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The origin of your username

Started by TheRaven, September 12, 2013, 04:38:41 PM

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So where did you come up with your username? What is it based around? Mine is pretty obvious if you're a Teen Titans fan, my avatar is a dead giveaway. TheRaven came about because I didn't feel like just using "Raven" this time around, and Raven is my favorite cartoon character of all time.
I also have a big crush on her, don't judge. ;_;


Weel you already know mine, it's from the ChuckleVision YouTube Poop 'Paul, Barry and the quest for Weejus and Sneff' (which due to all its swearing is NSFW, in case you were curious enough to watch it).


My name was derived in two parts. I wanted to use Mecha in some way as I love mech-based anime (Guyver, Gundam Wing, Code Geass, Gurren Lagann, etc). I also needed a way of showing I was a games journalist at the time so stuck the initials of the game site I did stuff for on the end.

Thus, MechaGS was born and I've been using it for quite a long time now. :)


I like to draw and one of the characters that I created is a superhero named Wildspark who has the ability to make, control and turn into fire. He's my favorite character, so I've been using Wildspark as my username for websites lately.


tailszero is from an idea I had for a story a while ago. In a multi-dimensional organization, they would add a number onto the name of a member that had alternates, and the character "tails" found an antagonistic alternate that they dubbed "zero".


So are you a girl or a boy?

Oh my username you ask? A long story.. I will cut the story to make it short. I thought of using a fake name which look ''real'' online. The name came to my mind was ''jack''. Dont know what to put behind, so i put ''theking'' behind. I have lot of ''reputation'' on the forum which I used ''jacktheking'' as my username. So whenever I go, I will use the name ''jacktheking''. You can even google for jacktheking, the result from page one to page five are the forum and website which I went to.


Interesting stories everyone~

Well, I got this name from an anime character in the anime Matantei Loki Ragnarok and I thought it was a cute name. I also used this name for my Sniper on Ragnarok Online XD.


My username is split between 3 parts. The Ninja in my name comes from the fact that I'm a Ninja. The greatest Ninja ever, of course, but you all knew that. The Blazer in my name comes from one of my favorite games as a child on the SNES called Soul Blazer. I grew up with it and it's one of my favorite games. I added it to the Ninja to make myself a title of sort.

So it makes for me the title of The Ninja Blazer. And last is the name of my favorite character of all time, Zero. I wouldn't be much of a Zero fanboy if I didn't have his name in my username. So basically it is to be recited as The Ninja Blazer, Zero.


Back in 2008 when I made a Youtube account, I had a sudden re-emerged addiction to Invader Zim, and combined with a fascination for the Greek alphabet, named my account InvaderZeta. I eventually made a character which I named Xerro (Doesn't come from anything, just completely made up), and when I went to make a tumblr account a few years ago I wanted to name it Xerro (I felt "Invader" in my username was a bit old and childish). Some spam account already had the name Xerro, so I just took the i in Invader and bim bam boom, iXerro.


I love the stories you guys have put down. It's a real insight into how people choose something personal and close to them. :beckcool


I would like to stay Anonymous thank you very much.


It's based off a movie I've never seen before; plus I like the username.


When I first started using this username, I had just been binge watching Doctor Who. Unfortunately (and obviously), TheDoctor was already taken, so I just stuck the title of the first book I saw after Doctor.



Mine comes from the 2009 Wolfenstein game. In the game, BJ Blazkowicz is referred to by the title of Agent instead of the rank of Lieutenant that he had in Return to Castle Wolfenstein. As such, my ID is just his title, initials, and the year of the game's release.

I will say however that the unintentional double entente meaning has made spotting rude gamers much easier.