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Favorite Genre of Music?

Started by TheRaven, September 23, 2013, 01:06:22 PM

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Everyone has a favorite, share with us here what you like listening to. I personally love video game music as well as classic and deep house music. I also enjoy old school rock such as Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, and Metallica. Alternative is another amazing genre and grunge as well. The only two genres I absolutely can't stand are dubstep and rap. Dubstep to me is complete noise, while rap is well just annoying sounding. :\ Some country is alright, but I prefer not to listen to the newer stuff, I honestly only like a few country songs.


My favorite genres are Classic Rock, Metal, Techno, and House music. Love those genres the most. Can't go a single day without listening to Jimi Hendrix, or the Doors, or Eric Clapton. And man gotta love that Sir Elton John. And like you, I love Iron Maiden. They were my intro to the Metal scene. And as for Black Sabbath, Iron man and Holy Diver are their best. Metallica is great too, and I often find myself singing songs of theirs at random for no reason. But there's tons more like Slayer, Judas Priest, and a lot others too.

I also enjoy a bit of alternative, but not too much grunge. I love Linkin Park, but I prefer their newer stuff over their older grunge stuff, but their older stuff is still great.

But nothing beats Daft Punk for me. They are my music gods. I worship them. The only other Techno/House name I know of is Deadmau5. Who is awesome. While I love this genre, I really don't know any names. I only know specific songs.

I'll have to agree with you on dubstep. I hate it. It's dumb, stupid, and is just composed of people smacking their keyboard while using something like Fruityloops. It's just random noise, and I can't see how people like it. I will admit that I like one dubstep song. But it is the ONLY one. I hate all others.

When it comes to Rap, I feel like rap is dead. Rap used to be good and used to mean something. Now it's just dominated by a group of belligerent idiots who make the same songs over, and over, and over, and every single one is about the same thing and can be summarized with the same one sentence. Rap used to be good. Now it's crap. There are a few gems hidden out and about here and there, but honestly, you'd have to sift through so much crap it's not worth searching for those gems. Which is sad. Cause those gems are great.

As for every other genre, I'm a music man, so I love almost everything. I probably don't listen to much of all the others, but if I hear a song I llike, I'll remember it, and I'll keep listening to it.


I've gotten to the point where I don't discriminate against genre's anymore. If the music is good, I'll listen to it and that's about it.

I will admit that i've been on a bit of a JPop and JRock binge for a few weeks now. I'm enjoying listening to something different, away from all the big artists that we know.

I'm not a fan of dubstep though, I consider it garbage.


I enjoy Techno, Chiptune, and Orchestral music. I can enjoy some rock music, but Heavy Metal and dubstep hurt my ears.


We all like techno, we should have us all a Rave.


I only really like chiptune (8-bit, and no, GXSCC drivel does not count), game  and anime music, and sometimes dubstep. Some dubstep remixes are fantastic, but a lot are just wub wub wub slapped onto an existing song. I try to like modern chart music but a lot of it I can't stand, and the few good songs are overplayed to the point that they turn bad (Thrift Shop and Get Lucky are some examples). I could use some help on getting into other genres of music.


My favorite genres are hard rock, punk and glam metal. Dubstep and classic hip hop/rap are good too.


I like the 80's music the best plus i do like chart music and dance music and pop and techno



I go through phases.. one minute ill like rock, next is pop.. etc.. but normally I listen to alternative. Other than that, I like all music except for most rap and I hate screamo.


I don't have a single favorite genre. I enjoy many different kind of music, but mostly instrumental. There are some stuff that I can't stand, however, like rap.


Any with genuine passion and emotion. Trying to neatly classify music into genres is about as productive a task as assuming everyone of a like ethnicity is also of a like mind. There are always outliers and exceptions in all directions.