, Mighty No. 1 will switch to more melee-based attacks.


Indeed, in MM8 they really did. But it would work even without the voices. Like in MM8, they did more than talk. They had lots of emotive animations that really show off what they were feeling, even without the voices.

As for his attacks changing, that's highly likely  Though chances are they would only change in scale as the flames get smaller, until the flames are out. It's when the flames get extinguished that their time to shine comes out. I think the AI should behave much more differently at that point. Like with the flames he could be much more aggressive, while without the flames, he should change to a really defensive style. I wouldn't want him to change to a melee style, cause this seems more like a boss that depends on the flames to attack, so without them, he's vulnerable.


Well we can probably guess Beck's transformation of Mighty No. 2 will be his ultimate weakness; just douse his flames then pound his scrawny body to death. I know they threw the idea out there that the flame on his head was his weak point, but I hope he's only truly weak with his flames out. Can't wait to see how his fighting style differs with his flames on and his flames off. Probably will be hilarious with them off.


I'm kinda hoping that with the flames on, only his head is vulnerable, cause the flames are so big, you can't really see his body, so the shots could just pass straight through, and his head being the only clear target would make that the only vulnerable spot, and then without his flames, you are free to shoot away and hit him anywhere.


Quote from: NinjablazerZeroI'm kinda hoping that with the flames on, only his head is vulnerable, cause the flames are so big, you can't really see his body, so the shots could just pass straight through, and his head being the only clear target would make that the only vulnerable spot, and then without his flames, you are free to shoot away and hit him anywhere.

Vulnerable but not weak, yes. I'd agree that would make the fight much more challenging. Then when you finally get him to his bare structure, that's when you go all out on him. Ooo I seriously hope that's how the boss fight is laid out.


I love the ideas you guys have for this boss. Make sure to point them out to Inafune-san and his team when the fan contribution stuff opens up for us. :)

Mighty No. 9

I dont know why but I imagine him all jumping around when the flames are out so you cant hit him heheh.


Quote from: Mighty No. 9I dont know why but imagine him all jumping around when the flames are out so you cant hit him heheh.

He could literally bounce of the walls and leave streaks of fire across the floor, meaning you have to both dodge and move (use a skill?) if you want to live. :P

Mighty No. 9

Quote from: MechaGS
Quote from: Mighty No. 9I dont know why but imagine him all jumping around when the flames are out so you cant hit him heheh.

He could literally bounce of the walls and leave streaks of fire across the floor, meaning you have to both dodge and move (use a skill?) if you want to live. :P

Yeah that be really great, I also love when bosses break and change the arena.

Edit: Amazing new fan art by Imson

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That is one awesome picture, I love it! Yep Mighty No. 1 is my second favorite character next to Beck so far. ^_^ I'm sure he has a "blazing" personality to go with that face. :V

Mighty No. 9

He surely is one of my most favorite ones so far! but they are all amazing! just a fiery kinda guy myself so I can relate hehe.  :beckwink

I have a strong feeling Number 3 will be electric and Number 7 will be blades or "cutting" type...Number 8 I have no idea.  :beckworried

Since they got possessed by a virus it might turn out to be quite a sad story.  :becksurprised

Here's a cute lil fanart sketch I found of No.1 and No.9.  :beckveryhappy


Nicely done as always MN9! Oh and this story might be a bit sad, I like that concept though. It makes sense on why they ended up becoming rogue. I'm sure they'll go into each character's back story, I wonder if they'd use cutscenes to do so?


I don't think full cutscenes would fit in this game, but I really hope there is some form of pre-boss battle dialouge, similar to how X, Zero and Axl have a conversation with the boss right before they fight in MMX8. A short, pre-battle dialogue could reveal much about the boss and their relationship, while still being brief and not breaking the flow of the game.

I would love to see Beck try to reason with the bosses before he fights them. Would be a nice touch, to reflect that these bosses weren't always evil, kinda like how X tries to reason with bosses in the Maverick Hunter X PSP game.


I think partial scenes could work. A bit like Guild Wars 2 but with moving backgrounds and so on. Could make for some nice narrative uses too.

Mighty No. 9

Nothing I enjoy most than seeing characters full of personality!

making worlds full of believable but fun characters is one of the joys of game design!   :becksmile

Here's a great new Fan art I found!  :beckgladsmile