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MN9 Banned Members Camp

Started by mightyno67277p, December 27, 2013, 06:55:59 AM

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Quattro Bajeena

Now there is a faggot impersonating me on the thread.

unless verified I have NOT returned


Dina just locked and shat all over the banned users memorial thread.


Quote from: Anon-e-MooseDina just locked and shat all over the banned users memorial thread.

She deleted it no? After i saw your post, i looked for the thread and didn't find it


It's still in the Off-Topic section. Not deleted, just locked.

Oh and you might be interested in this:

Given that the eBay ad is still there and the account not yet banned, I'm guessing it's really out of Comcept's jurisdiction. Stay cautious though.


Quote from: TheCloudyEyeIt's still in the Off-Topic section. Not deleted, just locked.

Oh and you might be interested in this: <a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'></a>

Given that the eBay ad is still there and the account not yet banned, I'm guessing it's really out of Comcept's jurisdiction. Stay cautious though.

Strange... Can't find it using the search. I was already aware of what the CM said, i saw it earlier. But thanks anyway!


Quote from: BoloworsStrange... Can't find it using the search. I was already aware of what the CM said, i saw it earlier. But thanks anyway!

Here: <a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'></a>


Quote from: TheCloudyEye
Quote from: BoloworsStrange... Can't find it using the search. I was already aware of what the CM said, i saw it earlier. But thanks anyway!


Thanks! Its sad that we cannot even remember fallen members anymore... Well, I'm getting in a state that i'm not caring too much about my account in the official foruns, i'm mostly lurking right now. Probably i will ignore the project it if this keep happening, and in the future run away of anything with the name Dina Abou Karam, Comcep and 8-4.

Quattro Bajeena

This is getting out of hand, the staff at this point wants to do nothing but stifle ANY opposition to them, also those with supposed 30 day bans be warned my 30 days should be up (should have ended on monday) yet I still find my account "inactive or blocked" even now I"m still disputing the chargeback.

this is absurd, anyone still defending the CM and forum staff have to be brain dead by now


I'm shocked to find that the new mods (Damo, who I was cringing at the thought of becoming, only to find the recent announcement, and BSO) are actually looking to be decent choices.  I haven't seen any brown nosing out of Damo since his upgrade to moderator status and he's actually done some very clear and helpful moderating (contrasted with the vague and underhanded moderating we've grown accustom to).  BSO, I'm not so familiar with, but the few posts I've seen of his in his moderation role, have been well thought out and far from the dreamy "lets hold hands and pretend that everyone loves it here, even though we just destroyed that thread you were following and banned a bunch of people you enjoy."

Here's hoping these new mods influence the rest of the crew for the better.  I'm pretty much past the point of questioning why Dina is CM and have conceded to merely hope that she learns from some of these guys who seem to have some clue as to what the crap they should be doing.


Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: undamnedI'm shocked to find that the new mods (Damo, who I was cringing at the thought of becoming, only to find the recent announcement, and BSO) are actually looking to be decent choices.  I haven't seen any brown nosing out of Damo since his upgrade to moderator status and he's actually done some very clear and helpful moderating (contrasted with the vague and underhanded moderating we've grown accustom to).  BSO, I'm not so familiar with, but the few posts I've seen of his in his moderation role, have been well thought out and far from the dreamy "lets hold hands and pretend that everyone loves it here, even though we just destroyed that thread you were following and banned a bunch of people you enjoy."

Here's hoping these new mods influence the rest of the crew for the better.  I'm pretty much past the point of questioning why Dina is CM and have conceded to merely hope that she learns from some of these guys who seem to have some clue as to what the crap they should be doing.

BSO comes off as a bit of a prick, and I'm not the only one who thinks this

in any case we should open MN9U to all and dedicate a specific area for backers of MN9 (like hidden backer only forums) because right now not only is the CM killing the community but the recent locking of the memorial thread just because it was garnering positive attention is absurd

at least here we have a competent moderation team, a actual forum system that isn't pants on head retarded, and no bias


Quote from: Quattro BajeenaBSO comes off as a bit of a prick, and I'm not the only one who thinks this

At this point, I'll take a prick who knows what he should be doing.


Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: undamned
Quote from: Quattro BajeenaBSO comes off as a bit of a prick, and I'm not the only one who thinks this

At this point, I'll take a prick who knows what he should be doing.


fair enough, but my suggestion of moving the party here still stands


I like these forums because they're functional. The only thing lacking so far is active users, and Millifish, but those should both come with time, I think.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: CrixI like these forums because they're functional. The only thing lacking so far is active users, and Millifish, but those should both come with time, I think.

well you should spread the word then random user, seeing as how craptastic the durpal forums are and the moderation we should welcome EVERYONE here.


It'd be cool if everyone spread the word about our little corner of the web. I know a few members spread the word already, tweet, post on Facebook, etc. anything would definitely help us out. :) I've already shared the forum on Facebook myself and on our page but seeing how I'm not a fan of Twitter I have yet to advertise there. :V