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MN9 Banned Members Camp

Started by mightyno67277p, December 27, 2013, 06:55:59 AM

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Quote from: MattWait, you too? It's kind of depressing that I have to hear about it over here, instead of the forum it happened.

Wait, you got banned too?!

Quote from: Swan Dive56008- You were banned for posting that clapping gif?!


Basically Spider Bread made a comment/voiced his concern that a good amount of posts were being deleted in a particular thread we were posting in.  I responded with: Welcome to the "community" with said gif.  Now I admit that my post was kind of meant to bait the mods, but not actually in an insulting or confrontational way.  I actually wanted to give them a chance to tell us what was happening and perhaps converse with us in a more friendlier manner.  Instead, both our posts were simply deleted.

I then posted again saying something along the lines of:

Seriously?  We make a post regarding the numerous amount of posts being deleted and that it making us feel "unsafe", and you deleting our post?

I would later get a warning for "Repeated submission of content unrelated to the theme of a thread or topic, obstructing communication" and "eventually" banned for 15 days.  I say "eventually" since I'm pretty darn sure it took only minutes for my post to get deleted and for me to get banned, which is odd since the rules states that the mods need to have a discussion prior to banning people.  But hey, maybe I was unlucky and they all happened to be chatting to one another at the time or something!


Quote from: TrueMightyNo9fan@Swan Dive

Quote from: Swan Dive56008- You were banned for posting that clapping gif?!

Quote from: 56008At least with one of the warnings (or was it "strike"?), I was not able to get full details on why it was counted towards me simply because they did not record and file the incident properly.

There was also the warning I got for answering the bait from Heat Man and imitating SIMSteven, which I don't think neither SIMSteven or Heat Man got any warnings for it (which kinda proved my point of the unfair moderation of the board)

And I also pointed out that some of my infractions were actually strikes, not warnings.  As you may or may not know in the prior Expanded Forum Guidelines, strikes and warnings were 2 separate infractions and mods were not meant to combine them to make the total "3 strike" count.  So meaning you had to get 3 strikes to get banned, not 2 strikes and a warning.  Having multiple warnings can also lead to bans...but it was never clear how many.  At any rate, they would later scrap the "strike" category, probably because I pointed out how confusing it was, and everything just became warnings.  HOWEVER, they did fail to mention that any strikes we accumulated would become warnings and thus would count towards my "3 strike", "3 warning" count.
[/url] <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=9&t=574&start=60#p5137</a><!-- l -->

Discussion  about bans should be done here although. I posted my comments about it on the <a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>Re: Discussion with BSO Split from \"How are you currently fe</a> thread.

And yeah, there's that too.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: 56008
Quote from: TrueMightyNo9fan@Swan Dive

Quote from: Swan Dive56008- You were banned for posting that clapping gif?!

Quote from: 56008At least with one of the warnings (or was it "strike"?), I was not able to get full details on why it was counted towards me simply because they did not record and file the incident properly.

There was also the warning I got for answering the bait from Heat Man and imitating SIMSteven, which I don't think neither SIMSteven or Heat Man got any warnings for it (which kinda proved my point of the unfair moderation of the board)

And I also pointed out that some of my infractions were actually strikes, not warnings.  As you may or may not know in the prior Expanded Forum Guidelines, strikes and warnings were 2 separate infractions and mods were not meant to combine them to make the total "3 strike" count.  So meaning you had to get 3 strikes to get banned, not 2 strikes and a warning.  Having multiple warnings can also lead to bans...but it was never clear how many.  At any rate, they would later scrap the "strike" category, probably because I pointed out how confusing it was, and everything just became warnings.  HOWEVER, they did fail to mention that any strikes we accumulated would become warnings and thus would count towards my "3 strike", "3 warning" count.
[/url] <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=9&t=574&start=60#p5137</a><!-- l -->

Discussion  about bans should be done here although. I posted my comments about it on the <a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>Re: Discussion with BSO Split from \"How are you currently fe</a> thread.

And yeah, there's that too.
remember we have that oh so lovely rule that lets the mods give you a strike for basically anything


Quote from: 56008
Quote from: MattWait, you too? It's kind of depressing that I have to hear about it over here, instead of the forum it happened.

Wait, you got banned too?!

Nah, I was refering to Quattro. I hadn't been here for a while, and there's nothing to indicate someone was banned short of checking their profile on the official forums. I was somewhat surprised to learn of the bans when I came here. The whole rule about no "public shaming" seems to be an excuse to not let people know what's going on and quietly remove "undesireables". Can't say I approve of this policy.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: MattNah, I was refering to Quattro. I hadn't been here for a while, and there's nothing to indicate someone was banned short of checking their profile on the official forums. I was somewhat surprised to learn of the bans when I came here. The whole rule about no "public shaming" seems to be an excuse to not let people know what's going on and quietly remove "undesireables". Can't say I approve of this policy.

It's not public shaming when its someone the mods don't like


Can we just discuss the creeper that is Koubek Tercel for a sec: ... 31&page=66

Say like, I've never been so scared of European selfies in my life!!


Quote from: MussackaCan we just discuss the creeper that is Koubek Tercel for a sec:

<!-- m --><a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'> ... 31&page=66</a><!-- m -->

Say like, I've never been so scared of European selfies in my life!!

Ummm, what?!

Anywho my ban should be lifted on the 25th, so looking forward to see how "active" the forums have been while I've been away.  Am I to assume that the rumors are true and that it's pretty dead over there?  Actually, all I'm interested in seeing is if they'll actually lift the ban in a timely and professional manner, instead of me having to remind them the day after or something.

Quattro, how long were you banned for?


Quote from: 56008Am I to assume that the rumors are true and that it's pretty dead over there?
Moot. No real new content.

