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MN9 Banned Members Camp

Started by mightyno67277p, December 27, 2013, 06:55:59 AM

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Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: "Psi-Zero"
Quote from: "56008"As long as you treat us with respect, you get that respect back.  Simple as that!

It's amazing that so few people understand this very basic principal. Then they have the nerve to complain about disrespect when they were the ones who were set that tone in the first place. That's why this whole mess exists. Dina made a ton of mistakes, didn't own up to it, and to this day she won't just be an adult about it.

Quote from: "Jagos"I just plan to try to be more a guy centered on the public view ala Internet Aristocrat (I know that ruffles feathers, but I'm not quite there on the sarcasm meter as he is...)

Despite the fact that he technically insulted me by addressing a group that I am semantically be a part of as if everyone in that group is the same as the people he was spotlighting... I still have nothing but respect for the guy. He's right most of the time and he makes really good points, extreme hyperbole for entertainment value aside. If someone faults you for any allusions to him, they're just as retarded as the people he mocks.

Quote from: "Quattro Bajeena"nothing is being done proper, I mean look at the project KS comments, it's a hug box chat room, with a mentality than mass reports users who don't fall into their mindset, and some of their postings are gaia online tier of posting

At this point I'm faulting the users of those comments. They're being stubborn with their BS and they should be reigned in like the children they are... but I don't know how much authority/control Comcept has over that, since it's Kickstarter's site. I don't know, I don't have a KS account or anything.

Thign is aristocrat is right with most of his videos, it's just the character assassination he usually preforms destroys the well built up points that hold , and they won't be reigned in, there were attempts made to set up an official password protected backer's IRC channel, but the hugbox went "IRC TOO HARD"


Quote from: "Quattro Bajeena"Thign is aristocrat is right with most of his videos, it's just the character assassination he usually preforms destroys the well built up points that hold

At least some of that is for the sake of being entertaining (if even to a very vulgar audience, that just means he knows his audience). Still, even when he is wrong about something, it doesn't make everything else he says automatically wrong as well. He's a smart guy, but he's human. Flawed like anyone else. He's going to be wrong sometimes. The truth is still the truth regardless of who says it, though... and he mostly speaks the language of truth.

Quote from: "Quattro Bajeena"they won't be reigned in, there were attempts made to set up an official password protected backer's IRC channel, but the hugbox went "IRC TOO HARD"

As much as "IRC TOO HARD" is a frustrating response that I've personally run into before in a similar situation... a universal password is pretty much just an honor system, and it's no better than the chatroom they tried to set up on this site. But a board is a board, and if they can post in the KS comments, they can post in the official forums.


In regards to IA, I honestly don't think it was wrong, it was just outdated information.  And given what was passed as information, I don't blame him for trying to counter some of that negativity that some of those press backers utilized to try to paint her as a victim in all of this.

The only real issue I have is probably with his recent Occupy comment, but that's more about personal politics.  He's a Constitutionalist while I'm a left wing, anticapitalist but that's neither here nor there.  I honestly can't find fault with his videos and he does do some interesting stuff (like his first one) that shows me he cares a lot more than I can say with others in the field.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: "Psi-Zero"
Quote from: "Quattro Bajeena"Thign is aristocrat is right with most of his videos, it's just the character assassination he usually preforms destroys the well built up points that hold

At least some of that is for the sake of being entertaining (if even to a very vulgar audience, that just means he knows his audience). Still, even when he is wrong about something, it doesn't make everything else he says automatically wrong as well. He's a smart guy, but he's human. Flawed like anyone else. He's going to be wrong sometimes. The truth is still the truth regardless of who says it, though... and he mostly speaks the language of truth.

Quote from: "Quattro Bajeena"they won't be reigned in, there were attempts made to set up an official password protected backer's IRC channel, but the hugbox went "IRC TOO HARD"

As much as "IRC TOO HARD" is a frustrating response that I've personally run into before in a similar situation... a universal password is pretty much just an honor system, and it's no better than the chatroom they tried to set up on this site. But a board is a board, and if they can post in the KS comments, they can post in the official forums.
it would mean someone within the hugbox leaked it or some smarmy asshole, nothing is fool proof, remember the backer only chat they had here?


Quote from: "Jagos"In regards to IA, I honestly don't think it was wrong, it was just outdated information.  And given what was passed as information, I don't blame him for trying to counter some of that negativity that some of those press backers utilized to try to paint her as a victim in all of this.

