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MN9 Banned Members Camp

Started by mightyno67277p, December 27, 2013, 06:55:59 AM

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Well my name and avatar on here may throw her off. I took great care in hiding my true identity.

I've stated to Raiiban that I'd like information regarding my ban. He then relayed that information to Dina and she responded stating that unless I email them directly stating that I want my information to be made public in regards to my ban, that information will remain private. I have emailed them, now 3 times, asking for information/screencaps. I've posted in the KS comments referencing this as well. I've received no responses.

Since my supposed infractions came from the posts I made on the forums, I have absolutely no problems with that information being made public. I stand behind everything I've posted. People have already seen them so pointing out which ones caused my ban should not matter. It was stated by her that they were infractions that accrued "over the holidays". If my goodbye thread was the reason for my ban then I would like clarification. There was no official "warning" just a simple mod edit stating "Please refrain from insulting fellow members" and a paragraph of my post was removed and replaced with EDITED and I re-posted it without referencing anyone in particular. As far as I know that post is still there.

So, to reiterate my statement. This is Spider Bread and I have no problems with the information relating to my ban being made public provided that they are due to forum-related posts. Which I'm sure they would have to be since I was banned from them for something that I posted on them.



I need the emails. PM if you want me to edit them, and keep you safe.


Hello, you may not know me as I am not a backer but I have been following this incident very closely and I just wanted to say you people didn't deserve the way you were treated. I hope the best things for all of you and hope this matter gets resolved sometime in the near future.


Hi Jinpachiro. My friend welcomes you here, but please keeps this safe, for all of us. Take some time to read the rules, and get acquainted with it well:">viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2

Anything else, you know how to contact us. We also do IRC. My other friend is on it right now.


Of course, I will try my best not to do anything detrimental to this community or it's members. Thank you for having me.

Edit:Forgot to ask where is this irc of yours located? I am interested.


PM'ed you details. It should be blatant, like H?O


I almost forgot to check up on this place.

Anyway, I'm ok with anyone left at the Mighty No. 9 forums to request full information regarding my ban, issued on December 20, 2013, and to use this post as proof I'm sure the moderation there wants. That is, in the event that the email I sent them isn't enough, which based on Spider Bread's information, will not be.


I suggested they to post information about the banned backers in the official forum. Like Riot when they ban a pro player:


Quote from: mightyno67277p@NotSpiderBread

I need the emails. PM if you want me to edit them, and keep you safe.

I sent you a PM of the screenshot I sent Raiiban. I've removed my email from the listing but I'm sure that won't be a problem for proof since she can go into the Comcept inbox and find the correlating messages. I left the CCs on there for more evidence. They are all DDM staff member emails. I'm not sure if all of them are right, I know for a fact at least one is since I received emails from him about refunds.


Just drop in here to give you an update on the ban. I think SexyBurritoBoi just got the hammer. And his avatar was removed as well.


Quote from: TheCloudyEyeJust drop in here to give you an update on the ban. I think SexyBurritoBoi just got the hammer. And his avatar was removed as well.

<a href='
' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>

The staff removed his avatar? Man, this only get worse...


This is horrible, they had no right to remove his avatar even if he's banned. It wasn't breaking any rules...


Quote from: TheRavenThis is horrible, they had no right to remove his avatar even if he's banned. It wasn't breaking any rules...

Probably due to the new, updated guidelines:

Reproduction, duplication, amendment, addition, changing or secondary use of the content of this forum

And that leads in to the explanation:

?Treatment of Prohibited Items

Please understand that violation of any prohibited item may lead to deletion of the corresponding article without prior notice, temporary or permanent suspension of your forum account, or other corrective measures.

Not really saying its justified or right, just figuring that's what Comcept used to "explain why".


Quote from: MegaMasterX
Quote from: TheRavenThis is horrible, they had no right to remove his avatar even if he's banned. It wasn't breaking any rules...

Probably due to the new, updated guidelines:

Reproduction, duplication, amendment, addition, changing or secondary use of the content of this forum

And that leads in to the explanation:

?Treatment of Prohibited Items

Please understand that violation of any prohibited item may lead to deletion of the corresponding article without prior notice, temporary or permanent suspension of your forum account, or other corrective measures.

Not really saying its justified or right, just figuring that's what Comcept used to "explain why".

Her avatar was also posted on her tumblr, her kickstarter introduction post and on the MN9's site. Using this rule would be bullshit.

That aside, just created an account here after hearing about it. Nice to see Forte, Spiderbread and some other banned faces here. Hope you guys can get your info on what banned you, because right now the whole situation is hard to believe.

Also, it's nice to see that fans can create a forum with way more functionality than the official one that was made by "paid qualified individuals", congratulations for the people responsible for MN9Universe.


Hope you guys don't mind me chiming in here since I'm not banned on the MN9 forums, but I am happy to act as a go between like I tried last night with spider. Dina does seem to respond to my messages for some reason and hasn't had reason enough to ban me yet somehow, despite her tone making it clear that I'm not on her favored users list.