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What are you working on?

Started by MechaGS, September 17, 2013, 11:19:42 PM

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I thought I'd start up a topic asking if anyone is working on anything cool. It can be anything, from art to game mods, the skies the limit!

I'm working on a game journalism site at the moment. It's a big project and I only have one page I can really show off at the moment but you can see it here. The rest is all in either the re-design stage or the beginnings of initial design.

The page I'm showing is a news page. When you visit a news page, the system dynamically loads in all information as well as a background if a game or platform is linked to it. It also loads various useful blocks of information in the sidebar based on parameters held in the system.

I'll probably show off more and explain how some of it works as time goes on. Are any of you working on something cool? :beckcool


Well I am working on something, the forums here of course! But as for other side projects eh not too much, I work on my disassembly of Sonic Chaos from time to time but I haven't really set down and worked on it too much lately. I still need to split tons of files from each respective bank and convert tons of code from hex to assembler by hand so I have lots of work cut out for me. :P


Sounds like a lot of work Raven but I'm sure it'll be awesome in the end! :)


I'm working on sort of a text based game for this other forum I admin on. Got some friends there, and I was thinking it'd be fun to put in a text based RPG into a webpage and link it to the site. At current, it's only text based cause I can't draw for my life. If I can find someone though, I'll definitely add in visuals, and maybe even spriting!

Hell, might as well just make it a flash game, but that would require learning flash...

At current, I'm only in the planning stages, so no actual coding is being done yet. I'm basically just writing out my ideas and planning what I want and what will be necessary for there to be in said game. After that, I'll move into developing some of the basic formulas, and after that, I'll finally go into the coding.

Making coding last because not only am I lazy, but I also have to learn HTML, and that's a ton of work, plus, I have not much time due to school and whatnot.

I'm also working on not being lazy. That one may never get done, though...


Sounds cool Ninja. Feel free to ask for me help with HTML or any other web based language as I've spent a good while with each one now. :)


I am spending most of my times on advertising my forums.


I am working on my blog and roleplaying forums


I'm currently working on this. Nowhere near ready and I'm unsure if I like the design so far.

Think I'll keep going and see what comes of it. :P



Quote from: dragonborn99That looks stunning!

Thanks for the kind words dragonborn99. :D

I've got a long way to go but I've got a few ideas. I've been building websites for nearly 8 years now so I've gotten a lot quicker at implementing crazy ideas. :P

I'll keep you all posted on how it's going as I build it.


Honest Answer: Idling here, when I should be adding my efforts on this:



Even more honest answer:

Packing up and moving, hopefully finding a Berne convention and TRIPS ?opyright ignorant country to host files at. The last thing anyone wants is to have your services stopped because information in ordered silicon or magnetic disk represent information someone does not want to be propagated. (learn more Here's a crash course history: )
Intellectual property, the most evangelized oxymoron propagated in the modernized world!


Well, I've been working for a mockup of what the 3DS RPG One Piece: Romance Dawn would look like on a SNES. It's not finished but here's a WIP.

(Ignore the dotted border along the edges, that's GIMP's doing)


That looks excellent Weejus. Wonder if the game will be as good as your sprite work. :)


Oh wow wonderful work, I totally suck at drawing especially sprite art. :V If you don't mind, I might ask you to help me work on some Sonic hacking projects, but since I am currently focusing on this site, and a few other projects I probably won't be hacking anytime soon that and I am lazy. :P


Well, I'd be happy to help you with sprite art, Raven.