I don't know what you or anyone else is talking about, but I was talking about something that I don't think he or anyone else really knows much about. It's fine, though, I don't really let it effect my judgement.

Quote from: "Jagos"The only real issue I have is probably with his recent Occupy comment, but that's more about personal politics.  He's a Constitutionalist while I'm a left wing, anticapitalist but that's neither here nor there.  I honestly can't find fault with his videos and he does do some interesting stuff (like his first one) that shows me he cares a lot more than I can say with others in the field.

Honestly, I'm really more in your camp (not completely, but still) and I still think his Occupy comment was pretty spot-on. Granted, as the above comment implies, I don't really know much about what goes on outside of the videos, so if it's about something he said elsewhere I didn't hear anything about it...

Quote from: "Quattro Bajeena"it would mean someone within the hugbox leaked it or some smarmy asshole, nothing is fool proof, remember the backer only chat they had here?

Yes? I mentioned it in the post you're quoting. Regardless, that's pretty much what I was saying. That anything other than individual log-ins is falling short of truly secure. An unofficial channel for backers by backers doesn't really need to be totally secure, though, I admit.


Quote from: "Psi-Zero"

I don't know what you or anyone else is talking about, but I was talking about something that I don't think he or anyone else really knows much about. It's fine, though, I don't really let it effect my judgement.

I was keeping that part mainly vague and general and not targeted to anyone in particular.  It's kind of my sentiment to the video based on the other videos that were up about this issue.

I saw one on the Dina issue where the guy read quotes from the fanbase and the comments were really negative calling the backers entitled nerds.  

I was commenting more on that.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: "Jagos"
Quote from: "Psi-Zero"

I don't know what you or anyone else is talking about, but I was talking about something that I don't think he or anyone else really knows much about. It's fine, though, I don't really let it effect my judgement.

I was keeping that part mainly vague and general and not targeted to anyone in particular.  It's kind of my sentiment to the video based on the other videos that were up about this issue.

I saw one on the Dina issue where the guy read quotes from the fanbase and the comments were really negative calling the backers entitled nerds.  

I was commenting more on that.
That's the modern video game industry fr you, how dare someone demand a quality product, you're an entitled manchild if you so much as demand to be treated like a paying customer instead of some beggar on the side of the road, it's leading this hobby to ruination.

When something like what's happening at the MN9 forums best PoA is to just start talking to your friends and casually bring it up,just ask if they know about whats happening with the MN9 community, listen to what they know and correct them and provide proof, start with your friends


IA's video is just outdated, but it isn't a bad or misinformed video, it's just not relevant to the current issues.

Essentially, he voiced the problems of the period, the problem currently is the reaction to that voicing and subsequent BS.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: "DunnoBro"IA's video is just outdated, but it isn't a bad or misinformed video, it's just not relevant to the current issues.

Essentially, he voiced the problems of the period, the problem currently is the reaction to that voicing and subsequent BS.

The situation gets much worse and even sickening new piece of info cropped up, in any case I don't look at THOSE threads anymore unless someone asks me "is this you" and that stopped being asked after the first day, nothing more than a dead thread perpetuated by shit posting and finger pointing with nothing getting accomplished. Anyone can throw on a name and pretend to be someone else.

In any case I've been putting the finishing touches on something, two things in mind before truly being done, information spreading and not taking shit consumer practices laying down has always been my aim and it's always annoyed me people would be ok with being treated like a piece of garbage because it's their favorite publisher/dev/etc...


Quote from: "Quattro Bajeena"
Quote from: "DunnoBro"IA's video is just outdated, but it isn't a bad or misinformed video, it's just not relevant to the current issues.

Essentially, he voiced the problems of the period, the problem currently is the reaction to that voicing and subsequent BS.

The situation gets much worse and even sickening new piece of info cropped up, in any case I don't look at THOSE threads anymore unless someone asks me "is this you" and that stopped being asked after the first day, nothing more than a dead thread perpetuated by shit posting and finger pointing with nothing getting accomplished. Anyone can throw on a name and pretend to be someone else.

In any case I've been putting the finishing touches on something, two things in mind before truly being done, information spreading and not taking shit consumer practices laying down has always been my aim and it's always annoyed me people would be ok with being treated like a piece of garbage because it's their favorite publisher/dev/etc...

Nice, can't wait to read it!

My only suggestion is to try and keep it as calm and civil as possible.  No matter how right you are, presenting your facts in an angry manner will most likely give off the wrong message that was intended.  I think it's important to make sure everyone is informed properly, and it would be a shame if people turn away due to your heated passion.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: "56008"

Nice, can't wait to read it!

