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Are you in a relationship?

Started by TheRaven, September 14, 2013, 02:46:31 AM

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Are you currently dating anyone? If not would you like to be dating someone or are you better off single? As for me I am in a relationship and my gf and I have been together for 4 years now. :) Our anniversary is June 1st, so it's pretty easy to remember. :P


I'm not right now but I sometimes do wish I was. Then there are days that I'm happy to be single but sometimes you just wish you were with someone.

I guess it's more about finding the right person, then it all fits into place. Before that, you sort of drift along for a while. :)


I find I'm too lazy for that. It's so much work.

You gotta do so much just to get it started, then it's even more work keeping it going, and then if it doesn't work out, it's even more work to end it. I am way too lazy for any of that.

Of course, lots of people like to respond to me with "you just haven't met someone who you are willing to work for." And to that I always respond, I am the laziest person in the world. There is no one I'm willing to work for other than myself.

But ehh, I'm happy with my life. Got no need for a relationship anytime soon, so till the day comes that I stop being lazy, I'm content by myself.


No, I'm not, and I actually never have been. I'm much like Mecha in the fact that sometimes I'm happy to be alone, yet sometimes I wish I did have someone. Then again, I consider myself too young to be in a serious, long-lasting relationship anyway.


Not really and currently have no intentions to be in one. Definitely not until I get out of college.


I am happy with the way I am - Single.

I may look into it in a couple of years though.


Yes! I'm always in relationship. Har, har, har. ;D We been together for 9 years at the latest or we seem to think so. *shifty eyes* Will be 10 years in October 1st or he thinks so. >_>;


That sounds quite confusing Flaria. :P So does he like you and are you not into him or is it something completely different? :V


He kept changing the anniversary dates on how long he and I been together. Hence why I said it in my post. ;D


Quote from: FlariaHe kept changing the anniversary dates on how long he and I been together. Hence why I said it in my post. ;D
I only hope he's not asking for a present every time he does.