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Oh god that blue!!

Started by NinjablazerZero, October 07, 2013, 03:54:14 AM

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I hope I'm not the only one here, but that blue color for highlighting member names is really searing the eyes. Especially against this site's white background. It's really hard to see, and really straining and hurtful to the eyes.

Think we can get somewhat of a darker, more contrasting shade? Way to bright and unfriendly to my eyes.


I agree on the light theme, it's killer. Looking into it now. :)

EDIT: I'm not allowed to access that part so we'll need Raven to fix it.


This is exactly what I said lol


Use the dark theme for now, which is what I am using ATM. The contrast is fine there. Hopefully TheRaven changes it to that lovely orange, or magenta. That Purple colour in outer coloured background blocks on MN9 logo is fine too #6061ed ~.


Ahh, switched to the Dark theme, and now it fits perfectly. It's pretty hard on the eye with the light theme, but the Dark theme is no problem at all.


Alright I'll switch to orange since it'll look alright on both themes hopefully sorry about that. :V



Much better, thank you. Looks great on both. Also, I dunno if the Dark theme broke, and the main posts are using the same style scheme as the light theme. Is that the case?


Quote from: mightyno67277p@TheRaven

Much better, thank you. Looks great on both. Also, I dunno if the Dark theme broke, and the main posts are using the same style scheme as the light theme. Is that the case?

I'm working hard in the background at the moment. :)

I changed the user colours through the SQL after getting sick of seeing that blue and have repaired the dark theme which got mauled by a mod we want on the forum.

Never a dull moment on here for me at the moment.



Thanks for the speedy update. For all I care, this can be glitch city. On the fly repairs are fun, like in the city of T?o?w?nBeck.

You do make B?ckups often right? I'd assume a geek that knows SQLite knows at the least to make backup crons, that both make a mysql dump locally, and ship it remotely elsewhere


Quote from: TheRavenAlright I'll switch to orange since it'll look alright on both themes hopefully sorry about that. :V

Isn't there a way to have both colors set so that it changes depending on which theme being used? Another forum I use has something like that.

The Blue looks rather good on the Dark theme. It's only on the Light theme that it looks bad on.


Quote from: mightyno67277p@MechaGS

Thanks for the speedy update. For all I care, this can be glitch city. On the fly repairs are fun, like in the city of T?o?w?nBeck.

You do make Backups often right? I'd assume a geek that knows SQLite knows at the least to make backup crons, that both make a mysql dump locally, and ship it remotely elsewhere

An SQL Backup is taken every 3 days at the moment. I don't keep an archive of them all though, just the last two each time.

Since the site is hosted on an American server, it takes forever for me to download the ftp contents and it often times out so I need a more effective way of doing that.


I can start backing it up if you'd like since it'll be faster. I think i know how to do so, I'll check it out when i get home.


Quote from: TheRavenI can start backing it up if you'd like since it'll be faster. I think i know how to do so, I'll check it out when i get home.

Awesome, if you back up the main ftp files, I'll just keep database backups for when that may break, etc. :)



The best way for you guys it to let the actual server SFTP or rsync the files to another server (maybe your computer). Let me PM you both how in your host. Sneakernet what you can. Its cheaper and faster that way. (I got like 5 USB SSDs for stuff like that)