There's a filtered interview. But meh.


Quote from: 56008
Quote from: MussackaCan we just discuss the creeper that is Koubek Tercel for a sec:

<!-- m --><a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'> ... 31&page=66</a><!-- m -->

Say like, I've never been so scared of European selfies in my life!!

Ummm, what?!
That idiot who wears womens clothes!!


Quote from: TrueMightyNo9fan
Quote from: 56008Am I to assume that the rumors are true and that it's pretty dead over there?
Moot. No real new content.

There's a filtered interview. But meh.

I figured as much.  I could make jab at the mods that their moderating ruined the community activity, but a lack of content to talk about would do the trick as well.

Quote from: Mussacka
Quote from: 56008
Quote from: MussackaCan we just discuss the creeper that is Koubek Tercel for a sec:

<!-- m --><a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'> ... 31&page=66</a><!-- m -->

Say like, I've never been so scared of European selfies in my life!!

Ummm, what?!
That idiot who wears womens clothes!!

Huh, only bothered to look at the first few pics really so didn't catch that part!  Very odd indeed but there's nothing really wrong with that...I guess.  I'm not sure why he posted it on the forums though.


Quote from: 56008Anywho my ban should be lifted on the 25th, so looking forward to see how "active" the forums have been while I've been away.  Am I to assume that the rumors are true and that it's pretty dead over there?  Actually, all I'm interested in seeing is if they'll actually lift the ban in a timely and professional manner, instead of me having to remind them the day after or something.

It's pretty dead, from what I can see. MWO probably has more players than the MN9 forum has posters.

My ban was lifted on the day that it was supposed to be lifted, but they took a while to do it.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: 56008Say like, I've never been so scared of European selfies in my life!!

Ummm, what?!

Anywho my ban should be lifted on the 25th, so looking forward to see how "active" the forums have been while I've been away.  Am I to assume that the rumors are true and that it's pretty dead over there?  Actually, all I'm interested in seeing is if they'll actually lift the ban in a timely and professional manner, instead of me having to remind them the day after or something.

Quattro, how long were you banned for?[/quote]

Sorry I would have no inkling of the length, outside the two "strikes" I haven't heard a thing from them, which shows they're afraid and know I'll drag any pathetic reasoning that they had for banning me into the open further showing their poor business choices, this isn't a fight  to be a hero, it's to not take unethical business practices lying down.

I've got some real world stuff I've had to attend to as well as two project pertaining to the whole issue concerning MN9.


Quote from: Quattro BajeenaSorry I would have no inkling of the length, outside the two "strikes" I haven't heard a thing from them, which shows they're afraid and know I'll drag any pathetic reasoning that they had for banning me into the open further showing their poor business choices, this isn't a fight  to be a hero, it's to not take unethical business practices lying down.

I've got some real world stuff I've had to attend to as well as two project pertaining to the whole issue concerning MN9.

....Are you serious?

I can at least understand and somewhat tolerate the inconsistencies of the moderating on the board, due to the rules still be rather vague and also adding the human element into the mix.  And the both of us now know that they are unable to properly identify all of our infractions.  But you're telling me that they also didn't properly inform you of your ban, essentially blocking you from the forum that you technically should have access?!  Unbelievable.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: 56008
Quote from: Quattro BajeenaSorry I would have no inkling of the length, outside the two "strikes" I haven't heard a thing from them, which shows they're afraid and know I'll drag any pathetic reasoning that they had for banning me into the open further showing their poor business choices, this isn't a fight  to be a hero, it's to not take unethical business practices lying down.

I've got some real world stuff I've had to attend to as well as two project pertaining to the whole issue concerning MN9.

....Are you serious?

I can at least understand and somewhat tolerate the inconsistencies of the moderating on the board, due to the rules still be rather vague and also adding the human element into the mix.  And the both of us now know that they are unable to properly identify all of our infractions.  But you're telling me that they also didn't properly inform you of your ban, essentially blocking you from the forum that you technically should have access?!  Unbelievable.
Yep, the only reason I would know I'm banned to begin with is someone screen capped burrito's thread that was to be an ongoing inception joke, harmless fun mind you, in the thread Dina posted having changed the thread's name because I "had my forum access privilege revoked" I'm pretty sure it's still up, her post, I've just been spreading the news about everything to whoever is willing to listen,no point and trying to defeat the SJWs like so many think we've been trying to do, the goal is to inform and enlighten people about the bullshit going down, just correcting them and giving facts and citing sources.


Quote from: Quattro BajeenaYep, the only reason I would know I'm banned to begin with is someone screen capped burrito's thread that was to be an ongoing inception joke, harmless fun mind you, in the thread Dina posted having changed the thread's name because I "had my forum access privilege revoked" I'm pretty sure it's still up, her post, I've just been spreading the news about everything to whoever is willing to listen,no point and trying to defeat the SJWs like so many think we've been trying to do, the goal is to inform and enlighten people about the bullshit going down, just correcting them and giving facts and citing sources.

I don't recall if it's the same thread, but I do recall seeing Dina posting about your ban.  And I am not saying this to simply knock on Dina, but I found to be rather unprofessional and I believe breaks the rules.

As for "spreading the news", I'm actually thinking of doing the same soon regarding the issue I have with her.  I'm sure some of you saw her post directed at me which basically was threatening me with strikes if I were to continue the discussion, and I've sent several emails regarding the incident and the concerns I've had regarding it.  At the very least, I wanted a simple acknowledgement and perhaps an apology regarding the unprofessionalism, but all I got were unsatisfactory excuses from BSO (and perhaps Damo).  So, I'm thinking of just spreading the screenshots around to show how unprofessional all the companies involved are and how they treat their backers.  We'll see...