My only suggestion is to try and keep it as calm and civil as possible.  No matter how right you are, presenting your facts in an angry manner will most likely give off the wrong message that was intended.  I think it's important to make sure everyone is informed properly, and it would be a shame if people turn away due to your heated passion.

you reminded me of this

also learned from an outside source the moderation team doesn't screen cap things, I also heard about what happened between you, spider and simstevens


Quote from: "Quattro Bajeena"

you reminded me of this

also learned from an outside source the moderation team doesn't screen cap things, I also heard about what happened between you, spider and simstevens

Lol, awesome!  That reminds me, the new SRW game is almost out.  Can't wait.

Are you serious about the screen capping?  I can't remember where I read it, but I could've sworn that they said they do.  Not surprised that they're lying at this point though.

And yeah, to be blunt, that whole thing with SIMSteven was bullshit.  He was clearly trying to start things up with me and Spider Bread, Dina was there to clearly see everything taking place in real time, and Spider Bread was the one that got the warning(s).   And I believe SIMSteven got away with it without a single warning.  I emailed moderators and asked about it, but have yet to receive a response to clarify what happened.  Don't want to sound paranoid or a whining victim, but it really feels like she's purposely treating me unfairly.  And as an employee who's being paid to do a proper job of running the forums, it's highly unprofessional.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: "56008"
Quote from: "Quattro Bajeena"

you reminded me of this

also learned from an outside source the moderation team doesn't screen cap things, I also heard about what happened between you, spider and simstevens

Lol, awesome!  That reminds me, the new SRW game is almost out.  Can't wait.

Are you serious about the screen capping?  I can't remember where I read it, but I could've sworn that they said they do.  Not surprised that they're lying at this point though.

And yeah, to be blunt, that whole thing with SIMSteven was bullshit.  He was clearly trying to start things up with me and Spider Bread, Dina was there to clearly see everything taking place in real time, and Spider Bread was the one that got the warning(s).   And I believe SIMSteven got away with it without a single warning.  I emailed moderators and asked about it, but have yet to receive a response to clarify what happened.  Don't want to sound paranoid or a whining victim, but it really feels like she's purposely treating me unfairly.  And as an employee who's being paid to do a proper job of running the forums, it's highly unprofessional.
I've dealt with this mindset before on another site and that's what pisses me off, the difference between Dina and my other encounter is PAID to watch the forums, the other person wasn't, and surprise, surprise the same thing happened, people who weren't all that liked were targeted, and either banned or run off the site, leaving only a really bad circle jerk.

Anyways the project I'm working on is almost done, only had a minor role in all this mind you, just shunting and distributing information. Support roles are something I've always excelled at.
Also I pre-ordered Z3, been replaying Alpha Gaiden, fucked up too many times won't be unlocking Hi-Nu Gundam in this play through either


Quote from: "Quattro Bajeena"I've dealt with this mindset before on another site and that's what pisses me off, the difference between Dina and my other encounter is PAID to watch the forums, the other person wasn't, and surprise, surprise the same thing happened, people who weren't all that liked were targeted, and either banned or run off the site, leaving only a really bad circle jerk.

Anyways the project I'm working on is almost done, only had a minor role in all this mind you, just shunting and distributing information. Support roles are something I've always excelled at.
Also I pre-ordered Z3, been replaying Alpha Gaiden, fucked up too many times won't be unlocking Hi-Nu Gundam in this play through either

Yeah, being PAID to do what she's doing is one of the major things that bothers me the most.  If it was a volunteer position, I would like to believe that I would be able to tolerate it a bit better.  Regardless though, I would think that a person in such a position would act in a better and fairer way in order to properly represent the company in a positive manner.  Because not only do I feel it unfair how Dina is singling me out, but that comcept is letting it happen.

I think I should really start working on my little "project" as well.  Like I said, it isn't earth shattering and I'm sure some will find it me blowing things out of proportion but I feel that if I can reach a few people and let them know how "crazy" the forums really are, then it's worth doing.

Ah, that reminds me that I should preorder my copy.  Do you find Alpha Gaiden difficult as people claim it to be?  I remember beating it, and even though the bosses were annoying to beat, I didn't find it as hard as people say it is.


56008, I just want to let you know that we have a backer's only subforum here at MN9U. PM MechaGS and he will tell you how to get in.